2013-08-20: Welcome;
2013-08-20: Found on The Prime Interest;
2013-08-21: Not Too Big to Jail;
2013-08-22: Noam Chomsky;
2013-08-23: What the bankers are doing to Detroit is criminal;
2013-08-23: Kein Knebelgesetz für Afghanistans Frauen;
2013-08-24: Global Progressive Community Reacts to Manning Sentence;
2013-08-25: A Monitored Populace is a Compliant Populace … Until It Isn’t;
2013-08-26: Tokenism;
2013-08-27: Latin America: Class Struggle and Resistance in the Age of Extractive Capitalism;
2013-08-27: in german: Plan B;
2013-08-28: what everyone ought to know about Angola 3 and solitary confinement;
2013-08-29: The Katrina Pain Index 2013: New Orleans Eight Years Later;
2013-08-29: What A Drone Can See From 17,500 feet;
2013-08-30: UK: LabourList readers want MPs to oppose Syria air strikes;
2013-08-31: Raging Grannies …;
2013-09-01: Deutschland wählt;
2013-09-02: The Neoliberalization of Social Democracy;
2013-09-02: das bedingungslose Gundeinkommen;
2013-09-03: Pakistani portraits;
2013-09-04: Dangerous Crossroads: a war on Syria, prelude to a World War III scenario?
2013-09-04: Wieso erhalten wir diese Informationen nicht?
2013-09-05: US military sick and tired of war, have no faith in government;
2013-09-06: How the U.S. Left is Failing Over Syria;
2013-09-07: Making the world safe for banksters: Syria in the crosshairs;
2013-09-07: Volker Pispers;
2013-09-07: G20 Syria divide;
2013-09-08: John Kerry sells a war that Americans aren’t buying;
2013-09-09: Samir Amin reflects on Egypt;
2013-09-10: Left With Nothing;
2013-09-10: nochmals Volker Pispers;
2013-09-10: Syria: chemical weapons;
2013-09-11: It will take 120 years before women make up half of worldleaders;
2013-09-12: The Lucifer Effect;
2013-09-13: 10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control;
2013-09-13: Jean Lassalle;
2013-09-14: The left must ask the right questions;
2013-09-15: Stiglitz and Over 350 Economists Write to Obama Backing Janet Yellen for Fed Chair Over Larry Summers;
2013-09-16: Drones and Gadflies: Framing the Debate on War by Remote Control;
2013-09-17: Putin steps into world leadership role;
2013-09-17: Leiharbeit im deutschen Wahlkampf;
2013-09-18: Neoliberalism, or the Catastrophic Management of Catastrophe;
2013-09-18: Gregor Gysi;
2013-09-19: GMOs: controversy and a new study by EFSA over the next 2years;
2013-09-20: What Greece’s and Mexico’s teachers have in common;
2013-09-21: In an Age of Realists and Vigilantes, there is Cause forOptimism;
2013-09-22: Tales from village-turned-battlefield: Maaloula siegesurvivors talk;
2013-09-23: Women in the Teachers’ Movement: A Lesson in Resistance;
2013-09-24: Winnie Overbeek;
2013-09-25: protecting wild harvests through the white earth landrecovery project WELRP;
2013-09-26: as Women Take to Streets in Dhaka;
2013-09-27: US: Supreme Court is ill-equipped to judge NSA surveillance programs – Scalia;
2013-09-28: The Growing Resistance to the Trans-Pacific Partnership;
2013-09-29: Chemical weapons watchdog approves Syria action.
2013-09-30: From Syria to Iran: The Dynamics of Global Power;
2013-10-01: Mother Agnes Mariam: Exposing the Syrian Chemical Hoax;
2013-10-01: Internationaler Tag der Katze;
2013-10-02: Last Opportunity: ECB and Politicians at Odds Over Stress Tests, Part 1;
2013-10-02: Deutschland nach den Wahlen;
2013-10-03: US: Tiny white elite dominates US political donor landscape – study;
2013-10-04: The formal political process isn’t always the best way to effect social change;
2013-10-05: Internet freedom on decline worldwide as governments tighten grip – report;
2013-10-05: Top 10 des sujets les plus controversés sur Wikipédia;
2013-10-06: Regression and causation: a critical examination of six econometrics textbooks;
2013-10-07: Ocean Acidification Due To Carbon Emissions;
2013-10-08: America needs the NEED Act;
2013-10-09: Boehner prepares to let the US default;
2013-10-10: Artificial Intelligence;
2013-10-11: All superpowers feel exceptional;
2013-10-11: Links on my dashboard;
2013-10-12: Corporate Child Abuse: The Unseen Global Epidemic;
2013-10-13: Google: Doing Evil with ALEC;
2013-10-14: Talk to AlJazeera with Viviane Reding: Data protection is a right;
2013-10-15: China calls for new reserve currency, and new world order;
2013-10-16: a new economy is growing under the radar of the corporate media;
2013-10-17: Commentary: U.S. fiscal failure warrants a de-Americanized world;
2013-10-18: German filmmaker imprisoned for exposing dire Qatar World Cup worker conditions;
2013-10-19: Emerging Challenges: What’s In Store for the New Global Powers, Part 1;
2013-10-20: How the FBI Manipulates Grand Juries to Intimidate Political Dissidents and Radicals;
2013-10-20: This Land is Our Land?
2013-10-21: Patrick Henningsen;
2013-10-22: Economic uncertainty and the effectiveness of monetary policy;
2013-10-23: Let’s Get This Class War Started;
2013-10-24: Reports document US slaughter of civilians in drone strikes;
2013-10-25: Why Washington Can’t Stop;
2013-10-26: US: is there really a majority in favor of marijuana legalization?
2013-10-27: we move forward, in any way;
2013-10-28: Lessons from Iceland: Capitalism, Crisis, and Resistance;
2013-10-29: Albert Einstein Online;
2013-10-30: US Political Dysfunction and Capitalism’s Withdrawal;
2013-10-31: India: Taken Over by Foreign Banks?
2013-11-01: Growing wealth disparities;
2013-11-02: Infra-Theory, the State Effect, and the Technopolitics of Oil;
2013-11-03: Report: State lawmakers enable wage theft, child labor;
2013-11-04: Dirty Money: Will Singapore Clean Up Its Act?
2013-11-05: women concerns;
2013-11-06: Eisenhower’s Drones;
2013-11-07: Swiss may grant unconditional income for all;
2013-11-08: Mass surveillance: 10 key questions for UK intelligence agency chiefs;
2013-11-09: Web of financial secrecy: Britain, satellites dominate tax haven rating;
2013-11-10: local agriculture for and with communities;
2013-11-11: UTOPIA – A film by John Pilger;
2013-11-12: Tide Thefts, Cargo Hijacking and Cattle Rustling;
2013-11-13: BBC Documentary on WikiLeaks, and more;
2013-11-14: The Untold Story of War;
2013-11-15: Eco-localism: A Constructive Critique;
2013-11-16: Public banking in Costa Rica: A remarkable little known model;
2013-11-17: NSA vs Anonymous and The Young Turks;
2013-11-18: Christopher Hedges;
2013-11-19: Egypt: A better start for child’s rights;
2013-11-20: Western firms hawk mass surveillance technology to developing world;
2013-11-21: Unprepared: Government Failings Intensify Haiyan Aid Disaster, Part 1;
2013-11-22: Cyprus University world first to accept bitcoins for tuition;
2013-11-23: The Kennedy Assassination, November 22, 1963: 50 Years Later;
2013-11-24: Articles published on Al-Ahram weekly online, Nov 20, 2013;
2013-11-25: links on my dashboard, in english and in german;
2013-11-26: Interest Free Money – Dept Free Economy;
2013-11-27: 10 Problems with Markets;
2013-11-28: Eric Hobsbawm;
2013-11-29: Land Grab: Foreign Firms Drive Cambodians from Farms;
2013-11-30: Privacy and the Right to Strike in Canada;
2013-12-01: Billions from Beijing: Africans Divided over Chinese Presence, Part 1;
2013-12-02: Iceland thumbs nose at international opposition …;
2013-12-03: The Sirius Film;
2013-12-04: Hope in the Age of Looming Authoritarianism;
2013-12-05: Feeding the Bubble: Is the Next Crash Brewing? Part 1;
2013-12-06: leftists at work;
2013-12-06: Eröffnungskeynote BCM;
2013-12-07: Egypt: Protesting the protest law;
2013-12-08: World Trade Organization WTO salvages historic $1 trillion trade deal;
2013-12-09: The Syrian War in Context;
2013-12-10: Lyon’s Festival of Lights pays tribute to Mandela;
2013-12-11: Cartel Power: Megabanks Gain Ground Despite Fines, Part 1;
2013-12-12: Launching the Socialist Register 2014;
2013-12-13: The Secret History of How Cuba Helped End Apartheid in South Africa;
2013-12-14: The Volcker rule: More questions than answers;
2013-12-15: Egypt: With it or not;
2013-12-16: Are we witnessing an open source finance revolution?
2013-12-17: Silicon Valley’s red-carpet night for scientists;
2013-12-18: Inside America: Louisiana’s profitable prisons;
2013-12-19: An Open Letter to the People of Brazil;
2013-12-20: Canada’s Profitability and Stagnation Puzzle;
2013-12-21: Globalization: The Fast Track To Nowhere;
2013-12-22: Laying the foundation for blatant fascism in the U.S.;
2013-12-23: some music;
2013-12-24: The Fossil Fuel Wars in British Columbia and Canada;
2013-12-25: Victims No Longer: Spain’s Anti-Eviction Movement;
2013-12-26: Aliens, love – where are they?
2013-12-27: a bit of pleasure;
2013-12-28: Pride and Prejudice;
2013-12-29: What’s So Funny About Racism? Germany’s New Minority Comics;
2013-12-30: Together, a new South Africa is possible;
2013-12-31: links on my dashboard;
2013-12-31: Chaos Communication Congress: Hacker aller Länder, vereinigt euch;
2014-01-01: NSA’s Secret Toolbox: Unit Offers Spy Gadgets for Every Need;
2014-01-02: The NSA Can Literally Watch Every Keystroke You Make;
2014-01-03: The pseudo-legal arguments for a police state;
2014-01-04: Chance of a Century: International Investors Flock to Tehran, Part 1;
2014-01-05: The Geopolitical Ecology of Empire’s Ally;
2014-01-06: Western economies: A tale of thieves and tapers;
2014-01-07: Currencies, geopolitics, real estate, finance;
2014-01-08: Has the House of Saud seen its Stalingrad?
2014-01-09: Labor Market: Does Germany Benefit from Balkan Immigrants?
2014-01-10: NSA Insiders Reveal What Went Wrong;
2014-01-11: HOME;
2014-01-11: Les Origines du Sida (about AIDS);
2014-01-12: America’s Black-Ops Blackout;
2014-01-13: South Africa will return land to dispossessed – Zuma;
2014-01-14: Two Transitions in Brazil: Dilemmas of a Neoliberal Democracy;
2014-01-15: Why the Washington Post’s New Ties to the CIA Are So Ominous;
2014-01-15: Freiheit & Überwachung;
2014-01-16: About the pyramids’ construction;
2014-01-17: U.S. Court of Appeals Allows ISP’s to Selectively Block Web Traffic;
2014-01-18: Offshore Banking, Fraud, and the Crisis;
2014-01-18: Neoliberalität: vom Landgrabbing zur Geldschöpfung;
2014-01-18: Russian Officials visit Gitmo;
2014-01-19: Obama’s Executive Order problem;
2014-01-20: Labour’s reforms will ensure new banks flourish;
2014-01-21: Aaron Russo’s Documentary;
2014-01-22: Carl Hart on drugs;
2014-01-23: BBC on WikiLeaks;
2014-01-24: Overheated Financial Planet, World Political Chaos and Shadow Banking;
2014-01-25: Jacque Fresco;
2014-01-26: Links on my Dashboard;
2014-01-27: The Real Causes of the Catastrophic Crisis in Greece and the “Left”;
2014-01-28: Indians Anthology;
2014-01-28: Gregor Gysi;
2014-01-29: The One Percent;
2014-01-30: calme music;
2014-01-30: Tanz auf dem Vulkan;
2014-01-31: Prepared to Die: The Right Wing’s Role in Ukrainian Protests;
2014-02-01: How junk economists help the rich impoverish the working class;
2014-02-02: Eric Hobsbawm;
2014-02-03: Apostasy ban overshadows political debate in Tunisia;
2014-02-03: Zur mehr gerechten Welt;
2014-02-04: greece 3rd bailout;
2014-02-05: Popular Paul Craig Roberts Videos;
2014-02-06: G. Edward Griffin about the FED;
2014-02-07: Speaking Truth to Power: ‘Boat’ reinvents notion of human possibility;
2014-02-08: Spain: Popular Resistance Delivers Results;
2014-02-09: all these links remaning on my Dashbard;
2014-02-10: To challenge global capitalism we must first understand it;
2014-02-11: Ed Miliband: Labour will give parents power to oust headteachers;
2014-02-12: Tony Gosling;
2014-02-13: Do over?
2014-02-14: Moving beyond the corporate vision of sustainability;
2014-02-15: Ursachen der Finanzkrise;
2014-02-15: The side effects of the monetary paradigm;
2014-02-16: Online revolts can stop govt;
2014-02-17: Venezuela: A Complex Psychological War;
2014-02-18: Intercept: An Essential New Site by Greenwald, Scahill, and Company;
2014-02-19: when Old is leaving, the New is coming;
2014-02-20: Alexej von Jawlensky, Gabriele Münter, Wassily Kandinsky;
2014-02-21: The Secret History of Western Education;
2014-02-22: we in our world;
2014-02-23: more medieval music;
2014-02-24: Banks Are Obsolete: The Entire Parasitic Sector Can Be Eliminated;
2014-02-25: CELAC States: a shining example for the whole world;
2014-02-26: The Murky Politics of the $15 Minimum Wage;
2014-02-27: Playing Real-Life Monopoly;
2014-02-28: US Culture of Secrecy & Security Overreach;
2014-03-01: The Geopolitical Dimensions of the Coup in Ukraine: A Struggle for Power and Influence;
2014-03-02: International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance;
2014-03-02: Former NASA Scientist claims conspiracy about Mars photo;
2014-03-03: EURO, von der Union zum Alptraum;
2014-03-03: Inequality;
2014-03-04: A New World Order? Missing in Action, What Happened to War and the Imperial Drive to Organize the Planet?
2014-03-05: Global war on the 99%;
2014-03-06: How can the right be defeated in Venezuela?
2014-03-07: The stone that brings down Goliath?
2014-03-08: The State of Class Struggle in South Africa;
2014-03-09: Egypt: we want to work, they won’t let us;
2014-03-09: En prison pour avoir refusé de polluer;
2014-03-10: « Fed up » day laborers launch anti-deportation drive;
2014-03-11: Target Ukraine: How Foreign Intervention is Tearing the Country Apart;
2014-03-12: China: Press conference on financial reform held for 2nd session of 12th NPC;
2014-03-13: Yatsenyuk Comes to Washington;
2014-03-14: Ukraine Between ‘Popular Uprising for Democracy’ (Canadian Government) and ‘Fascist Putsch’ (Russian Government);
2014-03-15: Why I Didn’t Make it to Gaza for International Women’s Day;
2014-03-16: White House withholding documents from CIA torture probe;
2014-03-17: The Decalogue of a Neoliberal Economist;
2014-03-18: music for the living being;
2014-03-19: The regretable closure of the Independent Living Fund ILF;
2014-03-20: le miracle de fatima – Pinon-Seval;
2014-03-21: Westward March of Chinese Dragon in Eurasia;
2014-03-22: Searching for Justice: An SS Soldier and the Massacre in Oradour-sur-Glane – Part 1;
2014-03-23: Crimea: Putin’s Triumph, Now the Confrontation Moves East to “New Russia”;
2014-03-24: Defeating Fascism before It’s too Late;
2014-03-25: Crimea and Punishment;
2014-03-26: Let’s make money;
2014-03-27: Regime Change in Ukraine and the IMF’s Bitter Economic Medicine;
2014-03-28: German Industry Goes To See Uncle Putin;
2014-03-29: Hamid’s Shadow: Karzai Confidant Takes Aim at Afghan Presidency;
2014-03-30: Collective Industrial Relations;
2014-03-31: German magazine Die Zeit calls for reintroduction of compulsory military service;
2014-04-01: Italy: State Fat Cats’ Bonus Bonanza;
2014-04-02: Pushing toward the final war;
2014-04-03: March 2014: the Crimean crisis on YouTube – and some german-European voices;
2014-04-04: Reformist Economics;
2014-04-05: The Algerian presidential elections: The burlesque, the tragicomic and the farcical;
2014-04-06: deutsche Polit-Comedy im März 2014;
2014-04-06: Egypt: Uncertain futures;
2014-04-07: Republicans Introduce Koch-Funded, Monsanto-Backed Bill to Establish Voluntary GMO Food Labeling;
2014-04-08: The End of Capitalism;
2014-04-09: Egypt: What vision for the future will El-Sisi bring?
2014-04-10: NATO Members Conduct False Flag Terror In Attempt to Whip Up War;
2014-04-11: Solidarity Economics, a Forgotten Practice of the Black Radical Tradition;
2014-04-12: War and the Demise of the US Dollar?
2014-04-13: Kenya: Somalis trapped in ‘catch-22’ amid crackdown on refugees;
2014-04-14: Irresistible: Espionage, Dissent, and NGOs;
2014-04-15: The Global Banking Game Is Rigged, and the FDIC Is Suing;
2014-04-16: Three Expensive Milliseconds;
2014-04-17: G. William Domhoff;
2014-04-18: Karunesh;
2014-04-19: Class Based Economics;
2014-04-20: US drone pilots are stressed and demoralized – official report;
2014-04-21: Capital: Piketty and such;
2014-04-22: Crimes against Peace: Historic Class Action Law Suit against George W. Bush;
2014-04-23: Europe dragged into a division of the world between debtors and creditors;
2014-04-24: This Is How Empires Collapse;
2014-04-26: QE Is A Fraud Perpetrated By Made Men;
2014-04-27: Municipal elections in France: Historic failure for Social-Democratic Left;
2014-04-28: Euro-Crisis Hits France and Rise of the Far Right;
2014-04-29: Global Society Destruction and The Ukraine Crisis: Decoding its Deep Structural Meaning;
2014-04-30: US came to Afghanistan with TV & cash – they won’t let us go;
2014-05-01: World Food & Water: How Agribusiness Keeps Us « Betting on Famine »;
2014-05-02: Little Love for Sanctions: Ukraine Crisis A Tightrope Walk for German Businesses;
2014-05-03: Secretive Airborne Police Surveillance in California;
2014-05-04: Walk off the Earth;
2014-05-05: Deride and Conquer: Dismantling the USPS (United States postal system);
2014-05-06: Africa’s number one economy, for wealth evaporation;
2014-05-07: Latin American nations under assault in massive Obama campaign of aggression;
2014-05-07: Gabriele Krone-Schmalz;
2014-05-08: The Affordable Care Act: The Human Rights Violation for Liberals;
2014-05-09: ‘Walking While Woman’ and the Fight to Stop Violent Policing of Gender Identity – Report;
2014-05-10: India: Modi’s BJP a ‘grave danger’ to women and minorities;
2014-05-11: Russia: The Russians are coming … again … and they’re still ten feet tall;
2014-05-12: Egypt: Legitimising the poll;
2014-05-13: Kiev – Putin – Rebel’s POLL – Western Medias and Sanctions;
2014-05-14: On the Meaning of Restoring Indigenous Self-Determination;
2014-05-15: UN-marked strike helicopter ‘used by Kiev against militia’ sparks scandal;
2014-05-15: Ukraine: Update;
2014-05-16: How the International Monetary Conference Helped Fuel the 1980s Debt Crisis;
2014-05-17: Top Catholic Bishop Says Church Should Consider Accepting Gays;
2014-05-18: Egypt: Ambiguous economic map;
2014-05-19: Thousands across Europe rally against EU policies;
2014-05-20: Net Neutrality: So … Now What?
2014-05-21: Are Public Banks Unconstitutional? No. Are Private Banks? Maybe;
2014-05-22: Japan Fukushima operator starts diverting groundwater to sea;
2014-05-23: Self-Determination as Anti-Extractivism: How Indigenous Resistance Challenges IR;
2014-05-24: US: Why Medicare pays so much for psychiatric drugs;
2014-05-25: WikiLeaks statement on the mass recording of Afghan telephone calls by the NSA;
2014-05-26: Institutionalized Education: A Quasi-Anarchist’s Perspective;
2014-05-27: The New “Water Barons”: Wall Street Mega-Banks are Buying up the World’s Water;
2014-05-28: Interview with Alex Pentland: Can We Use Big Data to Make Society Better? – part 1;
2014-05-29: Europe and Ukraine: A tale of two elections;
2014-05-30: The Gates Foundation in India: A Primer;
2014-05-31: Poverty in Europe;
2014-06-01: What is our crime? Saudi princesses denied food for over 60 days;
2014-06-02: the American Majority and its deadly chronic decease called apathy;
2014-06-03: DirenKazova: the Turkish factory under workers’ control;
2014-06-04: When Fat Cats Meet in Munich: Welcoming the International Monetary Confernce;
2014-06-05: Infrastructure sticker shock: Financing costs more than building it;
2014-06-06: Rules from the Shadows;
2014-06-07: Immigration to Germy: Better Qualified than the Domestic Population;
2014-06-08: Democracy’s Crisis in 10 points;
2014-06-09: Grand Geopolitical Project: Russia’s Gazprom signs Agreement to Abandon the Dollar;
2014-06-10: Why Ukraine’s Civil War Is of Global Historical Importance;
2014-06-11: Thought better of it: NSA can get rid of evidence, judge says;
2014-06-12: Reality Asserts Itself;
2014-06-13: World War II: The Unknown War;
2014-06-14: On Russia, De-dollarization, Psychopaths, Monsanto GMO and more;
2014-06-15: Trafficked into slavery on Thai trawlers to catch food for prawns;
2014-06-16: Seattle’s $15 Minimum Wage Origins;
2014-06-17: An Ex-Banker and Occupier walk into a Jail, guess which one’s serving Time?
2014-06-18: Ukraine;
2014-06-19: Miracle Crop: India’s Quest to End World Hunger – part 1;
2014-06-20: We need a new vision that is worthy of our people and our past;
2014-06-21: A question of (academic) degrees;
2014-06-22: Buying up the Planet;
2014-06-23: German militarism and the US debacle in Iraq;
2014-06-24: The warfare state of capital;
2014-06-25: Kiev nationalists clash with police outside Orthodox monastery;
2014-06-26: The Soaring Profits of the Military-Industrial Complex, The Soaring Costs of Military Casualties;
2014-06-27: Can Putin’s diplomacy prevail over Washington’s coercion?
2014-06-28: China plans investment bank to break World Bank dominance;
2014-06-29: United States Supreme Court gives anti-abortionists license to harass women outside clinics;
2014-06-30: A conversation with GAR ALPEROVITZ about the Cooperative Economy;
2014-07-01: The “European Gendarmerie Force” Project: EU Creates Legal Framwork For “Military Use” against its Citizens;
2014-07-02: Worker-owner Cooperatives Taking Root in the US;
2014-07-03: Michael Hudson: EU Association Agreement with Ukraine Is a Gift to Kleptocrats;
2014-07-04: This is why the profit motive has no place in our public;
2014-07-05: Just published: the scientific answer of the ECB to the crisis;
2014-07-06: US-Europe-Russia: Gas, Banks, NSA …;
2014-07-07: Working Class? … what working class?
2014-07-08: Today’s ‘Righteous’ Defenders of Refugees in Germany;
2014-07-09: Mortgage Debt and the Looming Foreclosure Crisis;
2014-07-10: India government must value migrant workers;
2014-07-11: the Commons as a fount of hope;
2014-07-12: The higher morality of reproductive choice;
2014-07-13: Re-thinking the Definition of Public Goods;
2014-07-14: Egypt: Not an easy scenario;
2014-07-15: Snowden files: Manipulating polls, netting from LinkedIn and YouTube in GCHQ’s bag of tricks;
2014-07-16: Child soldiers are the worst, they have no plans and don’t know about death;
2014-07-17: The Real Purpose Of The IMF;
2014-07-18: BRICS give a lead, but … ;
2014-07-19: Stockholm Court Upholds Arrest Warrant for WikiLeaks Founder Assange;
2014-07-20: The Working Class and Left Politics: Back on the American Radar;
2014-07-21: … rich, richer … poor, poorer …;
2014-07-22: More Challenges to “More ‘Free Trade’ is Always Better” Orthodoxy;
2014-07-23: Refusing to share: How the West created BRICS New Development Bank;
2014-07-24: Norway’s quiet revolution;
2014-07-25: The end of Israel;
2014-07-26: Contradictions of the Ruling Class in Ukraine;
2014-07-27: The GMO debate: What to consider;
2014-07-28: Mobilizing Temporary Migrant Workers;
2014-07-29: Eastern Ukraine;
2014-07-30: You can’t taper a Ponzi scheme: Time to reboot;
2014-07-31: think it is war … and nobody is going there …;
2014-08-01: Worker’s alternatives;
2014-08-02: global de-dollarization – World Bank whistleblower – money laundering;
2014-08-03: The Orange Social Design Award: help us make our cities more liveable;
2014-08-04: Human trafficking is rampant in Canada;
2014-08-05: Ukraine … questions and non-answers;
2014-08-06: 50 US experts head to West Africa to contain outbreak of Ebola;
2014-08-07: Sick of this market-driven world? You should be;
2014-08-08: Why National Security Has Nothing to Do With Security;
2014-08-09: Pushing LBJ Into War: Robert S. McNamara and the Real Tonkin Gulf Deception;
2014-08-10: Gluttons of Information: The Metadata Confusion in Oz;
2014-08-11: A Financial Casino Would Be a Step Up From What We Have;
2014-08-12: Nanoelectronics meets biology: From new tools to electronic therapeutics;
2014-08-13: The responsibility for ISIS doesn’t lie with the West;
2014-08-14: Cry for Argentina: Fiscal Mismanagement, Odious Debt or Pillage?
2014-08-15: One Nation Under SWAT;
2014-08-16: What White People Can Do About the Killing of Black Men in America;
2014-08-17: Obama, Zuma and the Washington-Pretoria-Tel Aviv Relay;
2014-08-18: key-search: alternative development projects;
2014-08-19: What Do the World Bank and IMF Have to Do With the Ukraine Conflict?
2014-08-20: COMMENT: The second assassination of Mike Brown;
2014-08-21: The Islamic State;
2014-08-22: POVERTY;
2014-08-23: AGROFORESTRY;
2014-08-24: German NGO says TTIP will undermine global food security;
2014-08-25: Bank of America to Pay $16.65 Billion to Settle Mortgage Fraud Charges;
2014-08-26: Monetary policy in the US and EU after quantitative easing;
2014-08-27: GEOPOLITICS;
2014-08-28: Dozens of police departments suspended for losing US military-grade weaponry;
2014-08-29: We-commerce: The sharing economy’s uncertain path to changing the world;
2014-08-30: Ukraine and Russia: War, not Peace;
2014-08-31: Gabriel Kolko’s Unfinished Revolution;
2014-09-01: The U.S. Still Decides the Future of Capitalism, Not the G20, and Not the BRICS Nations;
2014-09-02: Organized Labor in America Today;
2014-09-03: Female fighters of the PKK may be the Islamic State’s worst nightmare;
2014-09-04: Interview with Rosneft President Igor Sechin: Russia Didn’t Initiate the Ukraine Crisis, part 1;
2014-09-05: France and Friends: Merkel Increasingly Isolated on Austerity;
2014-09-06: Real Democracy and the Capture of Institutions;
2014-09-07: Islamic rights;
2014-09-08: The Making of Global Capitalism;
2014-09-09: Global War;
2014-09-10: Finance and Social Justice;
2014-09-11: Kashmir’s epic floods link India and Pakistan in disaster;
2014-09-12: Asylum, Migration and Integration: African passage to Europe, two brothers, two paths, two struggles;
2014-09-13: 6 Innovative Ways We’re Reinventing Birth Control;
2014-09-14: Film: Song From the Forest;
2014-09-15: Moves to contain water fears;
2014-09-16: Q. and A.: Yong Zhao on Education and Authoritarianism in China;
2014-09-17: a mix of items wanting catch us now;
2014-09-18: Brazil Removed From UN World Hunger Map;
2014-09-19: Haiti: A Movement of Solidarity to End the UN’s Illegal Occupation;
2014-09-20: Predator: The Secret Origins of the Drone Revolution;
2014-09-21: War, Circus and Injustice Down Under;
2014-09-22: money system – système monétaire – geldsystem;
2014-09-23: Turn Left for Earth;
2014-09-24: Europe’s Original Sin: What Asylum Policy Says about the EU;
2014-09-25: The American Withdrawal from Iraq – the Debate;
2014-09-26: Progressive Struggles against Insidious Capitalist Individualism – Interview with Angela Davis;
2014-09-27: Housing, Fair Wages, Water, Food, Schools — Ya’ Gotta Bomb them First;
2014-09-28: RACE IN AMERICA – The Violence of the Status Quo: Michael Brown, Ferguson and Tanks;
2014-09-29: Interview with Ebola Discoverer Peter Piot: It Is What People Call a Perfect Storm;
2014-09-30: Beyond 2015: Is Another Development Possible?
2014-10-01: Fed Whistleblower Carmen Segarra, Snowden, and the Closing of the Journalistic Mind;
2014-10-02: Links to current concerns;
2014-10-03: Ilargi: Europe Is Crumbling Into Collapse;
2014-10-04: on labour;
2014-10-05: Scotland’s Referendum: Some lessons for Quebec … and Canada;
2014-10-06: SYRIZA Rising: What’s Next For The Movements In Greece?
2014-10-07: Banned TED Talks;
2014-10-08: Big Banks Face Another Round of U.S. Charges;
2014-10-09: Syria: Siege of Kobane / Kobani;
2014-10-10: Freedom vs. Stability: Are Dictators Worse than Anarchy? *;
2014-10-11: Poverty must be challenged;
2014-10-12: a bit of post-capitalism;
2014-10-13: Core Secrets: NSA Saboteurs in China and Germany;
2014-10-14: knowledges – battles – structures – consciousnesses;
2014-10-15: Switzerland bucks EU youth unemployment trend;
2014-10-16: The Ultimatum: Benjamin Fulford;
2014-10-17: US, EU businesses oppose Russia sanctions but can’t say it – Medvedev;
2014-10-18: Cacouna, Couillard and the Ties that Bind;
2014-10-19: Why Did Evo Win?
2014-10-20: a bunch of links;
2014-10-21: 20th and 21st Century Socialism;
2014-10-22: War against ISIS: Kobani known, but what about the rest of Kurdistan?
2014-10-23: about security clearance – the Snowden Reboot;
2014-10-24: US: Ebola hysteria soars to new heights in US schools;
2014-10-25: The Zombie System: How Capitalism Has Gone Off the Rails – part 1/4;
2014-10-26: Cognitive Restructuring: CBT vs ISD;
2014-10-27: The Unattainable Illusion of Meritocracy;
2014-10-28: still on my dashboard;
2014-10-29: Why Do Banks Want Our Deposits?
2014-10-30: Gold and Banks;
2014-10-31: Where have all the Flowers Gone?
2014-11-01: NYPD arrests, brutalizes peace activist McGovern ahead of Petraeus speech;
2014-11-02: ISIS eyes using Ebola as bio weapon – or: what fundamentalist dictatorship is serving;
2014-11-03: Global War and Peace: Insanity’s Quagmire;
2014-11-04: Can Capitalism and Democracy Coexist?
2014-11-05: Monetary Fallacy? Deep Divisions Emerge over ECB Quantitative Easing Plans;
2014-11-06: Ebola quarantines violated in search of food;
2014-11-07: Poverty, World Hunger: Time for a relational approach;
2014-11-08: The “Consultation” in Catalonia: A New Episode in the Political Crisis of Spain;
2014-11-09: Tax avoidance – Luxembourg tax files;
2014-11-10: Rosetta spacecraft to land probe on comet – and make scientific history;
2014-11-11: No more bailouts: BoE chief says banks won’t be save by taxpayers;
2014-11-12: The Fall of the Berlin Wall, 25th Anniversary;
2014-11-13: USA – CHINA – RUSSIA – (and ou politician’s arse licker eu) … quo vadis?
2014-11-14: Taxpayer funds save Congo plantation paying workers $1/day;
2014-11-15: Egypt: Human rights under scrutiny;
2014-11-16: How Is a Prison Like a War?
2014-11-17: Revealed: how coalition has helped rich by hitting poor;
2014-11-18: Putin’s ARD Interview;
2014-11-19: Does it pay for firms to invest in their workers’ wellbeing?
2014-11-20: US: Senate Republicans block landmark NSA surveillance reform bill;
2014-11-21: Class interests as economic theory;
2014-11-22: The Missing Burden of Proof – Russia Invades Ukraine: Again. And Again. And Yet Again;
2014-11-23: Students of Death: Euthanasia Doctors Seek Existential Answers at Auschwitz – part 1;
2014-11-24: Bank of North Dakota outperforms Wall Street;
2014-11-25: German foreign minister speaks out against Ukraine joining NATO;
2014-11-26: Summit of Failure: How the EU Lost Russia over Ukraine – part 1;
2014-11-27: Class Struggles actually on the web;
2014-11-28: Ferguson and the False Promise of Revolution;
2014-11-29: This Is How They Mess with our Minds – Peters Parents;
2014-11-30: The 10th Asia-Europe People’s Forum Call to Action;
2014-12-01: Britain: The fight against war and the political tasks of the Socialist Equality Party;
2014-12-02: The vital lessons we have learned from Ferguson;
2014-12-03: War on Whistleblowers: Berlin Gets Serious in the Search for Moles;
2014-12-04: Opinion: Stop Talking about NATO Membership for Ukraine;
2014-12-05: Eric Garner: WHAT IS THIS PROTEST ABOUT?
2014-12-06: what happens?
2014-12-07: On the Republicans and the 1% – Noam Chomsky;
2014-12-08: War by media and the triumph of propaganda;
2014-12-09: Congress Gives Native American Lands to Foreign Mining Company With New NDAA;
2014-12-10: Prominent Germans urge West to stop sabre rattling toward Russia;
2014-12-11: Generations of Victims: Bhopal’s Unending Catrastrophe – part 1;
2014-12-12: Efficiency no justification for criminal activity – Snowden on CIA torture report;
2014-12-13: today just music;
2014-12-14: Bail-In and the Financial Stability Board: The Global Bankers’ Coup;
2014-12-15: Stripped naked, kept in solitary: Manning tortured like terrorist – Welsh relatives say;
2014-12-16: Reflections – Réflexions – Betrachtungen;
2014-12-17: a bunch of concerns;
2014-12-18: How China’s Eurasia Maneuvers Beat Obama’s Pivot to Asia – Pepe Escobar;
2014-12-19: Fascism and War: Elite Tools to Crush and Kill Dissent;
2014-12-20: about Gender and Education;
2014-12-21: one hour relaxing good music;
2014-12-22: Maintaining the supremacy of the financial oligarchy;
2014-12-23: more music;
2014-12-24: still music;
2014-12-25: still let’s go with music;
2014-12-26: Karunesh;
2014-12-27: KITARO;
2014-12-28: Medieval Camelot;
2014-12-29: Celtic Music;
2014-12-30: Anne Sylvestre;
2014-12-31: les enfoirés;
2015-01-01: Keith Jarrett;
2015-01-02: Pat Metheny;
2015-01-03: Carla Bley;
2015-01-04: 2015: a pivotal year for economic and financial crises and wars?
2015-01-05: Because We Let Them;
2015-01-06: Economy: Free falling ruble – a brilliant Russian ploy;
2015-01-07: On the NYC Police Killings & the Haymarket Massacre;
2015-01-08: The State of American Society as 2015 Begins;
2015-01-08: Charlie Hebdo;
2015-01-09: An Unconditional Citizen’s Income;
2015-01-10: Charlie Hebdo – the survivors;
2015-01-11: Anarchism and Communism in Cuba;
2015-01-12: We Are All … fill in the blank;
2015-01-13: Opps – Paris Attackers Funded by Pentagon Dinner Guest;
2015-01-14: Charlie Hebdo – about the gunmen – Hintergrund;
2015-01-15: Who isn’t Charlie? – some Muslim reactions;
2015-01-16: Greece, Europe and the Neoliberal Nightmare: Is There a Way Out?
2015-01-17: Gorbachev Interview: I Am Truly and Deeply Concerned;
2015-01-17: The whole Charlie Hebdo attack, a false flag?
2015-01-18: The cost to Europe of complying with Washington’s sanctions against Russia has reached the breaking point;
2015-01-18: Sahra Wagenknecht zum Umgang mit Steuergeldern;
2015-01-19: We are fed up: Thousands march against TTIP & GMOs in Berlin (PHOTOS, VIDEO);
2015-01-20: Donetsk shelled as Kiev ‘orders massive fire’ on militia-held E. Ukraine [VIDEOS, PHOTOS];
2015-01-21: Crime and CIA Embarrassments;
2015-01-21: wichtiges auf deutsch;
2015-01-22: Martin Luther King jr.: Why I Am Opposed to The War in Vietnam;
2015-01-22: Krieg-Ukraine, US-Russland, Geld … und Europa?
2015-01-23: Divers Concerns, Election in Greece, Financial Warfare;
2015-01-24: Trojan Hearse: Greek Elections and the Euro Leper Colony;
2015-01-25: Federal Prison Sentence Begins for Anti-Drone Activist;
2015-01-26: a SYRIZA Victory;
2015-01-27: The Greek Election;
2015-01-28: again: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP;
2015-01-29: The elephant in the room;
2015-01-30: Life under fire;
2015-01-31: Russia might bailout Greece – finance minister;
2015-01-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, JANUARY 1 – 31, 2015;
2015-02-01: Merkel’s unintended creation, could Tsipras’ Win upset balance of power in Europe?
2015-02-02: Sick or Psychotic? Bradley Cooper in American Sniper;
2015-02-03: US mulls providing Kiev forces with ‘defensive’ weapons – report;
2015-02-04: Richard D. Wolff about Global Capitalism and European’s Austerity Fight;
2015-02-04: Pegida oder nicht? Charlie oder was? … und was noch?
2015-02-05: Class War Furor;
2015-02-05: aus der Rosa-Luxemburg-Konferenz;
2015-02-06: the lessons that can be drawn from the failure of the Greek 2012 restructuring;
2015-02-07: The Last Days of Annie Bus, a Chronicle of Dutch Euthanasia;
2015-02-08: Democracy in the Digital Era;
2015-02-08: Geld – Gold – globale Gesellschaft;
2015-02-09: Save democracy, Stop the attack on, and expand voting rights;
2015-02-10: 40 world leaders “marching with the people” …;
2015-02-10: What is a Conspiracy Theory? What is the Truth?
2015-02-11: The Grand Manipulation;
2015-02-11: Banking Giant HSBC Sheltered Murky Cash Linked to Dictators and Arms Dealers;
2015-02-12: A ‘basic income system’ could be feasible in Spain;
2015-02-13: Leaking Against the Impossible: Whistleblower John Kiriakou, CIA Torture and Leaking;
2015-02-13: 16-hour Minsk marathon: Vodka for journos, Merkel’s cell died, Lavrov smokes;
2015-02-14: The Rojava Revolution and the Liberation of Kobani;
2015-02-15: Putin set to drop “truth bomb” on USA;
2015-02-16: Cuba: Land of Opportunity;
2015-02-17: Beyond the Market-State, Decentralising Power in a Sharing Society;
2015-02-18: Interview with Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis;
2015-02-19: Guantanamo of the East, Ukraine Locks Up Refugees at EU’s Behest;
2015-02-20: Speaking out on religion, salvation or destruction;
2015-02-21: The Coercion of Greece;
2015-02-22: Transnational Capitalist Class TCC and related articles;
2015-02-23: Videos with Yanis Varoufakis;
2015-02-24: Swimming with the Sharks;
2015-02-25: Tsípras: Scared by His Own Courage;
2015-02-26: 25 Facts About the Pharmaceutical Industry, Vaccines and “Anti-Vaxers”;
2015-02-27: BILD says ‘NEIN’ to Greece bailout extension;
2015-02-28: The chance of an American being killed by terrorists is close to zero;
2015-02-28: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, FEBRUARY 1 – 28, 2015;
2015-03-01: equally related concerns;
2015-03-02: Austerity Kills: Economic Distress Seen as Culprit in Sharp Rise in Suicide Rate Among Middle Aged;
2015-03-03: A Little Myth-Busting – Europe’s Debt, Lies & Myths;
2015-03-04: Greece eyes last central bank funds to avert IMF default;
2015-03-05: all this happens;
2015-03-06: Tomgram: Engelhardt, the Ten Commandments for a Better American World;
2015-03-07: Are Pilots Deserting Washington’s Drone War?
2015-03-08: Victoria Nuland Lied to US Congress about Phantom Russian Hoards in Ukraine;
2015-03-08: Geld – Geld – Geld … ???
2015-03-09: Canada: Basic income could help reduce poverty;
2015-03-10: SYRIZA’s Responsibilities;
2015-03-11: Interview with Thomas Piketty on the Euro Zone;
2015-03-12: Syriza’s Only Choice, A Radical Step Forward;
2015-03-12: once again my evergreen statement;
2015-03-13: EU Increasingly Abandons Obama on Ukraine;
2015-03-13: Hidden Death;
2015-03-14: US – Russia – the others – the Collapse;
2015-03-15: Why Should We Care about Greece?
2015-03-16: Assange on Asylum – Interview;
2015-03-17: Basic income and the anti-slavery movement;
2015-03-18: Unintended Consequences: Obama traces origin of ISIS to Bush-era Iraq invasion;
2015-03-18: an die Anne Will-Diskussionsrunde;
2015-03-19: Negotiations with Greece Close to Breakdown as Budget Strains Worsen;
2015-03-20: Iran’s Nuclear Program – Diplomacy, War, and (In)Security in the Nuclear Age;
2015-03-21: Russian govt approves eastern route for gas supplies to China;
2015-03-22: Bank of Greece solicits donations on website to pay off debt;
2015-03-23: Nazi Extortion – Study Sheds New Light on Forced Greek Loans;
2015-03-24: US military convoy parades through Eastern Europe;
2015-03-25: Toronto’s Plan to Push Out the Homeless;
2015-03-26: But What About the Oil?
2015-03-27: California Water Wars – Another Form of Asset Stripping?
2015-03-28: War threatens Yemen;
2015-03-28: US Laser Test Destroys Germanwings Airliner, Killing 150 Innocent Civilians;
2015-03-29: The Troika’s Leverage Over Greece: The Ongoing Bank Run;
2015-03-29: … und noch dies …; http://live.world-citizenship.org/wp-archive/8474
2015-03-30: Elizabeth Warren Strikes Back as Citigroup Tries to Blackmail the Democratic Party;
2015-03-31: different concerns in our world;
2015-03-31: Basic Income BIG –Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, MARCH 1 – 31, 2015;
2015-04-01: Namibia: Industrialisation and Women’s Liberation;
2015-04-01: Germanwings Flight 4U 9525 – no, it is not a crazy co-pilot;
2015-04-02: Afghanistan’s China Card;
2015-04-02: German Wings Absturz – mehr Besonnenheit bitte;
2015-04-03: EUROPE: 19 economists call on the ECB to make ‘QE for the people’ in a letter to the Financial Times;
2015-04-04: Greece Threatens to Miss IMF Payment, Issue Drachma;
2015-04-05: Islamic State is the cancer of modern capitalism;
2015-04-06: The Persian Paradox – Iran is much more modern than you think;
2015-04-07: Sinead O’Connor;
2015-04-08: still concerning;
2015-04-09: How America Became an Oligarchy;
2015-04-10: BRICS $100bn reserve currency pool to soothe global shocks – Medvedev;
2015-04-11: Prince Charles, Secrecy, and the British Government;
2015-04-12: Caught between the deadly, dead-end alternatives of imperialism & religious fundamentalism;
2015-04-13: Urban Farming;
2015-04-14: Reading Trotsky in Pakistan;
2015-04-15: Günter Grass Obituary: Farewell to Germany’s Towering Literary Figure;
2015-04-16: Yanis Varoufakis and Joseph Stiglitz;
2015-04-17: Mandarin for the Warlords, the Harvard School of Empire Building;
2015-04-18: Joseph Stiglitz on economy and inequality;
2015-04-19: IRELAND: the Dubliners;
2015-04-20: Cubs of the Caliphate;
2015-04-21: Buying Better: The Impossible Challenge of Ethical Shopping – part 1;
2015-04-22: SANTANA;
2015-04-23: Maidan snipers trained in Poland;
2015-04-24: A War Waged From German Soil: US Ramstein Base Key in Drone Attacks;
2015-04-25: links about money and income;
2015-04-26: Music for Brain Power;
2015-04-27: Control World;
2015-04-28: on Education;
2015-04-28: Freie Energie;
2015-04-29: Greece replaces Finance Minister Varoufakis as lead in debt talks;
2015-04-30: Donetsk Separatist Leader: We Are Not Citizens of Ukraine;
2015-04-30: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, APRIL 1 – 30, 2015;
2015-05-01: A Hole in the System;
2015-05-02: Reefs etc;
2015-05-03: BRICS from below: counterpower movements in Brazil, India and South Africa;
2015-05-04: The Message of Anzac: Put Out More Flags, or Shut Up;
2015-05-05: Alexandre Jardin;
2015-05-06: Anugama;
2015-05-08: Money Argent Geld;
2015-05-09: The looming Iraq (economic) disaster;
2015-05-10: Clear-Cutting (in the Valcea region of the Carpathian Mountains) in Romania;
2015-05-11: Driven mad: inside a Libyan detention centre for female migrants;
2015-05-12: Cafe de Mar – YouTube-Mix;
2015-05-13: The White Hats Report – (en & de);
2015-05-14: KITARO;
2015-05-15: The Arab Boat;
2015-05-15: Bemerkungen, Meinungen, Streitereien;
2015-05-16: Five Major Banks to Plead Guilty to Rigging Currency Markets;
2015-05-17: my YouTube Mix …;
2015-05-18: If Too-Big-to-Fail means Too-Big-to-Jail it should mean Too-Big-to-Be;
2015-05-19: Over Reach of the Financial-Military Complex and the New Multi-Polar World Order;
2015-05-20: Winning a Nuclear War?
2015-05-21: The Dysfunctionality of Slavery and Neoliberalism – Michael Perelman;
2015-05-22: The Complete History of Monsanto;
2015-05-23: How UNITE Took on the Fast Food Companies Over Zero Hour Contracts and Won;
2015-05-24: Roger Waters & Pink Floyd and others;
2015-05-25: Deuter and more;
2015-05-26: Battle of humanity, Muslim scholars make desperate call to save Syria’s Palmyra;
2015-05-27: EU dropped pesticide laws due to US pressure over TTIP, documents reveal;
2015-05-28: Polarizing Development, Introducing Alternatives to Neoliberalism and the Crisis;
2015-05-29: Washington’s “Two Track Policy” to Latin America;
2015-05-30: Join the global call for sharing;
2015-05-31: Benefit cap could drop 40,000 children into poverty, leaked memo warns;
2015-05-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, MAY 1 – 31, 2015;
2015-06-01: The Best of Bach;
2015-06-02: The Class Logic behind Austerity Policies in the Euro-Area;
2015-06-03: Egypt: more of the same;
2015-06-04: Early Middle Ages Music;
2015-06-05: Wikileaks releases ‘largest’ trove of docs exposing secret TiSA trade deal;
2015-06-05: Greece misses IMF payment in warning shot as showdown with Europe escalates;
2015-06-06: some of today’s concerns;
2015-06-07: actual concerns;
2015-06-08: Renewed shelling hits residential areas in eastern Ukraine (PHOTOS, 3 VIDEOS);
2015-06-09: Would an unconditional basic income save democracy or breed laziness?
2015-06-10: WEST COAST SWING and more;
2015-06-10: hallo … geht es noch;
2015-06-11: Silk Road;
2015-06-12: What Happened to Those Apocalyptic Predictions About Overpopulation?
2015-06-13: CFPB examines reverse mortgage advertisements;
2015-06-14: Brewing Conflict over Greece – Germany’s Finance Minister Mulls Taking on Merkel;
2015-06-15: When Bankers Collide;
2015-06-15: Fakten zum Putsch in der Ukraine;
2015-06-16: Hildegard von Bingen;
2015-06-17: Ukraine and the Apocalyptic Risk of Propagandized Ignorance;
2015-06-18: Legal Highs, Welcome to the Cannabis Revolution – part 1;
2015-06-19: The Magna Carta – eight hundred years of forgetting;
2015-06-20: Anti-Russian sanctions hurt Europe harder than expected, threaten 2.5 Mio jobs – study;
2015-06-21: today these concerns;
2015-06-22: Cold War Resurgent, US Nukes Could Soon Return to Europe;
2015-06-23: Non-Leftist Left, a Radical Reconfiguration of Southern European Politics;
2015-06-24: Drug Companies Donated Millions to California Lawmakers Prior to Forced Vaccination Bill;
2015-06-25: Migration Crisis, the EU’s Shipwrecked Refugee Plan;
2015-06-26: Only socialism and class struggle can end austerity;
2015-06-27: ISIS is not strong, could be defeated within two days – ex-Israeli PM Ehud Barak;
2015-06-28: US ‘playing with fire’ by extremely provocative moves, not Russia;
2015-06-29: US: Illuminati Wife Tells All;
2015-06-30: US: South Pittsburg preparing for free income tax assistance program;
2015-06-30: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, JUNE 1 – 30, 2015;
2015-07-01: Syriza, the Troika and the ironies;
2015-07-02: Interview: Greek Bailout Saved Bankers, But Punished the People;
2015-07-03: announcing Greece’s referendum on July 5;
2015-07-04: Germany from above – Deutschland von oben;
2015-07-05: A Revolutionary Pope Calls for Rethinking the Outdated Criteria That Rule the World;
2015-07-06: Famous Google Images – Hunderwasser;
2015-07-07: Neither Greater Asia nor Greater Europe: America’s Chaos versus a Silk World Order;
2015-07-08: Greeks Vote NO – a rebuke to EU-imposed austerity;
2015-07-09: America’s Greece, fixing Puerto Rico could provide answers for Europe;
2015-07-10: real post card visions of Europe;
2015-07-11: Is Neoliberalism Finally Running Out of Tricks?
2015-07-12: Nigel Farage is gutted …;
2015-07-13: Vangelis and Irene Papas;
2015-07-14: Challenging Ideologies and Institutions;
2015-07-15: Progressives, Neoliberalism, and Austerity – beyond the Polanyian Impasse;
2015-07-16: USA – Jade Helm 15;
2015-07-17: Understanding the Defeat, Means Preparing a Victory – the Greek Dilemma and Us;
2015-07-18: the bankruptcy of the planet accelerates;
2015-07-19: Greece’s Lesson For Russia;
2015-07-20: the end of capitalism has begun …;
2015-07-21: Rasmin Banedj-Schafii;
2015-07-21: We’re part of this city;
2015-07-22: sharing the One Percent’s fantasmes – not seeing the corruption in it;
2015-07-23: Casualties in the War – New Research Confirms Vaccines Do Have a Dark Side;
2015-07-24: no grounds to keep Russia sanctions in place – French MPs visiting Crimea;
2015-07-24: Medikamenten Nothilfe Griechenland – Spendenaufruf;
2015-07-25: Education – Time for a New Purpose;
2015-07-26: Diary: The Great Unbinding;
2015-07-27: some divings in HD;
2015-07-27: Das Schuldenproblem Griechenland 2015;
2015-07-28: Greece and the European Union;
2015-07-29: Abenomics and Japan’s Narrowing Horizons – Marc Abela;
2015-07-30: Even if we scrap the Human Rights Act, we’ll still be beholden to EU laws – David Cameron;
2015-07-31: YouTube’s Mix for Joan Baez;
2015-07-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, JULY 1 – 31, 2015;
2015-08-01: Global Derivatives – the $ 1.5 Quadrillion Time Bomb;
2015-08-02: India: Government planning to deduct part of subsidies – and hand it over to beneficiaries to boost demand;
2015-08-03: testing the global central bank swap network;
2015-08-04: the growing pains of urban agriculture;
2015-08-05: german Know-Nothings today;
2015-08-06: Accumulation of what?
2015-08-07: Amazing Grace;
2015-08-08: Kitaro;
2015-08-09: EPIC video of sunlit ‘dark side’ of moon crossing over Earth revealed by NASA;
2015-08-10: The Real Cost of Being Poor, reflections from the heartland;
2015-08-11: La Chanson Française;
2015-08-12: Are the World’s Largest Central Banks Independent?
2015-08-13: Unsettling Encounters – Tourists and Refugees Cross Paths in the Mediterranean?
2015-08-14: Andre Rieu;
2015-08-15: A Yemen road trip;
2015-08-16: Spain Gets Bitter Costly Foretaste of its Beloved Trade Pacts;
2015-08-17: The Boundaries and Future of Solution Space – Part 1;
2015-08-18: Ereshkigal, Dis, & Lucifer: Children of Western Civilization & Fundamentalist Christianity;
2015-08-19: some ideas about what is Socialism – part 1;
2015-08-20: Greece: the European Union’s historical betrayal;
2015-08-21: just diving;
2015-08-22: It Starts: Broad Retaliation Against China in Currency War;
2015-08-23: some ideas about what is Socialism – part 2;
2015-08-24: Puerto Rico: an US debt colony hounded by hedge funds;
2015-08-25: Australia: Basic income is a human right;
2015-08-26: From Germany to Greece;
2015-08-27: Spirits of Nature – Enigma, Deep Forest, Vangelis …;
2015-08-28: Mass Migration – what Is driving the Balkan Exodus?
2015-08-29: Lessons from Syriza’s Defeat;
2015-08-30: What lies beneath China’s financial tremors?
2015-08-31: L.E.J … and others;
2015-08-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, AUGUST 1 -31, 2015;
2015-09-01: Economic Destabilization, Financial Meltdown … Shanghai Stock Market?
2015-09-02: Whitewashing the IMF’s Destructive Role in Greece;
2015-09-03: Some ideas about what is Socialism – part 3;
2015-09-04: Michael Parenti;
2015-09-05: last results of our humanity’s behavior;
2015-09-06: Swiss pictures;
2015-09-07: TTIP deal – business lobbyists dominate talks at expense of trade unions and NGOs;
2015-09-08: Antarctica, hollow Earth / hohle Erde, etc;
2015-09-09: some ideas about what is Socialism – part 4;
2015-09-10: Russia ready to accept Syrian refugees;
2015-09-11: Washington’s Financial Currency War on China, the Eclipsing of the US Dollar by the Yuan;
2015-09-12: Culture and Art, World’s Largest Artist Colony Is About To Be Bulldozed;
2015-09-13: Global Capitalism: September 2015 Monthly Update;
2015-09-14: the world with Thomas Piketty;
2015-09-15: The Breaking Point? Germany’s Asylum System Struggles to Cope;
2015-09-16: Half of children have been bullied – survey;
2015-09-17: Overcoming Fabianism in Labour’s Class War of Attrition;
2015-09-18: the european refugee mess – my questions this morning;
2015-09-19: a normal day’s different concerns;
2015-09-20: The Case of Greece;
2015-09-21: Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden;
2015-09-22: Alexis Tsipras’ leftist party comfortably wins Greece election again;
2015-09-23: what this FED means for us;
2015-09-24: how we are ruled;
2015-09-25: Refugees Welcome – Flüchtlinge Willkommen;
2015-09-26: Chine and the new world order;
2015-09-27: From Hashtag to Strategy – The Growing Pains of Black Lives Matter;
2015-09-28: The Continuing Criminal Enterprises of the Rich-Corporations;
2015-09-29: Imperial Overreach: U.S. Special Ops Forces Deployed in 135 Nations;
2015-09-29: Erzwungene Nationale Psychotherapie? (in english and german);
2015-09-30: Canada: C-51 anti-terror law causes some Muslims to reconsider vote;
2015-09-30: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, September 1 – 30, 2015;
2015-10-01: THE DECIDER CLASS – gatekeepers in the system;
2015-10-02: VW Scandal, time for German Industry to abandon its Arrogance;
2015-10-03: Irresponsible Putin bashing following his UN address;
2015-10-04: MH17 – why the investigation will never end, the evidence never seen;
2015-10-04: die Welt von Erich von Däniken;
2015-10-04: Ethik oder Etat, sind unsere Werte nur Börsenwerte?
2015-10-05: Syria versus America;
2015-10-06: Europe: two thirds of EU states reject GMO crops, file cultivation opt-out requests;
2015-10-07: After All We Did For Them in Fallujah;
2015-10-08: Could The Syrian Conflict Irrevocably Change Global Geopolitics?
2015-10-09: Syria Military Review: Studying the Russian Military Operation;
2015-10-10: The Trans Pacific Partnership TPP on Environment and Labour;
2015-10-11: Nietzsche, Europe And The German Question;
2015-10-12: The Trans-Pacific Free-Trade Charade;
2015-10-13: The Demonology School of Journalism, Putin and the Press;
2015-10-14: All Rights Reserved: Now We Know the Final TTP is Everything We Feared;
2015-10-15: Could basic income solve APAC wealth inequality?
2015-10-15: US: more and more deaths of holistic doctors M.D.;
2015-10-16: A Decisive Shift in the Power Balance Has Occurred;
2015-10-17: Decadence and Madness at the Top: Inside Britain’s Secretive Bullingdon Club;
2015-10-18: Germany’s Refugee Challenge: It’s Mostly the Politicians Who Have Been Overwhelmed;
2015-10-19: Shaker Aamer’s case represents skewed US-UK relationship, says Conservative MP;
2015-10-20: Migrant Crisis In Croatia Widens Political Rift – Plans For Coup d’état Suspected;
2015-10-21: ADHD – alternative treatments to medication;
2015-10-22: Dispatches: EU Border Closures Leave Asylum Seekers Stranded;
2015-10-23: Privatization of the US Prison System;
2015-10-24: The Syrianization of Turkey;
2015-10-25: Nice No More: The End of the German Fairytale;
2015-10-26: Truth About 9/11 Would Take Down the US as a Global Empire;
2015-10-27: Isis in Iraq: Peshmergas have new weapon in fight against militants – the ability to read;
2015-10-28: Indigenous Peoples’ History of the USA;
2015-10-29: Deutschland von oben / Germany from above;
2015-10-30: Refugee crisis: Last influx to fortress Europe cross Austrian border before route closes;
2015-10-31: Game-changer: European Parliament votes in favor of dropping charges against Snowden;
2015-10-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, October 1 – 31, 2015;
2015-11-01: A Tale of Two Retirements;
2015-11-02: UK: Six million workers paid less than the living wage;
2015-11-03: State Multiculturalism, Cultural Diplomacy and the EU Crisis;
2015-11-04: Japanese High Speed Bullet Train;
2015-11-05: Distortion, Fabrication, and Falsification in the Financial Press;
2015-11-06: from Zermatt to Gornergrat;
2015-11-07: Mass Mobilization To Stop The TPP Announced As Text Is Released;
2015-11-08: The Politics of the Right and the Dilemmas of the Left;
2015-11-09: 3 Hours of Instrumental Music;
2015-11-10: what’s Europe for their 99% – with Yanis Varoufakis;
2015-11-11: Noam Chomsky;
2015-11-12: How Outside Normalcy Should an Outsider Be?
2015-11-13: White House Objections Stop ISIS War Authorization Vote;
2015-11-14: A Brutal New Germany – What’s Happening to My Country?
2015-11-15: Non-French War Deaths Matter;
2015-11-16: soft music;
2015-11-17: Global Capitalism Update, Nov 2015;
2015-11-18: Lessons from Iceland’s Financial Crisis;
2015-11-19: I am fed up – I can no more hear it …;
2015-11-20: a bunch of links on what’s actual;
2015-11-21: TPP’s Orwellian Definition of “Science”;
2015-11-22: Washington’s New Approach to Russia;
2015-11-23: Unreported Crimes against Humanity – more than 800 Women and Children have died in Yemen;
2015-11-24: The Realism of Audacity – Rethinking Revolutionary Strategy Today;
2015-11-25: When Workers Fight;
2015-11-26: Turkey Has Destroyed Russia’s Hope of Western Cooperation;
2015-11-27: RBS: Whistleblower claims bank hid scale of losses prior to banking crisis to protect banker’s bonuses;
2015-11-28: The Power of Nightmares;
2015-11-29: Scapegoating the refugees;
2015-11-30: The Tragedy of the Commons, the Pope, and the System;
2015-11-30: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, November 1 – 30, 2015;
2015-12-01: COP21;
2015-12-02: … socialism with an iPad – John McDonnell;
2015-12-03: some concerns;
2015-12-04: Healing the Feminine;
2015-12-05: Bombshell: Russian Military Reveals Details of ISIS-Daesh Funding;
2015-12-06: concerns of the 99% to be solved – part 1;
2015-12-07: America’s “Dirty War on Syria”: Bashar al Assad and Political Reform;
2015-12-08: concerns of the 99% to be solved – part 2;
2015-12-09: The model of all economic models (wonkish);
2015-12-10: The Roots of the Current Situation in Venezuela;
2015-12-11: UFOs, our govs and the 0.000…1%;
2015-12-12: The hourglass society: Middle-income households no longer the majority in the US;
2015-12-13: The Age of Extremes;
2015-12-14: Libya’s nightmare scenario;
2015-12-15: some small and big concerns;
2015-12-16: Liberal Extremism Disguised as Defense of Muslims;
2015-12-17: Jean-Baptiste Maunier;
2015-12-18: Kitaro;
2015-12-19: Dept concerns;
2015-12-20: Universal basic income could arrive in Europe faster than you think;
2015-12-21: what means Socialism for Americans?
2015-12-22: Spain: A Year of Change Postponed?
2015-12-23: Volatility and reforms: The overlooked virtues of economic uncertainty;
2015-12-24: The Potential of Debtors’ Unions;
2015-12-25: Christmas Noel Weihnachten;
2015-12-26: A Call for Proof on Syria-Sarin Attack;
2015-12-27: Who Owns the Federal Reserve Bank;
2015-12-28: The Lost Women;
2015-12-29: Ninety-nine Interrelated Concepts;
2015-12-30: Can Europe survive? Greece, Ukraine and the refugee crisis;
2015-12-31: What Really Caused the Implosion of the Occupy Movement;
2015-12-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE – Dezember 1 – 31, 2015;
2016-01-01: Refugee camps, the Syrian diaspora;
2016-01-02: Some Women Are More Invisible;
2016-01-02: notre argent et nous;
2016-01-03: The Privatization of Water in India, how Coca-Cola Destroys the Aquifer;
2016-01-04: Top 7 Middle East Foreign Policy Challenges in 2016;
2016-01-05: Syria is the Middle Eastern Stalingrad;
2016-01-05: Suisse: Reprendre le contrôle de la monnaie;
2016-01-06: Psychiatry facing Kids;
2016-01-07: Uprisings of the Dispossessed and Protests in the Street;
2016-01-08: Reform is not enough to Stem the Rising Tide of Inequality Worldwide;
2016-01-09: What’s Next? Parecon, or Participatory Economics;
2016-01-10: A no-strings basic income? If it works for the royal family, it can work for us all;
2016-01-11: USA: Republican victory in 2016 would strengthen new patrimonial oligarchy;
2016-01-12: Under-the-Radar Supreme Court Case Poses Profound Threat to Unions Nationwide;
2016-01-13: The Case of the Murdered Goats, exploring Germany’s Far-Right Rumor Mill;
2016-01-14: African Women Organize To Reclaim Agriculture Against Corporate Takeover;
2016-01-15: Slavoj Žižek on Hegel and us today;
2016-01-16: Mini-Republics: A Syrian Village Seeks to Survive amid Carnage;
2016-01-17: The Big Lies / die grossen Lügen;
2016-01-18: Global Capitalism;
2016-01-19: The Pugnacious, Relentless Progressive Party That Wants to Remake America;
2016-01-19: Capitalism, Austerity – and it’s results;
2016-01-20: How Corporations and Politicians Lie With Numbers;
2016-01-21: Whither Unions? – Organizing Lessons from a Right-To-Work State;
2016-01-22: How to kill the demos: the water struggle in Italy;
2016-01-23: China’s central bank mulls issuing digital currency;
2016-01-23: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen;
2016-01-24: Chinese Billionaire Zhang Xin – the Old Model Doesn’t Work Anymore;
2016-01-25: A Greek conspiracy – how the ECB crushed Varoufakis’ plans;
2016-01-26: Slavoj Žižek and the Balkans;
2016-01-27: Can People’s Power Save the Bolivarian Revolution?
2016-01-28: We need a new movement for democracy in Europe;
2016-01-29: UNGASS 2016 and the Heemskerk Declaration;
2016-01-29: look at our world;
2016-01-30: SWITZERLAND: Only 2% of people would stop working if they had a basic income;
2016-01-31: Court denies bail to Ammon Bundy & 3 others as Oregon occupation continues;
2016-01-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, January 1-31, 2016;
2016-02-01: 10,000 kids missing in EU as criminals ‘exploit’ migrant flow – Europol chief of staff;
2016-02-02: On Greece, Syriza, Podemos and the Democracy in Europe Movement;
2016-02-03: Working-class History 101;
2016-02-03: Migrationsrealität … noch nicht im Griff;
2016-02-04: Whistleblowers and the banks;
2016-02-05: Basic income for the Swiss?
2016-02-06: Between debt and the devil, in the eye of a new global financial storm;
2016-02-07: CANADA: against Privatization, Health Coalition Demands Funding for Hospitals;
2016-02-08: musics for studying and running;
2016-02-09: Ukraine – An US-Installed Nazi-Infested Failed State;
2016-02-10: We Can’t Afford These Billionaires;
2016-02-11: Democratizing Europe: Varoufakis launches new movement;
2016-02-12: Two, Three … Many Flints;
2016-02-13: Switzerland’s Base Income Vote Turns Finance Reform Into a Democratic Spectacle;
2016-02-14: Greeks will have to become migrants [3 VIDEOS, PHOTOS];
2016-02-15: Propaganda as “News” – Ecuador Sells out Indigenous and the Environment to China;
2016-02-16: Why Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Matters;
2016-02-17: in these mouving times;
2016-02-18: Syrian Endgame, a Lost War is Dangerous – US-NATO, Saudi Arabia, Turkey … losers on the rampage;
2016-02-18: Eugen Drewermann;
2016-02-19: Meanwhile, In Other News …;
2016-02-20: A Response to Chris Hedges Concerning Bernie Sanders;
2016-02-21: The US Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not Recover;
2016-02-22: The Integration Puzzle – part 1/23 (one to twenty three);
2016-02-23: The Broken Social Contract;
2016-02-24: How Humanitarian Imperialism Led to Europe’s Refugee Crisis;
2016-02-25: Women Can’t Wait, Repeal the 8th;
2016-02-26: Syria/US/NATO – Kurds/Putin/Assad … which kind of peace?
2016-02-27: Offshoring Justice: David Hicks, Australia and the UN Human Rights Committee;
2016-02-28: Malaysia must sue Goldman Sachs & all complicit banks;
2016-02-28: verheimlicht – vertuscht – vergessen;
2016-02-29: on YouTube: Syria’s War resp Refugees;
2016-02-29: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, FEBRUARY 1-29, 2016;
2016-03-01: Refugee Crisis Disunity, a De Facto Solution takes Shape in the Balkans;
2016-03-02: Domestic Violence – Violence Conjugale – Häusliche Gewalt;
2016-03-02: Super Tuesday;
2016-03-03: Hillary’s lobbyist super delegates vs. Bernie’s political revolution;
2016-03-04: It’s the Geopolitics, Stupid;
2016-03-05: Is South America’s ‘Progressive Cycle’ at an End?
2016-03-06: It Begins: Palace Revolt against ECB’s NIRP;
2016-03-07: Critical Analysis: Europe’s Slow Motion Debacle;
2016-03-08: A GOOD JOB: Hard Graft, Made in Germany;
2016-03-08: neuliche Diskussionen, Argumente;
2016-03-09: about wikileaks;
2016-03-10: George Lakoff’s texts and videos;
2016-03-11: Refugees Caught in Tide of European History;
2016-03-12: The Unraveling of Turkey’s Democracy;
2016-03-13: Criticism of capitalism;
2016-03-14: Kurds should have a say on Syria’s future at Geneva talks – UN envoy;
2016-03-15: The Story Behind the Immigrant Workers in Bernie Sanders’ Stirring New Ad;
2016-03-16: Syrian civil war: West failed to factor in Bashar al-Assad’s Iranian backers as the conflict developed;
2016-03-17: Kurds want lands they control in Syria to become federation under Damascus;
2016-03-18: Russia and Victory;
2016-03-19: Humanity’s Last Call for a Culture of Sharing and Cooperation;
2016-03-20: Collapse of the European Union? A Skeptical View;
2016-03-21: The European Union has abandoned those who are defending freedom in Turkey;
2016-03-21: Est-ce que l’argent nous appartient … ou nous à l’argent?
2016-03-22: money of dept vs. positive money = what is vs. what should be;
2016-03-23: Fury and the AfD: Inside the Revolt against Angela Merkel;
2016-03-24: Brazil: Overthrowing Dilma Rousseff;
2016-03-25: New Zealand: The case for a universal basic income;
2016-03-26: Ex-US Army Iraqi interpreter seeks refuge in Greece after US rejected entry – report;
2016-03-27: US: You Say You Want a (Political) Revolution?
2016-03-28: Finalising Cruelty: The EU-Turkey Agreement on Refugees;
2016-03-29: Flint Water Oversight: Sacred Cows & Sacrificial Lambs;
2016-03-30: US: The Managerial/ Professional Class Is Burning Out;
2016-03-31: Turkey ‘demands’ takedown of Erdogan-mocking video;
2016-03-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, MARCH 1-31, 2016: related articles published during March 2015;
2016-04-01: Brazil, like Russia, under attack by Hybrid War;
2016-04-02: The Rebellion Will Not Go Away;
2016-04-03: Natural Capital: What Is the True Cost of Food?
2016-04-04: Looking the Basic Income Gift Horse in the Mouth;
2016-04-05: Neoliberal Economists: Against Bernie Sanders and Common Sense;
2016-04-06: a bunch of created realities;
2016-04-07: Won’t help ordinary Ukrainians, Dutch suspect EU/Kiev deal more for power players than people;
2016-04-08: Saving capitalism or getting rid of it?
2016-04-09: The Panama Papers Barely Scratches the Surface of UK Complicity in a Global Scandal;
2016-04-10: Q & A with Angela Walker, Socialist Party USA candidate for Vice-President;
2016-04-11: Paris is Burning;
2016-04-12: Selective Leaks Of The #Panama Papers Create Huge Blackmail Potential – Smear People the U.S. Dislikes;
2016-04-13: Basic Income And Social Democracy;
2016-04-14: Arrests made as hundreds of elderly Americans protest at 2nd ‘Democracy Spring’ sit-in;
2016-04-15: The War on Savings: the Panama Papers, Bail-Ins, and the Push to Go Cashless;
2016-04-16: The Brussels Business – who runs the EU;
2016-04-17: Erdogan and the Satirist, part 1: Inside Merkel’s Comedy Conundrum;
2016-04-18: Syrian Elections prove again that Washington and its Presstitutes lie through their Teeth;
2016-04-19: Warwick Economics Summits WES – 2014 to 2016;
2016-04-20: different concerns;
2016-04-21: Crisis in Brazil;
2016-04-22: Communal Violence and the Demobilization of Protest Campaigns;
2016-04-23: Why is the Progressive Left Helping the Elite Elect Hillary?
2016-04-24: A Silicon Valley entrepreneur says basic income would work;
2016-04-25: Democracy Spring and the US Voting Matrix;
2016-04-26: Ahead of Brexit Vote, EU Commission To Challenge UK Truck Toll;
2016-04-27: about these 28 pages;
2016-04-28: What Would Happen If We Just Gave People Money?
2016-04-29: Electoral Politics and the Illusion of Control;
2016-04-30: In the Name of the Profit;
2016-04-30: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, APRIL 1-30, 2016: related articles published during March 2015;
2016-05-01: Former Goldman Sachs president says our economic situation will end in tears;
2016-05-02: Labour Day 2016;
2016-05-03: The slow-learning retired admiral with a Ph.D.;
2016-05-04: incredible nature;
2016-05-05: The Calm Before the Coming Global Storm;
2016-05-06: Nuland Tells Cyprus To Cut Russian Ties;
2016-05-07: Interview With Bernie Sanders;
2016-05-08: nature at its best;
2016-05-09: The TTIP Leaks;
2016-05-10: Hackers vs. banks battle heats up as Anonymous launches global attack;
2016-05-11: Peru: In Defense of Land, Culture and the Female Body;
2016-05-12: quo vadis Europe;
2016-05-13: Thom Hartmann;
2016-05-14: Convictions, not clarified items, visions;
2016-05-14: diverse religiöse Schlüssel zur Vergangenheit – Geschichte;
2016-05-15: live as it goes;
2016-05-16: Organized Misery is Fascism;
2016-05-17: Brazil Coup: The First of Many Blows Against the People;
2016-05-18: Hybrid War Hyenas Tearing Brazil Apart;
2016-05-19: Will the New World Order finally get its own Nuremburg Tribunal?
2016-05-20: Zuma’s Denialism and Betrayal;
2016-05-21: Venezuela – a last warning;
2016-05-22: First Interview With Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff since the Senate’s Impeachment Vote;
2016-05-23: From Bankruptcy to Bankruptocracy;
2016-05-24: Parliamentary Coups: the New Strategy of Latin America’s Right;
2016-05-25: Rousseff impeachment efforts a bid to stop oil corruption probe;
2016-05-26: Price discovery during anomalous market trading;
2016-05-27: The Foreign Policies of Sanders, Trump, and Clinton;
2016-05-28: Disaster in the Makin, the Many Failures of the EU-Turkey Refugee Deal;
2016-05-29: Five reasons why it’s still worth a punt on Brexit;
2016-05-30: The Latest Greek Deal: an Excel Sheet Fantasy;
2016-05-31: Step-by-Step Rapprochement – Germany Considers Easing of Russia Sanctions;
2016-05-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, May 1-31, 2015;
2016-06-01: Imperialism’s Junior Partners;
2016-06-02: Mangroves in Crisis: Why One Man Works to Save the Plants That Fight Climate Disruption;
2016-06-03: Brexit: two-thirds foresee no negative impact on their finances;
2016-06-04: America’s Corpocracy: Conspiracy Theory or Conspiracy Reality?
2016-06-05: songs of today;
2016-06-06: Result of the Swiss Votation about BIG/RBU/BGE;
2016-06-07: No recognition of ‘One Humanity’ at the World Humanitarian Forum;
2016-06-08: Trump as next US president;
2016-06-09: Reproductive violence;
2016-06-10: How the AP Screwed Sanders;
2016-06-11: Some Sober Lessons for Bernie Sanders Supporters;
2016-06-12: Why the Obama Administration Is Favoring al-Qaeda’s Main Syrian Ally – report;
2016-06-13: The biggest obstacle to universal basic income has nothing to do with money;
2016-06-14: The French Stand Up;
2016-06-15: some debates and concerns;
2016-06-16: Precariat, Bilderberg, Microchip;
2016-06-17: Confirmed: Renowned Physician Jeff Bradstreet Who Linked Vaccines to Autism Was Murdered;
2016-06-18: European Parliament speaks out against agricultural colonialism in Africa;
2016-06-19: These Debt Slaves are the Government’s Largest Asset Class;
2016-06-20: Basic Income, the Silence in the Noise;
2016-06-21: US, California: Can a Bay Area Startup Incubator Reinvent Income?
2016-06-22: Call for a National Debate on U.S. “Regime Change” Policy;
2016-06-23: World Bank Allows Tanzania To Sidestep Rule Protecting Indigenous Groups;
2016-06-24: The Psychology of Mortality, Death Anxiety Makes Us Hate People Who Are Different;
2016-06-25: US: The 13 Democrats Who Just Did Wall Street’s Dirty Work;
2016-06-26: Goodbye to All That, why the UK Left the EU;
2016-06-27: British political turmoil erupts in wake of Brexit vote;
2016-06-28: Headaches of Empire, Brexit’s effect on the United States;
2016-06-29: The Anti-Democratic EU;
2016-06-30: Omar’s Motive;
2016-06-30: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, JUNE 1-30, 2016;
2016-07-01: In Push for Education Reforms, Mexican Government Kills Teachers in the Street;
2016-07-02: again BREXIT;
2016-07-03: Poverty Conundrum: Why Most Poor People Live in Middle-Income Countries;
2016-07-04: collapsing of World Trade Center Buildings;
2016-07-05: Référendum en Suisse: Le revenu de base requiert un changement de paradigme;
2016-07-06: The Costs of Capitalist Decline in North America and Europe – with Richard D. Wolff;
2016-07-07: After Brexit, a Social-Democratic Re-Founding of Europe?
2016-07-08: on Russia/Putin US, related to Big Oil – Mafia worldwide;
2016-07-09: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: If Chávez were Alive Today, would the Situation in Venezuela be different?
2016-07-10: CETA’s specter of corporate dictatorship still haunts Canada and the EU;
2016-07-11: Secret Underground Complex;
2016-07-12: Washington’s ‘New Managers’ in Latin America;
2016-07-13: Three Recent Wins Prove Old-Fashioned Union Power Isn’t Dead Yet;
2016-07-14: Being Black Palestinian – Solidarity as a Welcome Pathology;
2016-07-15: Bernie Sanders. the End of a Campaign;
2016-07-16: The Story of Ahmed and Alin – Syrian Orphans Trapped in Turkey – part 1;
2016-07-17: Building Global Labor Solidarity Today;
2016-07-18: EU BASICS – your Guide to the UK Referendum on EU Membership;
2016-07-19: Big Mother takes over helm of UK;
2016-07-20: A Visit with Fethullah Gülen;
2016-07-21: Humanitarian Crisis in Fallujah;
2016-07-22: Rethinking Recovery: Poverty Chains and Global Capitalism;
2016-07-23: The Immorality and Brutal Violence of Extreme Greed;
2016-07-24: Europe in despair;
2016-07-25: Pedagogy of the Oppressor;
2016-07-26: Aftermath of Munich shooting offers important lesson on the politics of fear;
2016-07-27: Postal Workers Confront Canada Post, The Struggle Continues in 2016;
2016-07-28: The European Revolt Against the Neoliberal EU;
2016-07-29: In Solidarity with Imprisoned Poet, Ashraf Fayadh;
2016-07-30: Dangerous Propaganda: Network Close To NATO Military Leader Fueled Ukraine Conflict;
2016-07-30: Published on Chelsea Manning.org;
2016-07-31: Obama abandons justice;
2016-08-01: How to Teach Marxism;
2016-08-02: BRITISH Referendum: Lies, Damned Lies and Political Epidemics;
2016-08-03: the US Left and Presidential Elections, what can we learn?
2016-08-04: UK: The Two Souls of Labour;
2016-08-05: Thousands to Meet in Montreal for World Social Forum WSF;
2016-08-06: US: Policy Demands for Black Power, Freedom and Justice;
2016-08-07: Olympics: Tribe Facing “Genocide” Defies Ranchers after Baby’s Death;
2016-08-08: Putin wants Russia to be part of Europe, not its enemy;
2016-08-09: a bunch of concerns – actuals or not;
2016-08-10: Stark New Evidence on How Money Shapes America’s Elections;
2016-08-11: World Social Forum in Montreal WSF: another world is once again being constructed without Africa;
2016-08-12: Chinese sweatshops – they were the future, once;
2016-08-13: End of the play? – Spiel am Ende?
2016-08-14: Turkey: Obama versus Trump, Putin and Erdogan, can Coups defeat elected Governments?
2016-08-15: Cameroon/Herakles Farms: an appeal for assistance from Cameroonian communities …;
2016-08-16: Will Ukraine Take Donbass by the Force of Arms?
2016-08-17: Free people from dictatorship of the 0.01%;
2016-08-18: California’s War on the Homeless, From Streetside Attacks to Policies of Dehumanization;
2016-08-19: What Happened to the Pink Tide?
2016-08-20: Global Struggles for Dominance on ISIS, NATO and Russia;
2016-08-21: We Will Not Become Like Somalia – Interview with Libya’s Prime Minister;
2016-08-22: Growing Up Insane;
2016-08-23: How parasitic Finance Capital has turned Iran’s economy into a case of Casino Capitalism;
2016-08-24: Julian Assange vs Mafia;
2016-08-25: Britain: Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn outlines policies for Wealth Creation;
2016-08-26: Two Weeks in September: The Makings of Merkel’s Decision to Accept Refugees – part 1;
2016-08-27: US: the Debut of Our Revolution – Great Potential … But;
2016-08-28: Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation?
2016-08-29: How Not To Fund Infrastructure;
2016-08-30: Fabricating illusions of people power in post-coup Turkey;
2016-08-31: The Roots of Islamophobia in France;
2016-09-01: US: A Turning Point for the Charter School Movement;
2016-09-02: Impeachment is the failuroe of Brazil’s political system;
2016-09-03: China Heads West: Beijing’s New Silk Road to Europe – part 1;
2016-09-04: Clinton’s “American Exceptionalism” Speech: A Bipartisan Policy of Militarism and War;
2016-09-05: Weekly Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff;
2016-09-06: Don’t Feed the Snakes;
2016-09-07: LABOR: This Labor Day, Remember That Martin Luther King’s Last Campaign Was for Workers’ Rights;
2016-09-08: Good News for the People of Europe;
2016-09-09: Are Chicago Teachers Headed Toward a Strike?
2016-09-10: The Politics of Dress: Double Standards in the Headscarf Debate;
2016-09-11: War in Donbass on Russia’s Doorstep: 3,600 Civilians killed …;
2016-09-12: happening in these days;
2016-09-13: Middle East’s leaders cross the Red Sea to woo east Africa;
2016-09-14: 10 biggest corporations make more money than most of world combined;
2016-09-15: Edward Snowden makes ‘moral’ case for presidential pardon;
2016-09-16: Monsanto and Bayer: Why Food And Agriculture Just Took A Turn For The Worse;
2016-09-17: Global Capitalism with Richard D. Wolff;
2016-09-18: Europe, Democracy and the Left – an interview with Geoff Eley;
2016-09-19: Passions About Migrants;
2016-09-20: MEDIA: Did You Know We Are Having the Largest Prison Strike (in US) in History?
2016-09-21: Edward Snowden;
2016-09-22: black life, accounts scandal, the FED’s false economy;
2016-09-23: The Perils of Humanitarian Wars;
2016-09-24: We’re Not under Threat. We Are the Threat;
2016-09-25: FOOD: A Five-Alarm Threat to Our Food Supply, Experts Describe Bayer-Monsanto Merger;
2016-09-26: How Middle-Class Chileans Contributed to the Overthrow of Salvador Allende;
2016-09-27: PEACE IN COLOMBIA: Afro-Colombians, Indigenous fear new Pitfalls in Peace Deal;
2016-09-28: Following the Money, on the Trail of African Migrant Smugglers – part 1;
2016-09-29: The Traffic Hierarchy;
2016-09-30: The Perils of Debt Complacency;
2016-10-01: Where Millionaires Ask Other Millionaires What’s Best for the Middle Class;
2016-10-01: … abgerechnet wird zum Schluss;
2016-10-02: Washington trying to break BRICS … the rape of Brazil has begun;
2016-10-03: Unreliability, Spinelessness of the Western Left;
2016-10-04: US: Wages are so stagnant even the Federal Reserve has begun to notice – pardon, to confess;
2016-10-05: The Campaign That Ends Illegal UFO & Free Energy Secrecy;
2016-10-06: Iraqis Use 9/11 Victims Bill To Demand Compensation From US For 2003 Invasion;
2016-10-07: … again Nikola Tesla;
2016-10-08: The Class Dynamics in the Rise of Donald Trump;
2016-10-09: Lessons For A World In Dire Need Of Sustainable Social Change And Economic Development;
2016-10-10: Bombing of Cuban Jetliner 40 Years Later;
2016-10-11: The Billion Barrel Oil Swindle: 80% Of U.S. Oil Reserves Are Unaccounted-For;
2016-10-11: He Holds The Patent That Could DESTROY Monsanto And Change The World;
2016-10-12: American Power at the Crossroads;
2016-10-13: Attack Plans in Germany: Refugees Celebrate Capture of Terror Suspect;
2016-10-14: Global Capitalism: A Looming Capitalist Crisis, Major Candidates Ignore It;
2016-10-15: Russia Throws Down the Gauntlet, Fly at Your Own Risk;
2016-10-16: Millions of Refugees Are Suffering from the Crisis of Having a Passport from Nowhere;
2016-10-17: The destructive course of Greece;
2016-10-18: Al-Qaeda Fighters In East-Aleppo Encircled and Besieged;
2016-10-19: The Anarchist Aspects of Nietzsche’s Philosophy – Presentation;
2016-10-20: The cost of downgrading;
2016-10-21: We don’t hide it: White Helmets openly admit being funded by Western govts;
2016-10-22: Is disclosure of Podesta’s emails a step too far?
2016-10-23: The Future of the Euro Area;
2016-10-24: Why Bernie Was Right;
2016-10-25: The Syrian Tragedy: Western Foreign Policy and its Useful Idiots;
2016-10-25: Ritueller Missbrauch;
2016-10-26: How Russia Saw America’s Third Debate;
2016-10-27: Space Odyssey: A New Technology for Following Songbirds;
2016-10-28: Waking Up in Hillary Clinton’s America;
2016-10-29: Clearing the Jungle, the Calais Refugee Operation;
2016-10-30: Work harder so speculators can get more;
2016-10-30: Hürden für Sozialisten an der Macht;
2016-10-31: What is Really the Matter with CETA?
2016-11-01: Doomsday Seed Vault in the Arctic;
2016-11-02: France: burnt homes and broken promises, the Jungle evicted;
2016-11-03: US: Inequality As Policy, Selective Trade Protectionism Favors Higher Earners;
2016-11-04: Public Servants or Corporate Security?
2016-11-05: Syria and the Antiwar Tradition;
2016-11-06: UK: Caught at a crossroads, it’s time to build an alternative to neoliberalism;
2016-11-07: Turkish Gov’t arrests 15 Opposition MPs in Further Descent into Dictatorship;
2016-11-08: Red Scare 2, Russia and the 2016 US election;
2016-11-09: Top Secret: These are actually Socialist Countries;
2016-11-09: Trump’s victory speech;
2016-11-10: Now We Can Finally Get to Work;
2016-11-11: A new world is born with Trump’s foreign policy and the UK is left behind;
2016-11-12: Cyber-warfare: Five Major Russian Banks Repel Massive DDoS Attack;
2016-11-13: Trump, Mair and The Gods That Failed;
2016-11-14: The sneering response to Trump’s victory reveals exactly why he won;
2016-11-15: One-third of children in developing countries miss school to work – survey;
2016-11-16: India: Demonetisation And The Loss Of Faith In Rupee;
2016-11-17: The True Sharing Economy, Inaugurating an Age of the Heart, Part 3 of 3;
2016-11-18: US: Schooled in Terror, the Tactical Trainings where Cops Militarize their Brutality;
2016-11-19: In the gig economy, recruitment agencies are the gangmasters;
2016-11-20: Fed set to lift key interest rate;
2016-11-21: White Supremacy as a Political Doctrine;
2016-11-22: todays latest links;
2016-11-23: Gypsy children and their clans in Europe;
2016-11-24: So you want to get out of your bubble;
2016-11-25: The Financial Press and its Keepers – Foibles, Fables, and Failures;
2016-11-26: Asking whose lives matter in the battle for social, cultural, and economic rights;
2016-11-27: some actual concerns;
2016-11-28: Why the Ural Mountains Are (Not) So Important, the New Silk Road through Eurasia;
2016-11-29: about survival of this humanity … for real?
2016-11-30: Why are there Coats of Arms for Nobles and Nothing for Us? – Punditry by Other Means;
2016-12-01: Hillary Lost, the World Won;
2016-12-02: On Peace and Ukraine, Trump, Putin, Gandhi, and …;
2016-12-03: General Flynn’s Proposals to Reform Intelligence;
2016-12-04: The Loving Contagion of Courage, Veterans Standing for Standing Rock;
2016-12-05: Julian Assange’s life, Pizzagate, actual turmoils …;
2016-12-06: Egypt: whitewashing political Islam;
2016-12-07: Real Power? Real Money?
2016-12-08: The Lesson from Standing Rock, Organizing and Resistance Can Win;
2016-12-08: zu Schuldgeld, Demokratie, Propaganda, Lügen, das ganze Leben ökonomisieren …;
2016-12-09: A Crisis-Prone and Fragile Financial System;
2016-12-10: South Africa’s junk credit rating was avoided, but at the cost of junk analysis;
2016-12-11: It takes a Village to maintain a Dangerous Financial System;
2016-12-12: If Russia and Saudi Arabia lead, rest will follow;
2016-12-13: Socialism for the Rich, Capitalism for the Poor;
2016-12-14: Has the US and Its Allies Used Covert Airdrops to Supply the Islamic State?
2016-12-15: Reflections from the Center of the Universe;
2016-12-16: Ideology, Anti-Colonialism and Marxism;
2016-12-16: … wir sind noch lange nicht frei und selbstbestimmt …;
2016-12-17: No “walls up policy”, but a commandment of the hour, not only for Switzerland;
2016-12-18: Rethinking Greece: the Left project and the crisis of neoliberal hegemony;
2016-12-19: Mainstream Media on Syria and Russia – Fake News;
2016-12-19: special: MEANWHILE ALL THE RUNNING TRUMP BASHINGS, remember…;
2016-12-20: A CIA-led Coup against American Democracy Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes?
2016-12-21: Italy’s Banking Crisis is Also a Huge Crime Scene;
2016-12-22: Beyond Soviet “socialism” and the “triumph” of capitalism;
2016-12-23: Hospitalized Patients Treated by Female Doctors Show Lower Mortality;
2016-12-24: Revolutionise or Compromise? what Venezuela’s Maduro could be doing;
2016-12-25: The Coming War on China;
2016-12-26: FREXIT: Le Pen promises to take France out of EU and NATO;
2016-12-27: Bolivia: The Right to Communications and Information;
2016-12-27: Helene Fischer & Melanie Oesch;
2016-12-28: how to build a tiny house;
2016-12-29: does NATO go wild against Russia?
2016-12-29: Die Alzheimer-Lüge;
2016-12-30: The Coup against Trump and His Military-Wall Street Defense;
2016-12-30: Die formaljuristische Lebenderklärung;
2016-12-31: Syria and the Antiwar Movement;
2016-12-31: Europas Finanzen, unser Geld – alles futsch oder was;
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