(this Page is a COPY of the Page Heidi Barathieu-Brun/all articles sorted chronologically.
Politics for the 99% is a new blog, intended to replace my Heidi-Barathieu-Brun Blog witch got a virus alert (same stuff with Mein privater Garten), but both alerts are only detected by AVAST Premier-Antivirus. All other antiviruses do not give any alert.
I was suggested that the alert is included into/given by the AVASTprogramm itself (they would thus mix into the world politics, protesting against/not agreeing with websites they disagree, also my HBB-blog), as I got it the day I put this post: 2013-07-09: Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine (originally on Dissident Voice, or also on YouTube, 22.52 min, uploaded by ClassWarFilms). The infection: HTML:Iframe-inf):
Any correspondence with AVAST ends up in a FAQ-sheet to find myself the solution (5x), but this damned sheet DOES NOT writes about my problem.
My website provider (Infomaniak) detects NO virus, same do all friends having another antivirus than AVAST.
The provider tells me to disable my antivirus as the only way to stop any alert.
Now, I decide to let it activated, to permit me to know which of my blogs is attacked (by avast).
So, you can look at my Heidi Barathieu-Brun Blog and at Mein privater Garten Blog without danger, as long as you do not run the AVAST Antivirus program).
To reach an article (until January 2010, after you’ll find direct links), go to ARCHIVES in the left column of the front page and click on the month/year (exemple: for Astronomy Picture of the Day, click on April 2008, and scroll down until April 20, 2008):
- Hello world
- my personal views … from now on with this blog
- Einbürgerung der Muslime in westliche Staaten?
- Summary of all my comments
- Allemagne: Un opéra aux nus
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- videos for recreation
- debate about Crop Circles
- 5 préceptes chinoises pour femmes
- Das Leben als Geniekind
- more diving videos
- Parkinson: les raisons du tremblement
- Larry King’s UFO debate
- Realität Lüge Ego-Aufgabe
- Neurosciences: nos neurones
- Ein noch anderer Schöpfungsmythos
- Fundamentalism in the brain and in the society
- My diving diary – 20th sept 08
- Ethik – bzw. Einsatz für die Menschheit vs. Geld als Anreiz
- … auf Kosten deines Nächsten …
- Zyschtigs-Club vom 21. Okt. auf SF1
- entwicklungshemmende Verhaltensmuster … oder das Angst-Prinzip
- RIM BANNA à Genève
- Découvert un trésor des TPG Genevois, le SNOTPG
- … trouvé pendant le reveil
- Some Asian scooter traffic videos
- Geld, Gier und Grössenwahn
- Wolf im Schnee
- UBS Bonuszahlung nach Staatsintervention
- Arbeitet die UBS mit Buebe-Trickli?
- Compléments alimentaires / about Food complements
- Realitäten und Spinngewebe
- About democracy and development
- das Buch: Machtwechsel auf Erden
- videos with Jery Ryan
- More on Christoph Rehage’s big China walk
- Die Atheisten kommen!
- UBS: Abzocker, BONIs und die Rolle der Politik
- Todesflug AF 447 wird immer mysteriöser
- AUSZUG aus Tagebuchabschrift vom 10.-12.Juli 1962
- attac Schweiz – Sommeruni und Jahresversammlung 2009
- videos with Brent Spiner alias Data
- Gunther von Hagens Zürcher Leichenschau
- No Economic Recovery in Sight: More Financial Chaos Ahead
- G20 goes global
- Farrakhan: Swine flu vaccine – a plot to cull overpopulation (?)
- se vacciner? … NON MERCI
- c’est quoi, la paix?
- ETs – ja oder nein
- Swissness in danger – the minarets and we
- Politische Sachzwänge … und wir alle
- 2010-01-13: Are bankers outside of any law?
- 2010-01-25: Warum gierige Banker wie Ratten funktionieren;
- 2010-03-23: Picure: back from divings;
- 2010-03-23: Vertebral Compression Fracture – Causes and Treatment;
- 2010-04-10: The Economist’s Debates;
- 2010-04-11: atheistisches Wort zum Montag;
- 2010-04-15: what about the obligation to know;
- 2010-04-27: Europäische Militärs nutzen den Totalausfall der zivilen Luftfahrt;
- 2010-04-30: Jenseits von Gut und Böse.
- 2010-05-01: Universität Zürich: unsere UNI …;
- 2010-05-03: Mammoths had anti-freeze blood;
- 2010-05-05: Green exercise quickly boosts mental health;
- 2010-05-11: 200 Mitglieder des Europa-Parlaments verlangen Untersuchung über WHO und Schweinegrippe;
- 2010-05-12: Die Burka und die SchweizerInnen;
- 2010-05-15: Siberians Wilderness on YouTube;
- 2010-05-16: The Orion Project – update;
- 2010-05-20: Elektronische Transmitter in Tabletten;
- 2010-05-22: Bikini-Bann in Barcelona … and what about the Burka?
- 2010-05-27: Human Race, Get Off Your Knees.
- 2010-06-04: Rushdie says fatwa only a minor issue now;
- 2010-06-08: about Israel and Palestine;
- 2010-06-13: Schweizerische Abzocker-Schutz-Partei;
- 2010-06-28: Verleih und Rückzahlung von Krediten – meine Gretchenfrage.
- 2010-07-03: Oil spill: … UNCONTROLLED GUSH … ;
- 2010-07-06: multi-colour all-sky image of the microwave sky;
- 2010-07-11: Power of science: Amazing photos of computer simulation;
- 2010-07-12: Fracture de vertèbre dû à une compression, 2ème partie;
- 2010-07-21: … comment va le monde … ;
- 2010-07-27: Meine Frage vom 29. Juni 2010;
- 2010-07-31: Von wegen Kinderschänder wird immer noch gestritten: Notaufnahme im Justizkrankenhaus;
- 2010-08-04: Universe & Consciousness;
- 2010-08-07: Geheime UFO-Akten: Royal Airforce flog jährlich 200 Einsätze;
- 2010-08-09: What I Want In A Man;
- 2010-08-12: 100 Best Books on War;
- 2010-08-13: Jackie Evancho;
- 2010-08-14: That time of the month might be a factor in women’s cholesterol levels;
- 2010-08-16: Gefalle-Engel, Nicht-Gefallene-Engel … und wir als Menschheit;
- 2010-08-24: 100 Städte gegen Steinigung / 100 cities against stoning;
- 2010-08-30: Will Obama make good on his Iraq pullout promise?
- 2010-09-03: Weizengras;
- 2010-09-07: Mind-Programming, Brainwashing and Mass-Hypnosis;
- 2010-10-07: The World is Nothing Like We Thought it Was;
- 2010-10-09: Frau des Nobelpreisträgers durch Polizei abgeschirmt;
- 2010-10-21: Darwinism Has Been Disproved Before;
- no post in November 2010 … I was for divings in Thailand;
- 2010-12-04: Statistics for the last year;
- 2010-12-04: Features: capitalism in crisis – an obsolete system;
- 2010-12-06: my favorit wallpaper;
- 2010-12-21: qu’est la mondialisation du travail?
- 2010-12-24: Dubai: Desert Drumming;
- 2010-12-30: Calcification Of Soft Tissue etc;
2011-01-06: Abu Dhabi Scientists Create Desert Rainstorms: Report;
2011-01-07: Humans Have Intentionally Modified Weather for Military Purposes and Climate Control for Decades;
2011-01-10: a CSETIweb-Interview;
2011-01-15: German watchdog monitoring English Wikipedia;
2011-01-16: TRANSIT OF THE ISS DURING THE SOLAR ECLIPSE, of January 4, 2011 from OMAN;
2011-01-20: Statistics für alle HBB-blogs;
2011-01-21: Wer für alles offen ist, ist nicht ganz dicht;
2011-01-29: again: on Astronomic Picture of the Day APOD;
2011-02-01: Restoring A Sense Of Pleasure;
2011-02-06: Unruhen in Ägypten – alle Infos für Urlauber;
2011-02-13: Revolution is About Critical Mass;
2011-02-13: Dakar, 4th day of the World Social Forum 2011;
2011-02-16: dreams for Swiss Alps pleasures;
2011-02-22: Cholesterol doesn’t predict stroke for women;
2011-02-25: Flamenco beauty;
2011-03-28: Basler Fasnacht 2011 – Cortège;
2011-03-30: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program HAARP;
2011-04-04: It’s Getting Better – an excerpt;
2011-04-15: my good old nostalgic Beatles;
2011-04-26: Krishnamurti about the Real Revolution, Parts 1 and 2;
2011-05-11: About Digital Deception;
2011-05-23: Quo Vadis, les PS de l’Europe de l’Ouest;
2011-05-27: Wilkerson on Congressional Reaction to Netanyahu;
2011-06-02: Zahi Hawass seeks secret chambers in the Pyramid of Cheops;
2011-06-08: Dr.Steven Greer’s CSETI Workshop and Lecture;
2011-06-25: Frage zum Begriff Sekten-Aufklärung;
2011-07-06: diving dreams;
2011-07-14: Philosophisches Zauberstück;
2011-07-18: Videos about some possible diving destinations;
2011-08-02: fast-Sommer 2011, nichts zu klagen;
2011-08-10: News for Swiss Politics;
2011-08-12: Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer;
2011-08-23: The muddled politics of Libya;;
2011-08-24: what about politics;
2011-08-24: Latinos: Who Are We And Why Are We Here?
2011-08-25: India renews interest in IPI project, keeps eye on TAPI;
2011-08-25: Auch Bischöfe sollten bei der Wahrheit bleiben;
2011-08-26: Libya as a model for redividing the Middle East;
2011-08-26: Schweizer Fussballraudis;
2011-08-26: Éléction Fédérales 2011: le franc fort et Fukushima;
2011-08-27: Riotgate: Dispatch from East London;
2011-08-28: Norway’s Terror as Systemic Destabilization;
2011-08-29: Ready to Rumble for Jobs, Not War and More Weapons?
2011-08-30: Idiot Wind: The Eternal Return of the Politics of the 1970s;
2011-08-31: The politics of anti-secular scholarship.
2011-09-01: Nick Beams addresses SEP conferences in Sydney and Melbourne;
2011-09-02: In America The Rule Of Law Is Vacated;
2011-09-03: The Road From Capitalism to Socialism and Why The US is F…;
2011-09-04: Four Heretical Thoughts and More … ;
2011-09-05: Chile’s students strike for free and public education;
2011-09-06: Robert Fisk: For 10 years, we’ve lied to ourselves to avoid asking the one real question;
2011-09-07: Sheehan calls for grassroots revolt against robber class;
2011-09-08: The price;
2011-09-08: Perlen aus der Schweizer TV-Archiv-Schatulle;
2011-09-09: Germany’s Left Party and Nichi Vendola offer their services to the EU;
2011-09-10: Qatar, growth and diversification: What to do about Al-Jazeera?
2011-09-11: The post-9/11 decade of lies;
2011-09-12: A political trap for Chinese workers;
2011-09-12: Das internationale Genf: Nach Calmy-Rey die Sintflut?
2011-09-13: Franc Suisse trop fort et Budget Fédéral;
2011-09-14: The Julian Assange affect echoes in the Valley;
2011-09-15: Poor response worsens Pakistan flood crises;
2011-09-16: Gehört die Schweiz jetzt zur EU?
2011-09-17: Corporate media promotes Republican ultra-right;
2011-09-17: Corruption;
2011-09-18: Culture of credit seducing Swiss youth;
2011-09-19: Soros’ and Sunstein’s joint censorship strategy;
2011-09-20: Johannes Agnoli zum negativen Potential in der Subversion;
2011-09-21: This constant mind rape;
2011-09-22: Should Labor Fight to Revive U.S. Manufacturing?
2011-09-23: A Civil Society Strategy for Revitalizing the Left;
2011-09-24: Rome wasn’t burned in a day: replacing liberal timidity with leftist passion;
2011-09-25: The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia;
2011-09-26: Will China’s Rise Spoil the Trans-Atlantic Relationship?
2011-09-27: Chris Hedges: Occupy Wall Street is where the hope of America lies;
2011-09-27: Left, right, left … ;
2011-09-28: The road ahead for Labour;
2011-09-29: Ed Miliband’s new era: this is a lurch to the Right, not the Left;
2011-09-30: Render unto Rove the things that are rogue, and unto God the things that are God’s;
2011-10-01: The Occupy Wall Street Movement;
2011-10-02: Ritz justice;
2011-10-03: What Kind of Education Does our Direct (Swiss) Democracy Require?
2011-10-04: Sami Aldeeb: Le Coran a été écrit par un rabbin;
2011-10-04: Open-ended Wall Street occupation;
2011-10-05: Majority of US college students never get degrees;
2011-10-06: Class warfare, indeed;
2011-10-06: Occupy Wall Street protests – live coverage … and more;
2011-10-07: 1936 anti-fascist London battle has resonance today;
2011-10-08: The dead begin to speak up in India;
2011-10-08: Occupy This;
2011-10-09: The Five Macro Crises of Our Times;
2011-10-10: Czech leader says more European integration is fatally wrong;
2011-10-11: Slavoj Žižek Speaks to Occupy Wall Street;
2011-10-12: Next Stop is Pakistan;
2011-10-12: Impossible la révolution en Suisse?
2011-10-13: Occupy Wall Street Works With Cops to Keep Order in Zuccotti Park;
2011-10-14: Is Time Ripe to Abandon the IMF?
2011-10-15: People’s Rights Must not Be Levered out;
2011-10-15: Féminisme et mutilations sexuelles;
2011-10-16: Occupy Wall Street OWS and The American Autumn: Is It a Colored Revolution? Part I;
2011-10-17: Untold Story of Mass Murder by Church and State in Canada;
2011-10-18: The test of bloody Sunday;
2011-10-19: Amy Goodman interviews John Perkins;
2011-10-20: Add women and stir;
2011-10-21: Let Our Farmers Grow Hemp;
2011-10-17: Untold Story of Mass Murder by Church and State in Canada;
2011-10-18: The test of bloody Sunday;
2011-10-19: Amy Goodman interviews John Perkins;
2011-10-20: Add women and stir;
2011-10-21: Let Our Farmers Grow Hemp;
2011-10-21: Eine hoch entwickelte, technische Gesellschaft beendet alle Diskriminierungen oder zerstört sich selbst;
2011-10-22: What lies behind the rescue of the Euro?
2011-10-23: The 1% who get the gold mine (we get the shaft);
2011-10-24: The Planned Rescue Package Must not Be Introduced;
2011-10-24: No governments needed, humanity’s future is cooperation;
2011-10-25: Muslim immigrants want Switzerland to change national flag;
2011-10-25: Hugo Chavez has about two years to live;
2011-10-26: In a Manner Neither Forceful or Foolish;
2011-10-27: The Visual Du Jour – Class Warfare Winners and Losers;
2011-10-27: Oakland Spends Millions in Attack on Occupy Protesters, Closes 5 Schools Next Day;
2011-10-28: Bonded slaves;
2011-10-29: We shall not be moved: Police repression, official mendacity and why OWS has already overcome;
2011-10-29: Nouveau livre: Une nouvelle GauCHe en Suisse;
2011-10-30: Canadian Government Announces Multi-Billion Dollar Warship Building Program;
2011-10-30: Europa: Schulden und soziale Kämpfe … und die Schweiz?
2011-10-31: Possible Setback for Bailout Plans: German Constitutional Court Halts Special Euro Panel;
2011-10-31: Statistics October 2011;
2011-11-01: Occupy Wall Street turns to pedal power;
2011-11-02: The too-many-people myth;
2011-11-03: Dust bowl looms if US Southwest drought plans fail;
2011-11-03: Was wird mit den 99%;
2011-11-04: Public view of the Occupy Wall Street movement as of October 2011;
2011-11-05: appeal by WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange against extradition dismissed;
2011-11-06: Breaking down language barriers with translated English-language results;
2011-11-07: Features: Understanding the climate change negotiations;
2011-11-08: You Say You Want A Revolution;
2011-11-08: can we stop an economic systemic crash?
2011-11-09: 2011 City of Sydney Peace Prize Lecture;
2011-11-10: Locally Produced Crops for Locally Consumed Products;
2011-11-11: Chicago Board of Trade: Playland for Asses;
2011-11-11: Fahrenheit 11/11/11;
2011-11-12: Postmodern Imperialism – An interview with Eric Walberg;
2011-11-13: Mapping the Wilderness: An Interview with Alexi Zentner;
2011-11-13: Dark Loft: Dark Loft (self-released);
2011-11-14: Global Governance and Criminal Plutocracy;
2011-11-15: Pakistan one of the poorest countries;
2011-11-16: What Will the Next Phase of Occupy Wall Street Take Us?
2011-11-17: Spiegel Cover-Story: A Disturbing New Dimension of Far-Right Terror;
2011-11-18: Here’s the Risk: OCCUPY ends up doing the bidding of the global elite;
2011-11-17: Crash Tax: Reparations to the 99%;
2011-11-17: OWS International Day of Action;
2011-11-18: The 8 True Causes of Deficits and the Debt;
2011-11-19: What’s in a brand? The amazing success of The Co-operative Group;
2011-11-20: Will the euro be destroyed by ideologues?
2011-11-21: Stuck In A Weimar World? Rich and Poor;
2011-11-22: Crowd Sourcing: Help us find out who else plans to attack Occupy Wall Street;
2011-11-23: Change the system, not the climate;
2011-11-24: The Last Whistleblowers;
2011-11-24: Les enfants d’Odienné demandent plus de sécurité et l’accès à une éducation de qualité;
2011-11-25: We Are The 99% – But Are We?
2011-11-27: Are Donor Countries Reneging on L’Aquila Promises?
2011-11-28: Egyptian Crisis gives Syria Time to Talk about Democracy;
2011-11-28: Le Projet Bassi Bonga;
2011-11-29: Egypt: Then and now;
2011-11-30: The Occupy Wall Street uprising and the US labour movement;
2011-12-01: The 1%’s leaders allow a million children to die every month from preventable poverty;
2011-12-01: Muslim-Mädchen schneiden in Sporttest am schlechtesten ab;
2011-12-02: Cultural materialism and identity politics;
2011-12-03: People’s Movement: There must be a referendum on ESM;
2011-12-04: Former Mossad chief: Israeli attack on Iran must be stopped to avert catastrophe;
2011-12-05: Heart Health: busting the saturated fat myth;
2011-12-05: Le point sur les sévices sexuels en Afrique;
2011-12-06: Breaking bad publicity in the chemistry lab;
2011-12-06: Slash and Burn Capitalism;
2011-12-07: Families are not factories;
2011-12-08: Anti-capitalism for absolute beginners;
2011-12-09: Occupation Nation: The Militarization of Police;
2011-12-09: stupid … I cannot let these questions;
2011-12-10: Goldman Sachs dictatorship – Hitler’s dream;
2011-12-10: again dreams for divings;
2011-12-11: Is the Lion Man a Woman?
2011-12-12: Jeffrey Sachs: That’s not a free market, that’s a game;
2011-12-13: CUPE National: Move Your War Room To Toronto Now;
2011-12-13: Gottlos glücklich – Die Geschichte der Buskampagne.de;
2011-12-14: Cleveland: Homesteading plan to put refugees in vacant homes;
2011-12-15: Occupy Wall Street: Poverty and Rising Social Inequality, Interrogating Democracy in America;2011-12-16: What a Difference an Occupation Makes;
2011-12-17: Class and Capitalism in the Gulf;
2011-12-18: An opportunity to remake Pakistan;
2011-12-18: UNO und USA heben Libyen-Sanktionen auf;
2011-12-19: Say NO to the Use of the Military in the United States;
2011-12-20: Occupy Wall Street OWS Meets Winter;
2011-12-21: Occupy and the tasks of socialists;
2011-12-22: SNC calls for action to halt Idlib massacre;
2011-12-23: Masanga Educational Assistance (MEA Project);
2011-12-23: Assistance Educative à Masanga (le projet MEA);
2011-12-24: Egypt: Where they have burned books … ;
2011-12-25: Surrender or will to defense?
2011-12-26: quelques reflexions avec Frank Lepage;
2011-12-26: Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse;
2011-12-27: A tribute to Steve Bantu Biko;
2011-12-28: Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting Continues Its Disgusting Apologetics for the Corporate Media;
2011-12-29: Why Faculty Should Join Occupy Movement Protesters on College Campuses;
2011-12-30: On the death of Kim Jong-Il;
2011-12-30: Inside Story – North Korea’s untested young Kim;
2011-12-31: Egypt security forces storm NGO offices;
2012-01-01: Where are the world’s labourers migrating for jobs? Think China?
2012-01-02: Occupy USA Democracy is Coming Lyrics by Leonard Cohen;
2012-01-03: … Things we forgot to write about last year …;
2012-01-04: Between a rock and a hard place;
2012-01-05: Inverted Under the Ice;
2012-01-06: Why is the (UK) government trying to destroy a nascent solar industry?
2012-01-07: How can the UN get its act together on food and agriculture?
2012-01-08: SAKENA YACOOBI – Woman of Afghanistan 2011;
2012-01-09: Imperialism and the Anti-Imperialism of the Fools;
2012-01-10: Grundeinkommen – DER FILM;
2012-01-11: China and India: Rival Middle East strategies;
2012-01-12: Wreck divings: Thistlegorm;
2012-01-12: World Puja Network Show – Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer;
2012-01-13: India: Land of Energy Opportunity;
2012-01-14: US tribunal urges trial of WikiLeaks suspect;
2012-01-15: 1942 – Geopolitical considerations have priority over ideology and the presently ruling system;
2012-01-16: Money As Debt;
2012-01-16: Ueli Gurtner – Revolutionär wider Willen;
2012-01-17: Occupy Together: #F29 Shut Down the Corporations;
2012-01-17: Nestlé vor Gericht wegen Überwachung von Attac;
2012-01-18: Syrian legislators join anti-Assad uprising;
2012-01-19: NEWS AND REPORTING: A Financial Nest-Egg for Every American Baby?
2012-01-20: Sergey Rachmaninoff on YouTube;
2012-01-21: The Afghan Dust is Settling;
2012-01-22: Bangladeshi man bears scars of torture;
2012-01-23: The Quiet Revolution;
2012-01-24: Collapse of the Celtic Tiger;
2012-01-25: The World War on Democracy;
2012-01-26: Julian Assange starts Wikileaks TV show;
2012-01-27: Ahmadinejad offers nuclear talks;
2012-01-28: More Wreck divings;
2012-01-29: Wall Street, Small Business, and the Limits of Corporate Personhood;
2012-01-30: MILITARY JUSTICE: The Bradley Manning Article 32 Hearing;
2012-01-30: Lettre d’information proPhilo Janvier 2012;
2012-01-31: Neo-liberalism and the ongoing economic assault on ordinary Canadians;
2012-01-31: DEUTER in YouTube’s autoplay;
See also our pages:
- World People’s Blog: people by first name;
- World People’s Blog: PEOPLE BY COUNTRY;
- Economy and Society: all articles sorted chronologically; and second page – all articles sorted chronologically – 2012 ff …;
- Humanitarian Texts: all articles sorted chronologically; and second page – all articles sorted chronologically – 2012 ff …;
- Berhane Tewolde’s Development Blog: all articles sorted chronologically; and second page – all articles sorted chronologically – 2012 ff …;
- Heidi Barathieu-Brun Blog: this page all articles sorted chronologically; and second page – all articles sorted chronologically – 2012 ff …;
- KASHMIR and IDPs: all articles sorted chronologically;
- Geopolitical Analysis: all articles sorted chronologically;
- History – Past and Present: all artic les sorted chronologically;
- Mein privater Garten: all article sorted chronologically;
- politics for the 99%: all articles sorted chronologically.
Further find on the blog History – Past and Present:
Baharistan-i-Shahi – Chapter 1;
Baharistan-i-Shahi – Chapter 2;
Baharistan-i-Shahi – Chapter 3;
Baharistan-i-Shahi – Chapter 4;
Baharistan-i-Shahi – Chapter 5;
Baharistan-i-Shahi – Chapter 6;
Baharistan-i-Shahi – Chapter 7;
Baharistan-i-Shahi – Chapter 8.