Greeks will have to become migrants [3 VIDEOS, PHOTOS]

… 10,000 farmers protest EU-imposed reforms in Athens [3 VIDEOS, PHOTOS] – Published on RT, Feb 13, 2016.

Thousands of Greek farmers set up a protest camp in central Athens to speak out against tax and pension reforms required by the EU and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Earlier, hundreds clashed with police at the Agriculture Ministry.  

The protesting farmers, who have come from across the country, were joined by worker unionists on Syntagma Square. Police estimated that around 10,000 demonstrators were in attendance. The mass then carried flags in a procession that was led by 20 tractors honking their horns … //

… Protesters argue that they are not extremists, but that the government’s decisions are pushing them towards extreme behavior. “The left government calls some of us ‘far-right extremists.’ We are not far-right extremists, but with their actions they push us towards the extremes,” farmer G. Papageorgakopoulos told Ruptly … //

… On Wednesday, Tsipras spoke of a compromise during a televised address. “We are open to a substantial, honest dialogue with the farmers,” he said. “There is significant room for improvement on their social security contributions, on the issue of when the measures take effect, and generally over the need to protect their income.”

(full text).

See also on RT:


Democratizing the EU, on Dissident Voice, by Steve Church, Feb 11, 2016;

AUSTRALIA: Should this idea to get rid of the pension be taken seriously? on Starts at, Feb 11, 2016;

US: The Dream – Or Is It A Nightmare? – Of No Work, on Independent’s Women Forum IWF, by Carrie L. Lukas, Feb 10, 2016;

Quebec welfare reform is a human rights faux-pas, on CULT Montreal, by Peter Wheeland, Feb 10, 2016;

Utah Senator Mark Madsen, a Mormon, Fiercely Backs Medical Marijuana, on INVERSE, by Colin St. John, Feb 10, 2016;

La fin du travail approche-t-elle? dans, par Michel-Édouard Ruben, le 10 févr 2016;

EDITORIAL: Investing in poverty may be wise, on Niagara this Week, Feb 10, 2016;

GERMANY: Debating the Refugee Crisis – three exemples, on Spiegel Online International, Feb 10, 2016:

  • Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni: the Toughest Crisis in EU History, Interview Conducted by Walter Mayr: Italy is adament that the rest of the European Union must do its part to solve the refugee crisis. In an interview with SPIEGEL, Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni discusses his hopes for a redistribution scheme and his concern Schengen may be doomed;
  • Refugee Debate: The Shrillest Are Gaining the Upper Hand – a commentary by Maximilian Popp: Opponents of Angela Merkel’s refugee policies act as if the country were on the verge of collapse. Their tone is so shrill it has created a climate in which people just shrug their shoulders as the government takes steps to dramatically curb asylum-seekers’ right;
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… and this about Tumeric Milk: