Index November 2015

2015-11-01: A Tale of Two Retirements;
2015-11-02: UK: Six million workers paid less than the living wage;
2015-11-03: State Multiculturalism, Cultural Diplomacy and the EU Crisis;
2015-11-04: Japanese High Speed Bullet Train;
2015-11-05: Distortion, Fabrication, and Falsification in the Financial Press;
2015-11-06: from Zermatt to Gornergrat;
2015-11-07: Mass Mobilization To Stop The TPP Announced As Text Is Released;
2015-11-08: The Politics of the Right and the Dilemmas of the Left;
2015-11-09: 3 Hours of Instrumental Music;
2015-11-10: what’s Europe for their 99% – with Yanis Varoufakis;
2015-11-11: Noam Chomsky;
2015-11-12: How Outside Normalcy Should an Outsider Be?
2015-11-13: White House Objections Stop ISIS War Authorization Vote;
2015-11-14: A Brutal New Germany – What’s Happening to My Country?
2015-11-15: Non-French War Deaths Matter;
2015-11-16: soft music;
2015-11-17: Global Capitalism Update, Nov 2015;
2015-11-18: Lessons from Iceland’s Financial Crisis;
2015-11-19: I am fed up – I can no more hear it …;
2015-11-20: a bunch of links on what’s actual;
2015-11-21: TPP’s Orwellian Definition of “Science”;
2015-11-22: Washington’s New Approach to Russia;
2015-11-23: Unreported Crimes against Humanity – more than 800 Women and Children have died in Yemen;
2015-11-24: The Realism of Audacity – Rethinking Revolutionary Strategy Today;
2015-11-25: When Workers Fight;
2015-11-26: Turkey Has Destroyed Russia’s Hope of Western Cooperation;
2015-11-27: RBS: Whistleblower claims bank hid scale of losses prior to banking crisis to protect banker’s bonuses;
2015-11-28: The Power of Nightmares;
2015-11-29: Scapegoating the refugees;
2015-11-30: The Tragedy of the Commons, the Pope, and the System;
2015-11-30: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, November 1-30, 2015.
See also this page: All articles sorted chronologically.

The Tragedy of the Commons, the Pope, and the System

Actually running (Nov 30 / 9.00 MEZ): COP21 opens in Paris – arrivals and greeting of heads of states, LIVE, by Ruptly TV.

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1190, by Michael A. Lebowitz, Nov 27, 2015.

  • There’s an old argument that common property inevitably leads to exhaustion of resources … //

… Profit Worship:   Continuer la lecture de « The Tragedy of the Commons, the Pope, and the System »

Scapegoating the refugees

Published on Al-Ahram weekly online, by Salah Nasrawi, Nov 26, 2015.

A tide of increased xenophobia in Europe in the aftermath of the Paris attacks is making refugees pawns in the debate over terrorism.

On a street corner in the upscale Cairo neighbourhood of Zamalek, a small crowd of visitors gathers outside the fortified building of the German embassy early in the morning on each working day.   Continuer la lecture de « Scapegoating the refugees »

RBS: Whistleblower claims bank hid scale of losses prior to banking crisis to protect banker's bonuses

Published on International Business Times IBS, by Mark Piggott, Nov 26, 2015.

A former senior risk consultant at scandal-hit Royal Bank of Scotland RBS is reported to be planning to make a number of explosive allegations about deception and greed within the bank’s upper echelons, even as the 2008 financial crisis was underway. Victor Hong, based in the US, is set to appear in court in the UK as part of a major action being taken against the bank by its own shareholders. Continuer la lecture de « RBS: Whistleblower claims bank hid scale of losses prior to banking crisis to protect banker's bonuses »

Turkey Has Destroyed Russia’s Hope of Western Cooperation

Published on Dissident Voice, by Paul Craig Roberts, Nov 24, 2015.

… Turkey’s unprovoked shoot-down of a Russian military aircraft over Syria raises interesting questions. It seems unlikely that the Turkish government would commit an act of war against a much more powerful neighbor unless Washington had cleared the attack. Turkey’s government is not very competent, but even the incompetent know better than to put themselves into a position of facing Russia alone. Continuer la lecture de « Turkey Has Destroyed Russia’s Hope of Western Cooperation »

When Workers Fight

Published on ZNet, by Cal Winslow, Nov 24, 2015.

The therapists, counselors, and social workers at Kaiser Permanente in California have won a magnificent victory. In a last minute retreat, in the face of an open-ended strike, Kaiser, the giant California health care corporation, settled with 1400 workers and their union, the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW).   Continuer la lecture de « When Workers Fight »

The Realism of Audacity – Rethinking Revolutionary Strategy Today

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1188, by Panagiotis Sotiris, Nov 23, 2015.

Unreported Crimes against Humanity – more than 800 Women and Children have died in Yemen

… and No One Has Food – Published on Vice News, by Samuel Oakford, Nov 19, 2015.

Yemen’s humanitarian and human rights catastrophe continues to worsen, according to new UN figures which put the number of killed since late March at more than 5,700. Continuer la lecture de « Unreported Crimes against Humanity – more than 800 Women and Children have died in Yemen »