Things Just Got Serious in Europe’s War on Cash

… to protect citizens from threats as defined by apparatchiks in Brussels – Published on Wolf Street, by Don Quijones, Jan 28, 2017.

The central authorities in Europe just launched their most important offensive to date in their multiyear War on Cash. The new move comes directly from the European Union’s executive branch, the European Commission, which just announced its intention to “explore the relevance of potential upper limits to cash payments,” with a view to implementing cross-regional measures in 2018. Continuer la lecture de « Things Just Got Serious in Europe’s War on Cash »


Ending The UK’s Free Trade Fantasies

Published on Social (first on European Politics and Policy EUROPP blog, by Mark Manger, Jan 27, 2017.

… Theresa May’s highly anticipated speech on 17 January showed that slowly but surely, the UK government is realising the constraints of global trade rules. At last, the aims regarding future relations with the EU are becoming clear: Britain will leave the single market, end the free movement of EU citizens to the UK, set its own tariffs, but also seek a comprehensive free trade agreement (FTA) with the EU … // Continuer la lecture de « Ending The UK’s Free Trade Fantasies »

Trump, enough of 9/11

… WILL THE UNITED STATES REGAIN THEIR FREEDOM? – Published on, by Thierry Meyssan, Jan 24, 2017.

Donald Trump refused to don the Presidential uniform of his predecessors, and dedicated his speech of investiture to mocking the System and announcing a change of paradigm. He has built his Security team around two themes – the eradication of Daesh and the opposition to 11 September – two characteristics which are aimed at putting an end to the process of globalisation (translation from french by Pete Kimberley). Continuer la lecture de « Trump, enough of 9/11 »

The Last Superpower Summits

Published on National Security Archive, Electronic Briefing Book No. 578, by Tom Blanton and Svetlana Savranskaya, Jan 23, 2017.

  • New book analyzes detailed transcripts of Gorbachev, Reagan and Bush meetings 1985-1991;
  • Key documents show Thatcher’s endorsement of Gorbachev, Bush’s anxiety about Gorbachev’s popularity, and missed opportunities on arms control, regional conflicts, and European integration.
  • Continuer la lecture de « The Last Superpower Summits »

John Pilger: Interview on RT and a Message to Trump

The Future by Committee

Published on ZNet (first on TomDispatch), by Tom Engelhardt, Jn 23, 2017.

They call themselves the U.S. Intelligence Community, or the IC. If you include the office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which in 2005 began as a crew of 12 people, including its director, and by 2008 had already grown to a staff of 1,750, there are 17 members (adding up to an alphabet soup of acronyms including the CIA, the NSA, and the DIA). The IC spends something like $70 billion of your taxpayer dollars annually, mostly in secret, hires staggering numbers of private contractors from various warrior corporations to lend a hand, sucks up communications of every sort across the planet, runs a drone air force, monitors satellites galore, builds its agencies multi-billion-dollar headquarters and storage facilities, and does all of this, ostensibly, to provide the president and the rest of the government with the best information imaginable on what’s happening in the world and what dangers the United States faces. Continuer la lecture de « The Future by Committee »

Women's March on Washington

… many articles – published out of Google News-search;

(my comment: yes, what Trump said was ugly for women, but my father also spoke with much contempt about us as second class, and so did the whole generation of males when I was young. This made him not a bad guy, it only made me feminist.
This said, all these women now in America’s street have nothing to f… that Trump will stop war with Russia, a war we the European women would have had to suffer if this ugly Clinton were in power? For sure I prefer some bad jokes.
You American women are blind about that? Would you prefer Washington’s Gangster-Elite in power and put Europe into war with Russia? Really?
Yes, I fear that you could succeed, Trump could be assassinated and war with Russia would become reality again.
If you insist this will happen, you certainly not get world’s most urgent threats, and for me you would have no more anything to say
– Heidi). Continuer la lecture de « Women's March on Washington »

Trump’s “Russia Connection”, Behind America’s Perpetual Wars

… why the Enemy Structures US Identity – Published on Global, by Prof. John McMurtry, Jan 20, 2017.

The enemy in one form or another drives the US – the gun culture on the streets, the rich behind weapon-guarded enclaves, the pervasive violence entertainments of good vs. evil killers, the never-ending destabilizations of societies not submitting to US military and corporate globalization, and the hundreds of billions of public dollars pouring into continuous armed threats and wars. Continuer la lecture de « Trump’s “Russia Connection”, Behind America’s Perpetual Wars »