The chance of an American being killed by terrorists is close to zero

… the risk is calculated to be 1 in 20 million – Published on Intrepid Report, by John Chuckman, Feb 27, 2015.

… Let’s get a rough total estimate of what has happened to Americans from these causes in the time since 9/11. Just using the low number in each case for fourteen years, 7,000 Americans were killed by their own police, 420,000 were killed by something parked in their garage, 210,000 were murdered by fellow citizens, 1,400,000 were killed by friendly family doctors, and there were 560,000 who just decided to pack it in for one reason or another. The total of these various causes of death rounds to 2,600,000 deaths, nearly 867 times the number of Americans killed in 9/11, 867 collapsed sets of twin towers, nearly 62 collapsed sets of towers per year.   Continuer la lecture de « The chance of an American being killed by terrorists is close to zero »

BILD says 'NEIN' to Greece bailout extension

Published on The, Feb 26, 2015:

BILD, Europe’s biggest-selling daily newspaper, on Thursday targeted plans for an extension to Greece’s bailout by asking readers to email in selfies with the paper’s « NEIN » headline. NO! No more billions for the greedy Greeks! the paper declared in its print and online editions. It urged readers to snap a selfie while holding it and email it back to the paper as part of a campaign against further subsidies.   Continuer la lecture de « BILD says 'NEIN' to Greece bailout extension »

25 Facts About the Pharmaceutical Industry, Vaccines and “Anti-Vaxers”

Published on Global, by Julie Lévesque, Feb 25, 2015.

… Why is the media so keen on portraying Big Pharma critics as crazy, uneducated, unscientific and irresponsible people?

Dr Marcia Angell worked for over two decades as editor of The New England Journal of Medicine. She was fired after criticizing the pharmaceutical industry, which had exerted a n overriding and negative influence on the scientific literature. She said: “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published.”   Continuer la lecture de « 25 Facts About the Pharmaceutical Industry, Vaccines and “Anti-Vaxers” »

Tsípras: Scared by His Own Courage

Published on Dissident Voice, by Wilhelm Langthaler, February 21, 2015.

… Sýriza is prisoners of its own past, its origins in the euro-communist Synaspismós. For them the European Union has been the greatest achievement of the post-war period. Only they would need to make it more socially inclined. They failed to understand that the very raison d’être of the EU is to destroy the welfare states which historically had grown within the nation states.   Continuer la lecture de « Tsípras: Scared by His Own Courage »

Swimming with the Sharks

… Goldman Sachs, School Districts, and Capital Appreciation Bonds – Published on Dissident Voice, by Ellen Hodgson Brown, Feb 21, 2015.

… Remember when Goldman Sachs, dubbed by Matt Taibbi “The Vampire Squid”, sold derivatives to Greece so the government could conceal its debt, then bet against that debt, driving it up? It seems that the ubiquitous investment bank has also put the squeeze on California and its school districts. Not that Goldman was alone in this; but the unscrupulous practices of the bank once called the undisputed king of the municipal bond business epitomize the culture of greed that has ensnared students and future generations in unrepayable debt.   Continuer la lecture de « Swimming with the Sharks »

Videos with Yanis Varoufakis

Transnational Capitalist Class TCC – and related articles

Speaking out on religion, salvation or destruction

Published on Intrepid Report, by Dave Alpert, Feb 19, 2015.

I was born a Jew and grew up in The Bronx in New York City. At the age of 13, I was Bar Mitzvad. As I grew older, I became more and more disenchanted with religion as an institution. I became aware of the historical role religion played in the life and destiny of man, a history which demonstrates wars, deaths, and destruction all in the name of God. Continuer la lecture de « Speaking out on religion, salvation or destruction »