Understanding the global role of the US economy

Published on VOXeu, by M. Ayhan Kose, Csilla Lakatos, Franziska Ohnsorge, Marc Stocker, Feb 27, 2017.

A growth surge in the world’s largest economy could provide a significant boost to global activity. In contrast, uncertainty about the direction of US policies could have the opposite effect. This column investigates spillover channels linking the US and the global economy. An acceleration in US growth would have positive effects for the rest of the world if not counterbalanced by increased trade barriers. However, policy uncertainty could hamper global growth, and could have particularly bad effects on investment growth in emerging and developing economies … // Continuer la lecture de « Understanding the global role of the US economy »

Chelsea Manning Welcome Home Fund

Published on GoFundMe, created Feb 7, 2017.

This is the official campaign raising funds for Chelsea Manning. This campaign is being organized by her friends and family. I have known Chelsea as her attorney, advocate and friend for several years. The money will be deposited directly into her bank account, which is being managed by her current power of attorney. Upon her release on May 17th, she will have full control over all funds donated. Continuer la lecture de « Chelsea Manning Welcome Home Fund »

Syria’s Draft Constitution, “No Military Solution”. Russia Now Runs the Peace Process to End Syria’s War – Part III

Part I, Feb 20, 2017; Part II, Feb 22, 2017 – Published on Global Research.ca (first on Strategic Culture Foundation), by Eric Zuesse, Feb 25, 2017.

AFTER RUSSIA TOOK OVER THE NEGOTIATIONS: the conclusion of the first round of post-U.S.-involvement Syrian peace talks took place in Astana Kazakhstan and ended on January 24th, and included, as governmental participants, Syria, Russia, Iran, and Turkey. Neither the Sauds (who had selected and organized the delegation that supposedly represented ‘the rebels’ in the previous, America-led, talks) nor the United States government (which is the main international representative of the Sauds) participated. Continuer la lecture de « Syria’s Draft Constitution, “No Military Solution”. Russia Now Runs the Peace Process to End Syria’s War – Part III »

Canada, Ontario: Time to Fix Hydro ‘Mistake’

Published on The Bullett, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1372, by Paul Kahnert, Feb 22, 2017.

Hydro in Ontario is a mess and rates are skyrocketing. The high number of people who have trouble paying or can’t pay their Hydro bills is growing by the day. Businesses are leaving the province and/or refusing to locate here because of high Hydro rates. A group that is especially being ignored is small and medium business including farmers (that’s from a former union activist) … // Continuer la lecture de « Canada, Ontario: Time to Fix Hydro ‘Mistake’ »

Why free trade is not always an advantage

… and why protectionism can also mean protection – Published on Current Concerns, by Karl Müller, Feb 21, 2017.

One of the “Establishment’s” “narratives” is that science and reason are on their side and their critics have no real arguments. That the critics are blind to reality and strongly biased by their feelings, seducible by “populists”, by “conspiracy theorists,” and by brokers of “fake news” (especially the Russian government). Continuer la lecture de « Why free trade is not always an advantage »

Young Iranian chess grandmaster expelled from national team for not wearing hijab

… while competing as an independent player in the 2017 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival – Published on RT, Feb 21, 2017.

Iran has banned 18-year-old chess grandmaster Dorsa Derakhshani from competing for the national chess team for not wearing a hijab – obligatory dress for women under Iranian law.
Derakhshani was expelled for not covering her hair with the garment – compulsory wear for women since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 – while competing as an independent player in the 2017 Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival. Continuer la lecture de « Young Iranian chess grandmaster expelled from national team for not wearing hijab »

FOOD: it's time to put food policy back on the table

… one that benefits farmers, and not Monsanto – Published on Alternet, by Jim Hightower, Feb 14, 2017.

During the farm crisis of the 1980s, an Iowa farmer asked if I knew the difference between a family farmer and a pigeon. When I said no, he delighted in explaining: « A pigeon can still make a deposit on a new John Deere. »   Continuer la lecture de « FOOD: it's time to put food policy back on the table »

These 8 neocons are gearing up to destroy President Trump

… and Make America Bomb Again – Published on Axis of Logic (first on The Duran), by Alex Christoforou, Feb 15, 2017.

US Senator Rand Paul recently urged President Trump not to choose neoconservative Elliott Abrams to serve in the No. 2 spot at the US State Department … //

… Here are 8 neocons that are gunning to take Trump down, and force America into more illegal wars and regime change operations.   Continuer la lecture de « These 8 neocons are gearing up to destroy President Trump »

The Democratic Party has COLLAPSED as a political force in the USA

Glenn Greenwald: The Democratic Party has COLLAPSED as a political force in the USA – and here’s why, 5.09 min, uploaded by NoWorldOrder.com, Feb 16, 2017.

… “The Democrats don’t have control of the House or the Senate, the Republicans do. They now have lost two-thirds of governorships, which are also now in the hands of the Republican Party. And they are one state house away from enabling the Republicans to convene a constitutional convention on their own because they will have two-thirds of the states fully within their grasp, and both houses of Congress. So, it’s a party that has collapsed as a national political force in the United States! It’s not just the presidential election!”   Continuer la lecture de « The Democratic Party has COLLAPSED as a political force in the USA »

Flynn fired over high-level DC pedophile list

Flynn fired over high-level DC pedophile list, 21.24 min, uploaded by NoWorldOrder.com, Feb 17, 2017.

Former CIA officer Robert David Steele explains how Flynn was really fired because he was in possession of a high-level Washington DC pedophile list with many names. One of those names was Vice President Mike Pence’s « best friend ». Steele also says that there are restaurants in Washington DC and Saudi Arabia where you can literally order children off of the menu …;
in german: about pedophilia: Ritueller Missbrauch, on politics for the 99%, Oct 25, 2016, with my long comment about what I lived when being in France in the sixties, letting me believe that Pizzagate must be true; Continuer la lecture de « Flynn fired over high-level DC pedophile list »