Game-changer: European Parliament votes in favor of dropping charges against Snowden

Published on Russia Today RT, Oct 29, 2015;

The majority of European Parliament members have voted in favor of asking constituent states to grant protection to whistleblower and former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who has described the move as a ‘game-changer’ and a ‘chance to move forward’ … // Continuer la lecture de « Game-changer: European Parliament votes in favor of dropping charges against Snowden »

Refugee crisis: Last influx to fortress Europe cross Austrian border before route closes

ACTUALLY – RT on Air: tensions at the Slovenian-Austrian border

Published on The, by Jamie Merrill, Oct 29, 2015.

Kawphar Zangana would not say how his wife died. It was too much for him. “They [Isis] took her from me in Iraq. Now I can only help my children get to Germany.”   Continuer la lecture de « Refugee crisis: Last influx to fortress Europe cross Austrian border before route closes »

Isis in Iraq: Peshmergas have new weapon in fight against militants – the ability to read

… an inability to understand signs can cost fighters their lives – night school aims to change that – Published on The, by Cathy Otten, Oct 25, 2015.

A student looks diligently up at his teacher and then down at an exercise book filled with rows of letters. Shkur Miro and the rest of the men listening carefully to what their teacher tells them are Peshmerga fighters, taking a break from the war with Isis. Continuer la lecture de « Isis in Iraq: Peshmergas have new weapon in fight against militants – the ability to read »

Truth About 9/11 Would Take Down the US as a Global Empire

Published on Global, by Kevin Barrett, Oct 20, 2015 (with video, 5.55 min … and the book link about).

The truth about the September 11, 2001 terror attacks would not only destabilize the American political system but it would also take down the US as a global empire, an American scholar says.   Continuer la lecture de « Truth About 9/11 Would Take Down the US as a Global Empire »

Nice No More: The End of the German Fairytale

Published on Spiegel Online International, a commentary by Markus Feldenkirchen, Oct 20, 2015.

The World Cup scandal brought to light by SPIEGEL serves as a reminder that Germany is nowhere near as perfect as it had started to look – ironically, around the time of that historic « fairytale summer » … //

… With its social market economy, Germany also appeared to have defied the law of capitalism that requires one to be a little coarse and unscrupulous in order to prevail. Continuer la lecture de « Nice No More: The End of the German Fairytale »

The Syrianization of Turkey

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1175, by Sungur Savran, Oct 19, 2015.

The immense catastrophe that struck Turkey in the streets of Ankara, the capital city, on 10 October, when two bombs exploded in the midst of a thronging crowd of what would possibly turn out to be hundreds of thousands of people, leading to the death of an indefinite number of people, in any case exceeding one hundred, and the wounding of hundreds, some still under the risk of death, is a sharp reminder, if any were needed, that this is a country undergoing a severe political crisis … // Continuer la lecture de « The Syrianization of Turkey »

Privatization of the US Prison System

Published on Global, Oct 20, 2015.
(See also Arrest Records).

The following infographic shows us how profitable the US prison industry is. “Between 1980 and 1994, profits went up from $392 million to $1.31 billion” dollars. As reported in The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?, inmates, mostly Blacks and Hispanics, are also being exploited by various industries: Continuer la lecture de « Privatization of the US Prison System »