Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, October 1 – 31, 2015

related articles published during Octobre 2015: (continuously updated …)

Maastricht/The Netherlands – Conference: Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Dutch Basic Income Association, Oct 29-31;
Fianna Fáil under fire for ‘old basic income’ policy, Oct 29;
Et si le revenu de base n’était plus une utopie, le 28 oct;
Pourquoi l’allocation universelle est un mirage, le 28 oct;
Could a new basic income protect Australia’s most vulnerable, Oct 27;
PORTUGAL: Paulo Borges runs for President, while defending basic income, Oct 27;
A guaranteed minimum income is not a welfare reform silver bullet, Oct 27;
There is an alternative to the tax credit cuts saga and it’s a negative income tax, Oct 26;
Débat: Faut-il défendre le revenu de base, le 27 oct;
Expérimenter le revenu de base, la nécessaire audace de la Finlande, le 26 oct;
Universal Basic Income Will Likely Increase Social Cohesion, Oct 22;
Basic Income Createathon seeks Brainstorming Power, Oct 21;
NAMIBIA: Basic Income Grant Back on National Agenda, Oct 20;
Portugal: Presidency candidate Manuela Gonzaga supports basic income, Oct 19;
Short Answers to BIG – FAQs (Part 3 of 3), Oct 19;
UNITED STATES: Detroit activist Grace Lee Boggs dies at 100, she endorsed city-level universal basic income, Oct 18;
Le revenu de base, une mauvaise solution à un vrai problème – on en parle de plus en plus, ça mérite donc d’être examinée de plus près, le 16 oct;
ALASKA: The state’s mini-basic income comes under increasing attack, Oct 16;
Portugal: First pro-Basic Income congressman gets elected to parliament, Oct 15;
Basic Income Grant back on national agenda, Oct 15;
Election forum on Guaranteed Livable Income, Oct 15;
Namibia: In support of the introduction of BIG, Oct 16;
FINLAND: Government Forms Research Team to Design Basic Income Pilots, Oct 15;
Canada: Think BIG to fight poverty, Oct 15;
L’allocation universelle, c’est rendre à chacun la liberté d’organiser sa vie, le 15 oct;
Portugal: First pro-Basic Income congressman gets elected to parliament, Oct 15;
NAMIBIA: Basic Income Grant back on national agenda, Oct 15;
Canada: Election forum on Guaranteed Livable Income, Oct 15;
ITALY: Friuli-Venezia Giulia region introduces a minimum income experiment, Oct 14;
A New Golden Age Part III: The Basic Income Guarantee by Tom Streithorst, Oct 13;
Artificial intelligence, tech workers, and universal income – an interview, Oct 13;
Oren Cass: Basic income won’t fix America’s social divide, Oct 12;
Basic Income as the Core of the Economy, Oct 12;
Could ‘basic income’ solve APAC wealth inequality? Oct 12;
Unconditional Basic Income Raises the Right Questions, Oct 12;
Time is Right for a Guaranteed Livable Income, Oct 8;
Free money – Germany’s basic income lottery, Oct 6;
Elizabeth May: Paying Everyone A Basic Income Will End Poverty AND Save Money, Oct 6;
La sécu. a 70 ans – Le revenu de base ne sera pas son fossoyeur, au contraire il la soulagera, le 6 oct;
Matt Zwolinski: Our welfare system insults the poor – Basic income could do better, Oct 6;
Suisse: Le revenu universel, un asservissement universel, le 5 oct;
Christine Emba: Universal basic income, a primer, Oct 5;
Federico Pistono: as tech threatens jobs, we must test a universal basic income, Oct 4;
SWITZERLAND: parliament rejects basic income initiative, but poll shows popular support, Oct 3;
Welche Effekte hätte ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen für Deutschland? / [What effects would a Basic Income have for Germany?] – by Robin Jessen, Davud Rostam-Afschar, and Viktor Steiner, Oct 3;
Une plateforme allemande de crowdfunding finance un revenu de base universel, le oct 3;
France: pour ou contre un revenu universel? La question portée devant un tribunal, Oct 2;
Reading the comments: Universal basic income, Oct 2;
Who Is ‘The Precariat’? Economist Says New Class Of Workers Fighting For Recognition, Stability – Economist Guy Standing Proposes Guaranteed Basic Income, Oct 2;
The terrible cost of universal basic income, Oct 1;

Announcement: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Call for Participation in the 15th North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress, 12-15 May 2016.