Turkey refuses to join US-led offensive on ISIS-held Raqqa if Kurds involved

… [VIDEO 2.37 min] – Published on RT, March 23, 2017.

A rift has opened up between NATO allies US and Turkey over the part Syrian Kurdish forces should play in the liberation of Raqqa from Islamic State terrorists as Ankara has openly rejected taking part in any operation that would involve the Kurds … //

… Turkey views the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its militant wing, YPG, which has been a key force fighting Islamic State militants in northern Syria, as linked to the PKK, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which operates in Turkey and Iraq. Ankara considers the PKK a terrorist organization and blames it for being behind the Kurdish insurgency in eastern Turkish regions. The US has designated PKK as a terrorist group, while supporting the YPG in Syria. Russia considers neither of the groups to be terrorist.

The Pentagon on Wednesday confirmed that US aircraft airlifted some fighters from Syrian Democratic Forces, a multinational Kurdish-dominated group, in a bid to retake the Tabqa Dam from Islamic State. US forces also provided fire support.

Earlier Wednesday, US Senator John McCain, who heads the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that the Kurdish issue was an « enormous challenge » for Washington in regard to its relations with Ankara.

Saying that the Trump administration is weighing the issue of providing the Kurdish fighters with heavy arms for the anti-IS offensive, the American official admitted the US faces « tough decisions, » and should be careful not to cross its NATO ally.

« The conundrum is that if you don’t use the Kurds, [the battle against IS] takes a lot longer… But if you do, you have an enormous challenge as far as relations with Turkey are concerned, including things like the use of Incirlik [military base], » McCain told reporters as cited by AFP. The Turkish air base of Incirlik is heavily used by NATO and the US-led coalition to fight Islamic State in the region … //

… (full text).

(my comment: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s rising dictatoreship excludes all worker’s, minority’s and any political opposition’s contribution not only agains ISIS, but inside Turkish politics. If we accept this we’ll get much more problems we could have with any Kurdistan Workers’ Party PKK. And again is rising the elimination of a group of subalterns having engaged their lives to solve a problem – where the dominants never want share the final profit with them … also America’s choice will be judged by the rest of us – Heidi).


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