think it is war … and nobody is going there …

Russia Concerned by Reports of Kiev Using Ballistic Missiles in Eastern Ukraine, on, July 30, 2014.

… Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko Tuesday confirmed the country’s readiness to provide access to international experts to the crash site of the Malaysia Airlines passenger plane in Donetsk Region, declaring a unilateral ceasefire within a 20-kilometer (12-mile) radius. “Now, unfortunately, actions suggest the opposite: Donetsk, Luhansk and other villages in these regions are being shelled with Grad rocket launchers, artillery and tanks.”

On Tuesday, citing US officials CNN reported that Ukraine’s government troops used short-range ballistic missiles in the east. The weapons have a range of about 50 miles and pack warheads of up to 1,000 pounds.   Continuer la lecture de « think it is war … and nobody is going there … »

Eastern Ukraine

Video: Our Troops March and Drive Into Eastern Ukraine Bearing Nazi Insignia and Mass-Death, 82.36 min, on Wasgington’s Blog, by Eric Zuesse, July 28, 2014;
(also on YouTube, uploaded there by FallenUSSoldiers, July 27, 2014): Extensive war crimes in Donbass from July 2 to July 24, 2014 …).

My comment:

  • 1): how long will it take that these criminals – obviously enjoying their acts of destruction – are taken to the European Criminal Court of Justice?
  • 2): how long do our western medias continue with their lies telling Russia/Putin is the aggressor – shall we bring them also to a Criminal Court?
  • 3): you the West-Ukranians, do you really believe that we the European peoples want you among us? – No, with this behavior you’ll NEVER be a part of our world!!
  • 4): how long will it take that we westerners show the same people uprise like in the Vietnam War?
  • 5): Is the Civil War in Gaza made to concentrate all medias away from the geostrategically much more important Ukraine?
  • 6): How long do we support our govs supporting NATO’s actions? – Heidi).

Related Links: Continuer la lecture de « Eastern Ukraine »

Mobilizing Temporary Migrant Workers

a Compendium of Forms and Preliminary Discussion – Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1014, by Salimah Valiani, July 25, 2014.

… The purpose of this article is to provide a compendium of the varying forms of temporary migrant labour organizing in the early 21st century. Empirical accounts on this question are hard to come by, especially of global scope. Examination and reflection on this evidence can advance theory and praxis around transnational labour organizing in the broadest sense. I stress labour organizing broadly and transnationally because temporary migrant labour is increasingly the primary basis of labour supply growth in several economic sectors and labour markets around the world. Given that current organizing of temporary migrant workers is in nascent stages in world historical terms, the article concludes with a preliminary analysis of the differing forms of migrant worker advocacy and action today … // Continuer la lecture de « Mobilizing Temporary Migrant Workers »

The GMO debate: What to consider

Published on Pambazuka News, by Mwananyanda Mbikusita Lewanika, July 24, 2014.

The debate around Genetically Modified Organisms has been characterized by lack of information and understanding of the complexities around biotechnology. Any state must undertake careful consideration about potential benefits and risks before deciding to introduce GMOs into the country … // Continuer la lecture de « The GMO debate: What to consider »

Contradictions of the Ruling Class in Ukraine

Published on New Politics, by Sean Larson, Summer 2014 /Vol XV-1 Whole #: 57.

Ukrainian capitalism today is distinguished by the most fortified oligarchy of the post-Soviet states. Politics in Ukraine have been subject to volatile lurches over the last decade, driven by the direct involvement of masses of Ukrainians. Meanwhile, shaping the economic, political, and ideological aspects of society and daily life in Ukraine is a ubiquitous inter-imperialist competition between Russia on the one side and the United States and the European Union on the other. Indeed, the accumulation of capital in this country is constantly conditioned and threatened both by these imperialisms and internal social upheavals. The actions and positions of the ruling class have been and will continue to be staked out upon the terrain delineated by their contradictions.     Continuer la lecture de « Contradictions of the Ruling Class in Ukraine »

The end of Israel

Published on Intrepid Report, by Gilad Atzmon, July 24, 2014.

In his speech to the nation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged yesterday that the war on Gaza is a battle for the existence of the Jewish State. Netanyahu is correct. And Israel cannot win this battle; it cannot even define what a victory might entail. Surely the battle is not about the tunnels or the militants’ underground operation, the tunnels are just weapons of resistance rather than the resistance itself. The Hamas and Gaza militants lured Israel into a battle zone in which it could never succeed and Hamas set the conditions, chose the ground and has written the terms required to conclude this cycle of violence … // Continuer la lecture de « The end of Israel »

Norway’s quiet revolution

Linking human rights and education in a revised Constitution has huge implications for those training teachers – Published on Times Higher Education THE, by Audrey Osler, July 17, 2014.

… The festivities are particularly noteworthy this year for another reason: Norway has revised its Constitution. Yet it’s not just the language of the Constitution that’s been updated. Buried in the document is a new clause addressing education, which may have considerable significance for those working in higher education, particularly those engaged in teachers’ professional education … // Continuer la lecture de « Norway’s quiet revolution »

Refusing to share: How the West created BRICS New Development Bank

Published on Russia Today RT, by Dr. Roslyn Fuller, July 21, 2014.

… For example, the IMF and World Bank repeatedly loaned to Mobutu Sese Seko, dictator of the Democratic Republic of Congo (then Zaire) in order to keep him – and the enormous natural resources within his country – out of the communist camp during the Cold War. Mobutu blew the cash on whatever struck his fancy and the people of the Congo spent decades trying to pay back the money – in fact, by the late 1980s they had paid billions of dollars just in fees related to the nation’s debt, never mind the debt itself. Such irresponsible and short-sighted lending trapped the citizens of the DRC, and many others like them, in a perpetual debt cycle.   Continuer la lecture de « Refusing to share: How the West created BRICS New Development Bank »

More Challenges to “More ‘Free Trade’ is Always Better” Orthodoxy

Published on naked capitalism, by Yves Smith, July 21, 2014.

One way to induce a Pavlovian reflex in mainstream economists is to invoke the expression “free trade”. Conventional wisdom holds that more trade is always better; only Luddites and protectionists are against it. That’s one big reason why the toxic Trans Pacific Partnership TPP and its evil twin, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP, have gotten virtually no critical scrutiny, save from more free-thinking economists like Dean Baker. They have been sold as “free trade” deals and no Serious Economist wants to besmirch his reputation by appearing to be opposed to more liberalized trade.   Continuer la lecture de « More Challenges to “More ‘Free Trade’ is Always Better” Orthodoxy »