Index December 2016

2016-12-01: Hillary Lost, the World Won;
2016-12-02: On Peace and Ukraine, Trump, Putin, Gandhi, and …;
2016-12-03: General Flynn’s Proposals to Reform Intelligence;
2016-12-04: The Loving Contagion of Courage, Veterans Standing for Standing Rock;
2016-12-05: Julian Assange’s life, Pizzagate, actual turmoils …;
2016-12-06: Egypt: whitewashing political Islam;
2016-12-07: Real Power? Real Money?
2016-12-08: The Lesson from Standing Rock, Organizing and Resistance Can Win;
2016-12-08: zu Schuldgeld, Demokratie, Propaganda, Lügen, das ganze Leben ökonomisieren …;
2016-12-09: A Crisis-Prone and Fragile Financial System;
2016-12-10: South Africa’s junk credit rating was avoided, but at the cost of junk analysis;
2016-12-11: It takes a Village to maintain a Dangerous Financial System;
2016-12-12: If Russia and Saudi Arabia lead, rest will follow;
2016-12-13: Socialism for the Rich, Capitalism for the Poor;
2016-12-14: Has the US and Its Allies Used Covert Airdrops to Supply the Islamic State?
2016-12-15: Reflections from the Center of the Universe;
2016-12-16: Ideology, Anti-Colonialism and Marxism;
2016-12-16: … wir sind noch lange nicht frei und selbstbestimmt …;
2016-12-17: No “walls up policy”, but a commandment of the hour, not only for Switzerland;
2016-12-18: Rethinking Greece: the Left project and the crisis of neoliberal hegemony;
2016-12-19: Mainstream Media on Syria and Russia – Fake News;
2016-12-19: special: MEANWHILE ALL THE RUNNING TRUMP BASHINGS, remember…;
2016-12-20: A CIA-led Coup against American Democracy Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes?
2016-12-21: Italy’s Banking Crisis is Also a Huge Crime Scene;
2016-12-22: Beyond Soviet “socialism” and the “triumph” of capitalism;
2016-12-23: Hospitalized Patients Treated by Female Doctors Show Lower Mortality;
2016-12-24: Revolutionise or Compromise? what Venezuela’s Maduro could be doing;
2016-12-25: The Coming War on China;
2016-12-26: FREXIT: Le Pen promises to take France out of EU and NATO;
2016-12-27: Bolivia: The Right to Communications and Information;
2016-12-27: Helene Fischer & Melanie Oesch;
2016-12-28: how to build a tiny house;
2016-12-29: does NATO go wild against Russia?
2016-12-29: Die Alzheimer-Lüge;
2016-12-30: The Coup against Trump and His Military-Wall Street Defense;
2016-12-30: Die formaljuristische Lebenderklärung;
2016-12-31: Syria and the Antiwar Movement;
2016-12-31: Europas Finanzen, unser Geld – alles futsch oder was;
See also this page: All articles sorted chronologically.

Europas Finanzen, unser Geld – alles futsch oder was

von Nachden Ken auf YouTube hochgeladen:

  • Euro-Desaster, Europas Neugründung – Hans Werner Sinn, 97.17 min, 25. Dez 2016 … empirische Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Nur Fakten und eine realistische – plausible Wirklichkeitswahrnehmung und dementsprechende Erklärung der tatsächlichen Vorgänge werden ans Publikum adressiert …;
  • Warum wird Europa gegen die Wand gefahren – Hans Werner Sinn, 55.33 min,  am 16. Dez 2016.

Syria and the Antiwar Movement

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No 1348, by Judith Deutsch, Dec 29, 2016.

The enormity, complexity and fall-out of the Syrian war calls for urgent attention. Current events in Aleppo bring to the fore the unreliability of information and dichotomous political positions that contribute to obstruction and paralysis in the antiwar movement. Continuer la lecture de « Syria and the Antiwar Movement »

Die formaljuristische Lebenderklärung

… Menschwerdung auf Maltaein vidéo auf YouTube, 60.31 min, von, Nov 6, 2016 … Goran M. Bojic im Gespräch mit Michael Friedrich Vogt. Ein unwirklich anmutender Status bedroht uns alle, das Verständnis darüber warum wir vor Gericht (und nicht nur da) als „Sachen“ (Rechtlos) bezeichnet und auch so gesehen werden, wird immer klarer von der Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommen. Noch unglaublicher ist die Tatsache, daß wir alle in diesem Status „freiwillig“ stehen, denn es gibt Auswege, diese werden aber nur zaghaft genutzt. Das fehlende Verständnis und das verschleierte Wissen machen es den Suchenden nicht einfach, aber es gibt (wie immer im Leben) einen Ausweg und eine Lösung. Genau dieser Lösung widmen sich Goran M. Bojic im Gespräch mit Michael Friedrich Vogt … (ganzer Text); Goran M. Bojic siehe auch auf Google Web-search).

The Coup against Trump and His Military-Wall Street Defense

Published on Dissident Voice, by James Petras, Dec 28, 2016.

A coup has been underway to prevent President-Elect Donald Trump from taking office and fulfilling his campaign promise to improve US-Russia relations. This ‘palace coup’ is not a secret conspiracy, but an open, loud attack on the election. The coup involves important US elites, who openly intervene on many levels from the street to the current President, from sectors of the intelligence community, billionaire financiers out to the more marginal ‘leftist’ shills of the Democratic Party.   Continuer la lecture de « The Coup against Trump and His Military-Wall Street Defense »

does NATO go wild against Russia?

Breaking – Russia Commander Warns Of Preemptive Strike on NATO Forces, 20.57 min,
…….uploaded by Breaking Wikileaks News, Dec 27, 2016;

I think, this is still true and seriously related: #8 Secret Underground Complex, on Elohim Leaks, July 8, 2016;
(my comment: this would become true with Hillary Clinton in the White House – Heidi).   Continuer la lecture de « does NATO go wild against Russia? »

Bolivia: The Right to Communications and Information

Published on Dissident Voice (first on Journal de Notre Amérique, Investig’Action), by Alex Anfruns, Dec 24, 2016 – translated from Spanish by Ricardo Vaz.

Over the past decade, Bolivia has managed some extraordinary achievements, for instance becoming the first country in the world to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals in terms of access to water. In spite of it, these news that could bring hope to people around the world are subjected to censorship from the dominant Latin American and western media. Continuer la lecture de « Bolivia: The Right to Communications and Information »