Index December 2016

2016-12-01: Hillary Lost, the World Won;
2016-12-02: On Peace and Ukraine, Trump, Putin, Gandhi, and …;
2016-12-03: General Flynn’s Proposals to Reform Intelligence;
2016-12-04: The Loving Contagion of Courage, Veterans Standing for Standing Rock;
2016-12-05: Julian Assange’s life, Pizzagate, actual turmoils …;
2016-12-06: Egypt: whitewashing political Islam;
2016-12-07: Real Power? Real Money?
2016-12-08: The Lesson from Standing Rock, Organizing and Resistance Can Win;
2016-12-08: zu Schuldgeld, Demokratie, Propaganda, Lügen, das ganze Leben ökonomisieren …;
2016-12-09: A Crisis-Prone and Fragile Financial System;
2016-12-10: South Africa’s junk credit rating was avoided, but at the cost of junk analysis;
2016-12-11: It takes a Village to maintain a Dangerous Financial System;
2016-12-12: If Russia and Saudi Arabia lead, rest will follow;
2016-12-13: Socialism for the Rich, Capitalism for the Poor;
2016-12-14: Has the US and Its Allies Used Covert Airdrops to Supply the Islamic State?
2016-12-15: Reflections from the Center of the Universe;
2016-12-16: Ideology, Anti-Colonialism and Marxism;
2016-12-16: … wir sind noch lange nicht frei und selbstbestimmt …;
2016-12-17: No “walls up policy”, but a commandment of the hour, not only for Switzerland;
2016-12-18: Rethinking Greece: the Left project and the crisis of neoliberal hegemony;
2016-12-19: Mainstream Media on Syria and Russia – Fake News;
2016-12-19: special: MEANWHILE ALL THE RUNNING TRUMP BASHINGS, remember…;
2016-12-20: A CIA-led Coup against American Democracy Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes?
2016-12-21: Italy’s Banking Crisis is Also a Huge Crime Scene;
2016-12-22: Beyond Soviet “socialism” and the “triumph” of capitalism;
2016-12-23: Hospitalized Patients Treated by Female Doctors Show Lower Mortality;
2016-12-24: Revolutionise or Compromise? what Venezuela’s Maduro could be doing;
2016-12-25: The Coming War on China;
2016-12-26: FREXIT: Le Pen promises to take France out of EU and NATO;
2016-12-27: Bolivia: The Right to Communications and Information;
2016-12-27: Helene Fischer & Melanie Oesch;
2016-12-28: how to build a tiny house;
2016-12-29: does NATO go wild against Russia?
2016-12-29: Die Alzheimer-Lüge;
2016-12-30: The Coup against Trump and His Military-Wall Street Defense;
2016-12-30: Die formaljuristische Lebenderklärung;
2016-12-31: Syria and the Antiwar Movement;
2016-12-31: Europas Finanzen, unser Geld – alles futsch oder was;
See also this page: All articles sorted chronologically.