German magazine Die Zeit calls for reintroduction of compulsory military service

Published on World Socialist Web Site WSWS, by Christoph Dreiere, March 29, 2014.

A day after US President Barack Obama intensified NATO’s confrontation with Russia in Brussels, Germany’s second largest weekly newspaper, Die Zeit, has come out in favour of the reintroduction of compulsory military service.    Continuer la lecture de « German magazine Die Zeit calls for reintroduction of compulsory military service »

Collective Industrial Relations

Development economics for the global north – Published on Dissident Voice, by New Unionism, March 29, 2014.

This week sees yet another make or break conference for the interminable Doha Round of World Trade Organization talks, writes network member Conor Cradden. This time it’s in Bali, and on the agenda (yet again) is breaking the deadlock about multilateral trade regulation (for a quick guide to what’s going on see this piece on the Guardian website).   Continuer la lecture de « Collective Industrial Relations »

Hamid's Shadow: Karzai Confidant Takes Aim at Afghan Presidency

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Susanne Koelbl, March 27, 2014 (Photo Gallery Translated from the German by Charles Hawley).

Zalmai Rassoul has long been a close political ally of Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Now, he is campaigning to succeed his mentor. With Karzai backing Rassoul, many believe the outgoing leader is seeking to retain his influence … //

… Security Questions:   Continuer la lecture de « Hamid's Shadow: Karzai Confidant Takes Aim at Afghan Presidency »

German Industry Goes To See Uncle Putin

Published on Testosterone Pit, by Wolf Richter, March 27, 2014.

… Russian President Vladimir Putin might have had a field day listening to the speech. But he was busy. He was at his official residence in Novo-Ogaryovo near Moscow, meeting with German industry tycoons, including Joe Kaeser, CEO of multinational engineering conglomerate Siemens. It wasn’t an emergency response to the current sanctions spiral but had been planned during their last meeting in October. Continuer la lecture de « German Industry Goes To See Uncle Putin »

Regime Change in Ukraine and the IMF’s Bitter “Economic Medicine”

Published on Global, by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 24, 2014.

Interim Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk meets President Obama at White House, March 2014 (White House photo).

In the days following the Ukraine coup d’Etat of February 23, leading to the ousting of a duly elected president, Wall Street and the IMF–in liaison with the US Treasury and the European Commission in Brussels– had already set the stage for the outright takeover of Ukraine’s monetary system. The EuroMaidan protests leading up to “regime change” and the formation of an interim government were followed by purges within key ministries and government bodies.   Continuer la lecture de « Regime Change in Ukraine and the IMF’s Bitter “Economic Medicine” »

Let's make money

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Crimea and Punishment

Published on (first on Consortium News/News Analysis), by Lorraine Barlett, March 22, 2014.

Oh, how we Americans love to have someone to spar with, and to hate on, especially when it brings a renewed opportunity for us to engage in our favorite sport. So ramp up the rhetoric and ready the rockets, gang, it’s time for some war games. So, Risk, anyone? Oh wait … that’s just kids’ play. We all know that REAL men prefer Russian roulette … or do they simply march to Tehran?  Continuer la lecture de « Crimea and Punishment »

Defeating Fascism before It’s too Late

Published on Dissident Voice, by James Petras, March 22, 2014.

Captain Jose Guillen Araque, of the Venezuelan National Guard, recently gave President Maduro a book on the rise of Nazism, warning that “fascism has to be defeated before it’s too late”! In retaliation for his prophetic warning, the patriotic young captain was shot by a US-backed assassin on the streets of Marcay in the state of Aragua on March 16, 2014.   Continuer la lecture de « Defeating Fascism before It’s too Late »

Crimea: Putin’s Triumph. Now the Confrontation Moves East to “New Russia”

Novo Rossia: The Eastern and Southeastern Mainland Provinces of Ukraine – Published on Global, by Israel Shamir, March 21, 2014.

Nobody expected events to move on with such a breath-taking speed. The Russians took their time; they sat on the fence and watched while the Brown storm-troopers conquered Kiev, and they watched while Mrs Victoria Nuland of the State Department and her pal Yatsenyuk (“Yats”) slapped each other’s backs and congratulated themselves on their quick victory.      Continuer la lecture de « Crimea: Putin’s Triumph. Now the Confrontation Moves East to “New Russia” »

Searching for Justice: An SS Soldier and the Massacre in Oradour-sur-Glane – Part 1

Published on Spiegel Online Inernational, by Beate Lakotta, March 20, 2014 (Photo Gallery).

Werner Christukat, 89, has been indicted for participating in the 1944 massacre perpetrated by the SS in Oradour-sur-Glane. He says he wasn’t directly involved. Seventy years after the fact, there are more questions than answers, and proof is elusive. Continuer la lecture de « Searching for Justice: An SS Soldier and the Massacre in Oradour-sur-Glane – Part 1 »