Chaos Communication Congress: Hacker aller Länder, vereinigt euch

Im Feuilleton der Frankfurter Allgemeinen, von KATRIN RÖNICKE, Hamburg, 30. Dezember 2013.

Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange ruft die Hacker-Gemeinde auf, in Geheimdienste und andere Organisationen zu gehen, Informationen zu sammeln und sie zu verraten. „Wir sind eine Klasse“ – wie die Industriearbeiter sie einst gewesen seien.  Continuer la lecture de « Chaos Communication Congress: Hacker aller Länder, vereinigt euch »

liens-links on my dashboard

the 100th monkey/singe/Affe – story:

Together, a new South Africa is possible

Democratic Left Front salutes the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa special national congress: Together, a new South Africa is possible – Published on, by the Democratic Front South Africa, Dec 23, 2013.

Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – There is a spectre haunting the ruling class and government in South Africa: it is the radical anti-capitalist movement that the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa NUMSA has given birth to at its historic special national congress held last week. The Democratic Left Front DLF congratulates NUMSA for this congress that united metalworkers in spite of the sustained attempts to divide NUMSA … // Continuer la lecture de « Together, a new South Africa is possible »

What's So Funny About Racism? Germany's New Minority Comics, Part 1

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Alexander Kühn, December 27, 2013 (Photo Gallery).

A new generation of comedians with foreign roots are shining an irreverent light on the prejudices they encounter in Germany. But when it comes to the integration debate, do their brash, cliché-rife performances do more harm than good? … //

… A New Wave of Minority Comedy: … // Continuer la lecture de « What's So Funny About Racism? Germany's New Minority Comics, Part 1 »

a bit of pleasure

Aliens, love – where are they?

Watch this video, 16.37 min, on TEDtalk, with John Hodgman, filmed Feb 2008, posted on Oct 2008.

Humorist John Hodgman rambles through a new story about aliens, physics, time, space and the way all of these somehow contribute to a sweet, perfect memory of falling in love. John Hodgman is a writer, humorist, geek celebrity, former professional literary agent and expert on all world knowledge. He was the bumbling PC in Apple’s long-running « I’m a Mac; I’m a PC » ad campaign … (full bio).   Continuer la lecture de « Aliens, love – where are they? »

Victims No Longer: Spain’s Anti-Eviction Movement

The Movement of Mortgage Victims is one of Spain’s strongest movements. Carlos Delclós talks to PAH organizer Elvi Mármol about the key to their success – Published on Roarmag.org, by Carlos Delclós, December 20, 2013.

The story of Spain’s economic, social and political crisis is one about property, need and value. And at the heart of that story lies a question that is familiar to the point of cliché: what makes a house a home? It may sound trivial, but in a country where families are sleeping in the street, entire building blocks are devoid of residents, and housing remains out of reach for major swathes of the population (despite the ubiquity of “For Sale” signs in the urban landscape), it is a question that remains largely unanswered by policymakers.   Continuer la lecture de « Victims No Longer: Spain’s Anti-Eviction Movement »

The Fossil Fuel Wars in British Columbia and Canada

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 915, by Roger Annis, December 23, 2013.

The fossil fuel industry offensive in British Columbia and across Canada is proceeding relentlessly. This is a report from some of the key fronts of the fossil fuel wars.

Tar Sands: … //

… Natural Gas Fracking: … // Continuer la lecture de « The Fossil Fuel Wars in British Columbia and Canada »