zu Trump – (noch vom 7. Sept. 2018)

scoll down for english translation by Google

Trump und seine Ziele – mein Kommentar: was ich bis jetzt (Sept. 2018) verstanden habe:

  • -Er hat ein paar fest umrissene Ziele, die er durchsetzen wird. Den Rest lässt er sausen, was immer auch passiert.
  • – Eines seiner Ziele: er verjagt die bestehende korrupte verbrecherische oberste Elite vom Tron. Was die Menschen nachher mit der gewonnenen Macht anstellen, ist nicht sein Job.
    Im Klartext, er gibt der normalen Menschheit seine Macht zurück, aber was sie dann damit tun, kümmert ihn nicht mehr. Die normale Menschheit kann wohl Trump widersprechen und einen Parameter (z.B. ethisch) höher ansetzen, wenn sie denn dazu fähig und willens ist. Wenn nicht, dann gilt eben sein Statement.
  • Continuer la lecture de « zu Trump – (noch vom 7. Sept. 2018) »

Turkey refuses to join US-led offensive on ISIS-held Raqqa if Kurds involved

… [VIDEO 2.37 min] – Published on RT, March 23, 2017.

A rift has opened up between NATO allies US and Turkey over the part Syrian Kurdish forces should play in the liberation of Raqqa from Islamic State terrorists as Ankara has openly rejected taking part in any operation that would involve the Kurds … // Continuer la lecture de « Turkey refuses to join US-led offensive on ISIS-held Raqqa if Kurds involved »

The Power of Le Pen

Published on TIME, by Vivienne Walt, March 16, 2017.

… As the French get ready to pick their next President in two rounds of voting in April and May, millions of voters exasperated by the failures of those two parties seem willing to back an insurgent to run the country. The candidacy of far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen has been nourished by a groundswell of support in hard-hit towns across France. Now, with just weeks to go before voting begins, Le Pen is a favorite to clinch the first round against a raft of seasoned insiders, and could yet seize the presidency itself in the final round on May 7 … // Continuer la lecture de « The Power of Le Pen »

Homeless Villages

FOOD: it's time to put food policy back on the table

… one that benefits farmers, and not Monsanto – Published on Alternet, by Jim Hightower, Feb 14, 2017.

During the farm crisis of the 1980s, an Iowa farmer asked if I knew the difference between a family farmer and a pigeon. When I said no, he delighted in explaining: « A pigeon can still make a deposit on a new John Deere. »   Continuer la lecture de « FOOD: it's time to put food policy back on the table »

This endless Trump bashing

Only one fact: report that Trump hung up on Australian PM is Fake News – Published on Paul Craig Roberts.org, by blog owner, Feb 3, 2017.
Everywhere it is taken for granted that President Trump was rude on the telephone to Australia’s prime minister and hung up on him. The low grade morons at CNN repeat this endlessly as a fact, and even David Stockman, several levels higher than CNN in intelligence, assumes that this fake news report is true. But the Prime Minister of Australia says NOT CORRECT, the call ended courteously … (full text).   Continuer la lecture de « This endless Trump bashing »

The Left Is Self-Destructing

Published on Dissident Voice, by Paul Craig Roberts, Jan 30, 2017.

The mindlessness is unbearable. Amnesty International tells us that we must “fight the Muslim ban” because Trump’s bigotry is wrecking lives. Anthony Dimaggio at CounterPunch says Trump should be impeached because his Islamophobia is a threat to the Constitution. This is not to single out these two as the mindlessness is everywhere among those whose worldview is defined by Identity Politics. Continuer la lecture de « The Left Is Self-Destructing »

Women's March on Washington

… many articles – published out of Google News-search;

(my comment: yes, what Trump said was ugly for women, but my father also spoke with much contempt about us as second class, and so did the whole generation of males when I was young. This made him not a bad guy, it only made me feminist.
This said, all these women now in America’s street have nothing to f… that Trump will stop war with Russia, a war we the European women would have had to suffer if this ugly Clinton were in power? For sure I prefer some bad jokes.
You American women are blind about that? Would you prefer Washington’s Gangster-Elite in power and put Europe into war with Russia? Really?
Yes, I fear that you could succeed, Trump could be assassinated and war with Russia would become reality again.
If you insist this will happen, you certainly not get world’s most urgent threats, and for me you would have no more anything to say
– Heidi). Continuer la lecture de « Women's March on Washington »