In the Name of the Profit

… new RT documentary exposes dirty oil secrets, ISIS’ cozy ties with Turkey – Published on RT, April 29, 2016.

Exclusive eye witness reports and documents, abandoned by retreating jihadists and found by RT Documentary crew members in a region liberated by Syrian Kurds, point to a commercial scale oil smuggling operations and the terror group’s cozy relations with Turkey … // Continuer la lecture de « In the Name of the Profit »

Electoral Politics and the Illusion of Control

Published on Dissident Voice, by William Hawes, April 25, 2016.

We have all been told a lie. The lie that says democracy can be maintained only through voting, through purely representative, parliamentarian means. When the founding fathers set up the Constitution and Bill of Rights, they were wary of any truly popular, working and middle class control of the United States. Our government was to be run as a republic, designed by elites, for the elites.   Continuer la lecture de « Electoral Politics and the Illusion of Control »

What Would Happen If We Just Gave People Money?

Published on Five Thirty Eight, by Andrew Flowers, April 25, 2016.

Daniel Straub remembers the night he got hooked on basic income. He had invited Götz Werner, a billionaire owner of a German drugstore chain, to give an independent talk in Zurich, where Straub was working as a project manager for a think tank. He had read an article about the radical proposal to unconditionally guarantee citizens an income and spent a few years casually researching the idea. Continuer la lecture de « What Would Happen If We Just Gave People Money? »

about these 28 pages

update April 27, 2016/09.25 MEZ: LIVE – MCIS Moscow Conference on international security forum discusses fight against terrorism, global defense issues, on RT, April 27, 2016.

… some related Links:

Ahead of Brexit Vote: EU Commission To Challenge UK Truck Toll

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Peter Müller in Brussels, April 25, 2016.

The European Commission (its President Jean-Claude Juncker) had hoped not to provide fresh anti-EU ammunition to pro-Brexit voters ahead of Britain’s upcoming referendum. But SPIEGEL has learned that Brussels is planning to launch legal proceedings against the UK over its truck toll. Continuer la lecture de « Ahead of Brexit Vote: EU Commission To Challenge UK Truck Toll »

Democracy Spring and the US Voting Matrix – report

… how much of the electoral process is illusory? – Published on truthout, by Candice Bernd, April 24, 2016.

The parallel Democracy Spring and Democracy Awakening mobilizations wrapped their week of sit-ins protesting the corrosive influence of money in politics and voter suppression at the US Capitol on Monday, tallying more than 1,400 arrests.   Continuer la lecture de « Democracy Spring and the US Voting Matrix – report »

A Silicon Valley entrepreneur says basic income would work

… even if 90% of people smoked weed instead of working – Published on Tech Insider, by Chris Weller, April 19, 2016.

The chief complaint people lodge at universal basic income — a form of income distribution that gives people money to cover basic needs regardless of whether they work or not — is that it’ll make them lazy.

Sam Altman doesn’t buy it.   Continuer la lecture de « A Silicon Valley entrepreneur says basic income would work »

Communal Violence and the Demobilization of Protest Campaigns

Published on Political Violence @ a Glance, by Tijen Demirel-Pegg, April 20, 2016.

The killings of Michael Brown in Ferguson and Eric Garner in New York – and the subsequent failure to indict the police officers that killed them in 2014 – generated massive outrage across the United States. While large-scale protests were held in a number of cities, leaving pundits to wonder if Black Lives Matter was turning into a new civil rights movement, an unexpected event happened: two police officers were shot to death in New York on December 20, 2014, by a man who was allegedly outraged by the Brown and Garner cases. Continuer la lecture de « Communal Violence and the Demobilization of Protest Campaigns »