The Traffic Hierarchy

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No 1308, by, Sept 27, 2016: one is not born a motorist, one becomes one.

Mobility and class are deeply entangled. Not only because one’s potential for mobility often has to do with one’s economic position, but also because a society built on today’s mobility paradigm – automobility – directly contributes to growing economic and social differences.   Continuer la lecture de « The Traffic Hierarchy »

Following the Money: On the Trail of African Migrant Smugglers – part 1

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Alexander Bühler, Susanne Koelbl, Sandro Mattioli and Walter Mayr, Sept 26, 2016 (Photo Gallery).

Since 2013, over 10,000 migrants have drowned while attempting to cross the Mediterranean to Europe. Behind the deaths lies a multi-million dollar smuggling trade with financial connections to Frankfurt, Italy and Libya … // Continuer la lecture de « Following the Money: On the Trail of African Migrant Smugglers – part 1 »

PEACE IN COLOMBIA: Afro-Colombians, Indigenous fear new Pitfalls in Peace Deal

Published on teleSUR english, by Heather Gies, 25 Sept 2016.

FOOD: A Five-Alarm Threat to Our Food Supply, Experts Describe Bayer-Monsanto Merger

… a scary future for farmers around the world – Published on, by Katherine Paul, Sept 23, 2016.

… Reactions poured in from all the usual suspects.

Groups like the Farmers Union, Food & Water Watch, Friends of the Earth and others didn’t mince words when it came to condemning the deal. (Organic Consumers Association tagged it a Marriage Made in Hellback in May, pre-announcement, when the two mega-corporations were still doing their mating dance). Continuer la lecture de « FOOD: A Five-Alarm Threat to Our Food Supply, Experts Describe Bayer-Monsanto Merger »

black life, accounts scandal, the FED's false economy

Edward Snowden