Life under fire

Video – Civilians trapped in E. Ukraine conflict zone adjust to war reality, 3.07 min, published on Russia Today RT, Jan 29, 2015.

Residents of towns along the frontline in eastern Ukraine have been living in constant fear ever since full-scale fighting resumed there. RT’s Roman Kosarev has spoken to those trying to survive in the very heart of the conflict zone.   Continuer la lecture de « Life under fire »

The elephant in the room

… the origin of modern terror and crumbling Western values – Published on Intrepid Report, by John Chuckman, Jan 28, 2015.

… Have Islamic radicals always existed? Yes, we have records through the history of British and French empire-building of strange and fearsome groups. It appears every large religion has a spectrum of believers, always including at one end of the spectrum extreme fundamentalists. They are not a new phenomenon anywhere, so why has one group of them, in the sands of the Middle East, become part of our everyday awareness?   Continuer la lecture de « The elephant in the room »

again: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP

FIRST LISTEN THIS: TTIP, A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing, 49.07 min, uploaded by R.A.W.W. – Raising Awareness World Wide, August 29, 2014: Alarm bells on ISDS are ringing this loud for a reason: ISDS allows foreign firms to bypass domestic courts and sue governments  …;

Free Trade Faults: Europeans Fear Wave of Litigation from US Firms – Published on Spiegel Online International, by Christoph Pauly, Jan 26, 2015:   Continuer la lecture de « again: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP »

The Greek Election

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Projects e-bulletin no 1071, by Leo Panitch, Jan 23, 2015.

As we enter the eighth year of the long-lingering global economic crisis, it is sobering indeed that it is only in Greece that a political party putting forward a clear, radical democratic alternative to the perverse policies of neoliberal austerity stands on the doorstep of entering the state … // Continuer la lecture de « The Greek Election »

a SYRIZA Victory

Published on ZNet, by Mike-Frank Epitropoulos, Jan 25, 2015.

… Memoranda and Austerity: Cutting Up Greece:

  • But, how could this NOT come to pass? The “demonstration” of brutal cuts and austerity has been – by all accounts – an ABYSMAL FAILURE. (Even IMF officials have admitted that there was – and is – no possible way for Greece to escape this vicious cycle without serious, fundamental change).   Continuer la lecture de « a SYRIZA Victory »

Federal Prison Sentence Begins for Anti-Drone Activist

Published on Dissident Voice, by Medea Benjamin, Jan 22, 2015.

On January 23, Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, a campaign to end U.S. military and economic warfare, will begin a three-month jail sentence in federal prison for a protest against drones (also known as “unmanned aerial vehicles”) at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. I had a chance to interview her before she had to turn herself in … // Continuer la lecture de « Federal Prison Sentence Begins for Anti-Drone Activist »

Trojan Hearse: Greek Elections and the Euro Leper Colony

Published on Dissident Voice (first on Greg Palast’s web site for το χωνί), by Greg Palast, Jan 20, 2015.

Europe is stunned, and bankers aghast, that polls show the new party of the Left, Syriza, will win Greece’s parliamentary elections to be held this coming Sunday, January 25.

Syriza promises that, if elected, it will cure Greece of leprosy. Oddly, Syriza also promises that it will remain in the leper colony. That is, Syriza wants to rid Greece of the cruelty of austerity imposed by the European Central Bank but insists on staying in the euro zone. Continuer la lecture de « Trojan Hearse: Greek Elections and the Euro Leper Colony »

Divers Concerns, Election in Greece, Financial Warfare

Benchmarking the ECB’s QE Program, on naked capitalism, by Yves Smith, Jan 22, 2015;

Video by Al Jazeera English: We’ve launched our new website, 1.01 min, uploaded by Al Jazeera English, Jan 21, 2015: Website;

Martin Luther King, an American Hero, where is his Replacement? on Global (first on Paul Craig, by Paul Craig Roberts, Jan 20, 2015;

Rule from the Shadows – The Psychology of Power – Part 1, 37.23 min, uploaded by StormCloudsGathering, Jan 7, 2014: time to look behind the curtain, Website … and other videos in autoplay;   Continuer la lecture de « Divers Concerns, Election in Greece, Financial Warfare »