UK: Government drops threat to abolish House of Lords

… if it holds up Brexit bill – Published on, by Rob Merrick, March 2, 2017.

The Lords has a constitutional duty to perform and it’s right that it does that … I think we have seen a very healthy and vigorous debate, a No.10 spokesman said … //

… The climbdown came as the spokesman insisted the Lords’ defeat would not prevent Article 50 being triggered by the end of March – Ms May’s deadline.
“We are committed to meeting the timetable that has been set out and believe this will have no impact on that,” he said.
The spokesman added: “Our message to MPs is that we expect this Bill to go through unamended. MPs voted it through unamended and we expect that to be the case.
“It is a Bill with a very simple purpose, as we have set out before – to enact the referendum result and allow the Government to get on with the negotiations.”
Just three Tory MPs broke ranks when, last month, the Government blocked a bid to unilaterally protect EU nationals’ rights with a comfortable majority of 42 … //

… And Labour’s Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell said: “We urge the Government now to immediately bring forward the guarantee to protect the rights of EU nationals resident here and we are working now with our European colleagues to protect the rights of EU citizens here, but also UK citizens in the EU.

(full text).


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