Megabank Caught Laundering for Terrorists and Drug Cartels

… and the Feds Are Keeping It Secret – Published on Global, by Jack Burns, March 5, 2017.

When a bank is found guilty of doing business in countries where they’re not supposed to be, and when the same bank is found guilty of helping drug cartels launder money, shouldn’t the public have a right to know about the banks’ efforts at correcting such actions? That’s the question being raised with respect to HSBC’s 1.92 billion dollar settlement with the U.S. and oral arguments are taking place in federal court this week on whether or not the compliance report should stay sealed.

“HSBC admitted to violating U.S. sanctions laws and failing to stop Mexican and Colombian cartels from laundering hundreds of millions of dollars in drug proceeds through the bank,” but now is fighting to keep the contents of the compliance report a secret. And the bank is getting help from what should be considered the most unlikely of sources, the Department of Justice. Yes. That’s right. The same justice department which prosecuted HSBC and won, is now seeking to keep the progress, or lack thereof, in complying with the law, a secret … //

… In a nutshell, HSBC was found guilty of some pretty nasty business dealings. The good old boy Wall Street network and its cozy relationship with the federal government likely resulted in a drop in the bucket type of settlement with the government, and deferred prosecution (some might say immunity) was given to its executives. And now, precisely how HSBC has shaped up its dealings is being kept from the American people, by our own Justice Department. And we call this ‘justice’ in the land of the free.

(full text).


Taxer les robots pour éviter le chaos, dans Tribune de Genève, par Michel Santi, March 4, 2017: … le partage inéquitable des gains de productivité impose de se préoccuper des conséquences – néfastes financièrement pour la majorité – de la robotisation accélérée que connaît notre économie. Le législateur doit donc protéger le travailleur car c’est le cadre supérieur et le détenteur de capitaux qui seront les principaux bénéficiaires de ces gains de productivité …;

French industrial giant admits deals with ‘armed groups’ in Syria, on RT, March 2, 2017: French building materials giant Lafarge admitted that it provided funds to “certain armed groups” and “sanctioned parties” in Syria when it faced operational and security challenges. The company called the measures “unacceptable” …; related: Lafarge (company)LafargeHolcim;

Bildungsgespräch in der Autostadt – mit Richard David Precht und Reinhard Kahl, 89.31 min, hochgeladen von Kosake van Ze, am 24. Feb 2017;

Workers and intellectuals, a ‘revolutionary Social Democrat’ consensus, on John Riddell, by Lars T. Lih, Feb 24, 2017;

Wilhelm Reich – die Wiederentdeckung des Lebendigen – Bernd Senf, 76.46 min, hochgeladen von NeueHorizonteTV … Götz Wittneben im Gespräch mit dem Reich-Kenner Prof. em. Bernd Senf;

uploaded by wideeyevideo:
ElseyHouse – abandoned house on the eastern shore, 4.49 min, , Feb 27, 2017;
The Lodge – abandoned house on the eastern shore, 7.04 min, Feb 28, 2017;

remember: How To Kick-off A Revolution? – Chris Hedges, Cornel West, and Richard Wolff, 29.19 min, uploaded by Noam Chomsky Videos, July 5, 2014 … (a) focus on the great modern revolutionary theorists. They begin with perhaps America’s only real revolutionist, Thomas Paine, who in his three great works Common SenseThe Rights of Man and The Age of Reason laid down the foundations by which rebellion is morally and legally permissible. They look at whether the conditions set by Paine have been met with the rise of the corporate state and ask whether Paine’s call for the overthrow of British tyranny should become our own; (all his works);

… and this: