The Secret History of How Cuba Helped End Apartheid in South Africa

Watch this video: The Secret History of How Cuba Helped End Apartheid in South Africa, 50.27 min, on Democracy Now, December 11, 2013.

As the world focuses on Tuesday’s historic handshake between President Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro, we look back at the pivotal role Cuba played in ending apartheid and why Castro was one of only five world leaders invited to speak at Nelson Mandela’s memorial. In the words of Mandela, the Cubans ‘destroyed the myth of the invincibility of the white oppressor … [and] inspired the fighting masses of South Africa.’  Continuer la lecture de « The Secret History of How Cuba Helped End Apartheid in South Africa »

Launching the Socialist Register 2014

Watch this video: Registering Class, 17.28 min, published on Socialist, Nov 24, 2013:

The 50th volume of the Socialist Register is dedicated to the theme of ‘registering class’ in light of the spread and deepening of capitalist social relations around the globe. Today’s economic crisis has been deployed to extend the class struggle from above while many resistances have been explicitly cast in terms of class struggles from below. This volume addresses how capitalist classes are reorganizing as well as the structure and composition of working classes in the 21st century …; Continuer la lecture de « Launching the Socialist Register 2014 »

Cartel Power: Megabanks Gain Ground Despite Fines, Part 1

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Sven Böll, Martin Hesse, Christoph Pauly and Anne Seith, Dec 10, 2013 (Photo Gallery).

Authorities around the world are taking action against large banks for questionable practices including collusion and rate manipulation, but the power of these financial institutions continues to grow. Germany’s Deutsche Bank in particular finds itself under fire.   Continuer la lecture de « Cartel Power: Megabanks Gain Ground Despite Fines, Part 1 »

World Trade Organization WTO salvages historic $1 trillion trade deal

Published on Russia Today RT, Dec 6, 2013.

The World Trade Organization has formally approved a historic package of agreements after over a decade of negotiations. Trade talks among 159 world economies came to an end after Cuba dropped its objections to the draft agreement.

« For the first time in our history, the WTO has truly delivered, » WTO chief Roberto Azevedo said. « This time the entire membership came together. We have put the ‘world’ back in World Trade Organization. »   Continuer la lecture de « World Trade Organization WTO salvages historic $1 trillion trade deal »

Egypt: Protesting the protest law

The government is insisting on enforcing the controversial protest law despite wide opposition – Published on Al-Ahram weekly online, by Ahmed Morsy, Dec 4, 2013.

Over the past 10 days, the recently endorsed protest law has been met with strong opposition from various political parties, public figures, political and legal activists and human-rights organisations.

Protests have been staged on a daily basis in clear defiance of the law and in order to object to the arrests of anti-law activists and politicians. The 6 April activist movement has called for a week of protests starting on 30 November. The Friday Muslim Brotherhood demonstrations were staged with acts of violence recorded and with dozens arrested.   Continuer la lecture de « Egypt: Protesting the protest law »

leftists at work

Uploaded on YouTube by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung:

Feeding the Bubble: Is the Next Crash Brewing? Part 1

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Martin Hesse and Anne Seith, December 03, 2013.

Central banks around the world are pumping trillions into the economy. The goal is to stimulate growth, but their actions are also driving up prices in the real estate and equities markets. The question is no longer whether there will be a crash, but when … //

… It Might Go Badly: … //

… A Hunger for German Stocks: Continuer la lecture de « Feeding the Bubble: Is the Next Crash Brewing? Part 1 »