about Gender and Education

Fascism and War: Elite Tools to Crush and Kill Dissent

Published on Global Research.ca, by Julie Lévesque, Dec 17, 2014.

… The myth of the Good War:

Every time Westerners’ approval for war is required, the myth of the good war surfaces: the Second World War was a good war, a necessity to quench Hitler’s blood thirst. Pauwels tears this myth apart, uncovering the vicious nature of the western elite.   Continuer la lecture de « Fascism and War: Elite Tools to Crush and Kill Dissent »

How China’s Eurasia Maneuvers Beat Obama’s Pivot to Asia – Pepe Escobar

Published on naked capitalism, by Yves Smith, Dec 17, 2014.

… This article by Pepe Escobar gives a fine overview of the measures China is taking to create greater economic integration with its Eurasian and European trade partners, to the detriment of US influence. And Washington appears to have been caught flat-footed:

By Pepe Escobar, the roving correspondent for Asia Times/Hong Kong and an analyst for RT.. His latest book is Empire of Chaos (Nimble Books). Follow him on Facebook.Originally published at TomDispatch:

a bunch of concerns

Reflections – Réflexions – Betrachtungen

in english:

Stripped naked, kept in solitary: Manning tortured like terrorist – Welsh relatives say

Published on Russia Today RT, Dec 14, 2014.

US authorities tortured Chelsea Manning with barbaric CIA techniques, which posed a threat to her psychological health, the Welsh aunt of the jailed whistleblower revealed to local media.

Before her trial for providing WikiLeaks with the largest cache of classified information in US history, Chelsea Manning was humiliated in a similar way that terrorist suspects were, her Welsh relatives told WalesOnline on Sunday.   Continuer la lecture de « Stripped naked, kept in solitary: Manning tortured like terrorist – Welsh relatives say »

Bail-In and the Financial Stability Board: The Global Bankers’ Coup

Published on Dissident Voice, by Ellen Hodgson Brown, December 12, 2014.

On December 11, 2014, the US House passed a bill repealing the Dodd-Frank requirement that risky derivatives be pushed into big-bank subsidiaries, leaving our deposits and pensions exposed to massive derivatives losses. The bill was vigorously challenged by Senator Elizabeth Warren; but the tide turned when Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorganChase, stepped into the ring. Perhaps what prompted his intervention was the unanticipated $40 drop in the price of oil. As financial blogger Michael Snyder points out, that drop could trigger a derivatives payout that could bankrupt the biggest banks. And if the G20’s new “bail-in” rules are formalized, depositors and pensioners could be on the hook.   Continuer la lecture de « Bail-In and the Financial Stability Board: The Global Bankers’ Coup »

Efficiency no justification for criminal activity – Snowden on CIA torture report

VIDEO, 30.01 min, published on Russia Today RT, Dec 10, 2014 (download video, 236.86 MB).

The world cannot accept efficiency as an excuse for what is essentially “criminal behavior” on the part of the CIA, former NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden told Amnesty International via a Paris-Moscow video link.

Snowden, who still resides in Russia under an asylum request, told Amnesty International that morality cannot be tossed aside for the sake of so-called “efficiency” when it comes to the activities of the CIA.   Continuer la lecture de « Efficiency no justification for criminal activity – Snowden on CIA torture report »