The White Hats Report – in en & de

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Driven mad: inside a Libyan detention centre for female migrants

Published on Middle East, May 9, 2015: Women held in poor conditions for long periods after failed Mediterranean crossings want to go home, but funds are lacking.

TRIPOLI – Two women gaze out through the broken grill covering one of the windows of the Sorman Detention Centre for illegal immigrants. They are among seven long-term detainees who arrived in Libya in search of a better life but instead found themselves incarcerated in a dank prison which eventually drove them mad. Continuer la lecture de « Driven mad: inside a Libyan detention centre for female migrants »

Clear-Cutting (in the Valcea region of the Carpathian Mountains) in Romania

Logging Threatens One of Europe’s Last Virgin Forests – Published on Spiegel Online International, by Nils Klawitter, May 8, 2015 (Photo Gallery).

One of Europe’s most beautiful forest areas is disappearing piece by piece in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains. Some of the logging is illegal. The wood is then sold to make flooring or heating pellets that are sold in Germany and other countries. Continuer la lecture de « Clear-Cutting (in the Valcea region of the Carpathian Mountains) in Romania »

The looming Iraq (economic) disaster

Published on Al-Ahram weekly online, by Salah Nasrawi, May 7, 2015.

As Iraq remains bogged down with the war against IS, another catastrophe could be on the horizon.

The Iraqi government is considering a set of measures to deal with the crushing financial crisis, which many fear could lead to economic collapse and accelerate the breakup of the divided and war-torn country.   Continuer la lecture de « The looming Iraq (economic) disaster »

Money Argent Geld

America's Willing Helper: Intelligence Scandal Puts Merkel in Tight Place

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Maik Baumgärtner, Nikolaus Blome, Matthias Gebauer, Hubert Gude, Frank Hornig, Martin Knobbe, Veit Medick, Gordon Repinski, Sven Röbel, Marcel Rosenbach, Jörg Schindler, Fidelius Schmid, Holger Stark and Gerald Traufetter, May 4, 2015 (Photo Gallery).

Germany’s latest spying scandal has created the biggest crisis yet for the country’s foreign intelligence agency. The German government appears to have been aware of widespread US spying, possibly including economic espionage, against European targets and yet it did nothing to stop it … // Continuer la lecture de « America's Willing Helper: Intelligence Scandal Puts Merkel in Tight Place »

today in french: Alexandre Jardin

UPDATE: Video: Aux actes citoyens – Alexandre Jardin, un zèbre de passage au congrès de la FIQ, 39.29 min, mise en ligne par FIQ Santé, le 25 avril 2014;

I: L’Appel des Zèbres, Laissez-nous faire, on a déjà commencé – Publié dans Ambition La France ne peut plus se permettre de tout attendre d’un système sanctionné à chaque élection. Il faut que la confiance revienne. Elle ne se décrétera pas, elle se gagnera par l’action d’intérêt général, dans nos territoires … //

  • … Laissez-nous faire, nous les Faizeux, celles et ceux qui agissent au quotidien pour trouver des solutions performantes aux maux qui rongent notre société.
  • Laissez-nous faire, nous les acteurs du monde associatif, mutualiste ou entrepreneurial qui donnons concrètement des outils aux Français pour qu’ils se prennent en main. Continuer la lecture de « today in french: Alexandre Jardin »