The Politics of Dress: Double Standards in the Headscarf Debate

Published on Spiegel Online International, an Essay by Christiane Hoffmann, Sept 9, 2016  – translated from the German by Christopher Sultan.

When cultures clash, women’s clothing is often at the center of the debate. While for Western women, the issue is how much skin they should be allowed to show, for Muslims the focus is on how much they must show.   Continuer la lecture de « The Politics of Dress: Double Standards in the Headscarf Debate »

Are Chicago Teachers Headed Toward a Strike?

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1302, by Lee Sustar, Sept 8, 2016.

A three-cornered battle between a budget-slashing mayor (Rahm Emanuel), a union-busting governor (Bruce Rauner) and determined teachers (CTU) could result this fall in the second public school strike in Chicago in four years. Continuer la lecture de « Are Chicago Teachers Headed Toward a Strike? »

Good News for the People of Europe

… the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Is Dead. Negotiations have Failed – Published on Global, by Peter Koenig, Sept 7, 2016.

… The collapse of the TTIP is one of the best news for Europe – and I mean the people of Europe – in recent times; an initiative of the two major players in the EU. This decision has several meanings: Continuer la lecture de « Good News for the People of Europe »

Weekly Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff

AUDIOS – uploaded by Democracy At Work:

  • from Sept 1, 2016 – Puerto Rico’s crisis, 57.35 min … US income inequality vs rest of world, Europe exposes Apple Corp’s tax evasion; TTP and TTIP face rising opposition; even Martin Wolf sees capitalism’s contradiction with democracy. Interview with Prof Ian Seda on Puerto Rico’s economic/colonial crisis;
  • from Aug 25, 2016 – Capitalism’s Craziness, 55.38 min … updates on universities, politicians, and grad student unions, Bill Gates obscene wealth, Harley-Davidson’ illegal pollution and more. Analyses of capitalism’s craziness: insufficient demand, unemployment’s wastes, state subsidies for all systems;   Continuer la lecture de « Weekly Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff »

Clinton’s “American Exceptionalism” Speech: A Bipartisan Policy of Militarism and War

Published on Global (first on World Socialist Web Site WSWS), by Patrick Martin, Sept 2, 2016.

Hillary Clinton’s speech to the American Legion convention Wednesday was a full-throated declaration of the right and responsibility of the United States to control the world by military force. Clinton pledged to keep the US the dominant global military power, to uphold the military alliances through which US imperialism controls Europe and the Far East, and to wage war unilaterally if deemed necessary, regardless of world opinion. Continuer la lecture de « Clinton’s “American Exceptionalism” Speech: A Bipartisan Policy of Militarism and War »

China Heads West: Beijing's New Silk Road to Europe – part 1

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Erich Follath, Aug 31, 2016 (Photo Gallery – Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan).

China is building new roads, railroads and pipelines from Central Asia to Europe in an effort to build new connections to the rest of the world. The results may be good for the Chinese – but less so for the other countries involved.   Continuer la lecture de « China Heads West: Beijing's New Silk Road to Europe – part 1 »

US: A Turning Point for the Charter School Movement

Published on truthout, by Molly Knefel, Aug 30, 2016;

A political battle is being waged over charter schools in Massachusetts right now, and it’s a microcosm of the state of the charter debate across the country. In the lead-up to a November ballot measure in which voters will decide whether or not to lift the state’s cap on charter schools, known as Question 2, Democrats passed a resolution this month opposing charter school expansion. Continuer la lecture de « US: A Turning Point for the Charter School Movement »