zu Schuldgeld, Demokratie, Propaganda, Lügen, das ganze Leben ökonomisieren …

von Frubi TV auf YouTube hochgeladen:

The Lesson from Standing Rock: Organizing and Resistance Can Win

Published on ZNet, by Naomi Klein, Dec 6, 2016.

… Less than two hours earlier, news came that the Army Corps of Engineers had turned down the permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline to be built under the Missouri River. The company will have to find an alternate route and undergo a lengthy environmental assessment … // Continuer la lecture de « The Lesson from Standing Rock: Organizing and Resistance Can Win »

Real Power? Real Money?

… a reflection on Participatory Budgeting in New York – Published on Public Seminar.org, by Eric Dirnbach, Dec 1, 2016.

… This process is known as participatory budgeting (PB) and I wanted to see how it worked. My main questions were: Is PB as currently practiced an innovative way to enhance local democratic decision-making and empowerment? Or is this token inclusion, while the real decisions are made elsewhere, as usual? Continuer la lecture de « Real Power? Real Money? »

Egypt: whitewashing political Islam

… a parliamentary delegation in London accuses UK MPs of promoting Islamism – Published on Al-Ahram weekly online, by Gamal Essam El-Din, Nov 30, 2016.

A delegation including 12 MPs from parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee visited London to exchange views with British politicians on political Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood and relations between Egypt and the UK. Continuer la lecture de « Egypt: whitewashing political Islam »

Julian Assange's life, Pizzagate, actual turmoils …

Julian Assange:

The Loving Contagion of Courage: Veterans Standing for Standing Rock

Published on truthout, by Four Arrows, Dec 1, 2016.

In spite of freezing weather and orders from the North Dakota governor to curtail emergency medical services to Standing Rock and deem people’s mere presence there illegal, thousands of veterans are coming to take part in a massive, peaceful operation December 4-7 at Standing Rock, the site of ongoing Indigenous resistance to the construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline (DAPL).   Continuer la lecture de « The Loving Contagion of Courage: Veterans Standing for Standing Rock »

General Flynn’s Proposals to Reform Intelligence

Published on Voltairenet.org, by Thierry Meyssan, Dec 1, 2016.

Thierry Meyssan considers that General Flynn is getting ready to rock the world of US intelligence and override all post 9/11 reforms. This would put an end to the obsession with secret prisons and targeted assassinations and mark a return to the true nature of intelligence: making sense of and anticipating developments around the world.   Continuer la lecture de « General Flynn’s Proposals to Reform Intelligence »

On Peace and Ukraine, Trump, Putin, Gandhi, and …

… an Interview with Johan Galtung – Published on Dissident Voice, by Gary Corseri, Nov 29, 2016.

… Gary Corseri: I’m here in the Washington, D.C. area, with Johan Galtung — master teacher, and originator, since 1959, of “Peace Studies” programs at universities around the world. Continuer la lecture de « On Peace and Ukraine, Trump, Putin, Gandhi, and … »