Weekly Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff

AUDIOS – uploaded by Democracy At Work:

  • from Sept 1, 2016 – Puerto Rico’s crisis, 57.35 min … US income inequality vs rest of world, Europe exposes Apple Corp’s tax evasion; TTP and TTIP face rising opposition; even Martin Wolf sees capitalism’s contradiction with democracy. Interview with Prof Ian Seda on Puerto Rico’s economic/colonial crisis;
  • from Aug 25, 2016 – Capitalism’s Craziness, 55.38 min … updates on universities, politicians, and grad student unions, Bill Gates obscene wealth, Harley-Davidson’ illegal pollution and more. Analyses of capitalism’s craziness: insufficient demand, unemployment’s wastes, state subsidies for all systems;  
  • from Aug 18, 2016 – the System Exposed, 55.29 min … updates on Olympic economics, mass transit, productivity truths, labor weakness and political parties, golden parachutes, Tim Cook’s thin ‘patriotism, » PG&E’s crimes, the rich vs unions in politics;
  • from Aug 11, 2016 – Economics of Worker Coops, 55.02 min … updates on Macy’s closing 141 stores, Clinton campaign economics, age and pensions, corruptions of think tanks. Detailed economics of worker coops;

Capitalism Related Link:

Other Links:

Wahlen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – historisches Datum, wenn CDU hinter AfD landet, in Die Welt, von Wolfgang Bosbach, 5. Sept 2016: das CDU-Wahldebakel in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern hält Bosbach für einen Einschnitt. Jetzt müsse in der Flüchtlingspolitik umgesteuert werden, fordert der Innenpolitiker. Merkel aber sei alternativlos;

Kommende Sendung auf 3sat vom Donnerstag, 8. September 2016: der Mensch und die Erde, rasante Veränderungen – ist der Mensch dabei, die Natur abzuschaffen? nie zuvor ist die Welt innerhalb kürzester Zeit so verändert worden wie in den letzten Jahrhunderten. Aufgrund der fundamentalen Eingriffe des Menschen sprechen Geologen vom « Anthropozän » – dem Erdzeitalter des Menschen. Welche Chancen und Risiken liegen in dieser neuen Epoche?
(siehe auch die 3sat Mediathek SCOBEL Sendung mit seinen 902 Beiträgen, bis zum 25. Aug 2016 aufgelistet);

Marine Le Pen vows to organize Frexit referendum & ban burkini if elected president, on RT, Sept 4, 2016;
on en.wikipedia:
Frexit is a common name for a hypothetical French withdrawal from the European Union;
Burkini … is a type of swimsuit for women …;

Theresa May joins G20 summit to face Brexit warnings from US and Japan, on The Guardian.co.uk, by Rowena Mason, Sept 4, 2016: Obama tells prime minister US won’t prioritise UK trade deal while Tokyo warns of consequences for Japanese businesses;

Hunting for hygge, a new ingredient in Denmark’s recipe for happiness, on The Guardian.co.uk, by Richard Orange, Sept 4, 2016: the Danes are ranked as the world’s most contented people, and many believe it’s down to the art of cosiness, simple pleasures and living well;

McCarthyism of the left? Clinton supporters use anti-Russia rhetoric to bash opponents, on RT, Sept 3, 2016;

Clinton versus Trump, How It Might Matter for the Middle East, on Richaard Falk, by blog owner, Sept 3, 2016;

What India Can Teach the US About Free and Fair Elections, on naked capitalism, by Jerri-Lynn Scofield, Sept 2, 2016;

Failures of Militarism in Countering Mega-Terrorism, on Richard Falk, by blog owner, Aug 27, 2016;

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