Published on, by Thierry Meyssan, Dec 1, 2016.
Thierry Meyssan considers that General Flynn is getting ready to rock the world of US intelligence and override all post 9/11 reforms. This would put an end to the obsession with secret prisons and targeted assassinations and mark a return to the true nature of intelligence: making sense of and anticipating developments around the world.
General Michael T. Flynn, the next US National Security adviser is in the process of organizing a radical overhaul of the Intelligence Services.
According to our sources, he is getting ready to challenge the big reforms that took place during the Bush and Obama years:
– placing all 16 Intelligence agencies under the exclusive authority of a Director of National Intelligence, supposed to supervise information sharing;
– abolishing the line between agents on the ground and analysts in favour of functional centres such as the ones we see in the TV series 24.
As we had highlighted at the time, and as General Flynn has also subsequently emphasized:
– the Director of National Intelligence clearly had the power to centralize intelligence which until then had been dispersed, but he lacked the power to interfere with how the different agencies were operating. So for example, he did not have the power to remove an incompetent officer.
– key point: the current functional centres excel in providing information instantly. They are able to pinpoint an individual anywhere in the world and, if need be, eliminate him. But this is not Intelligence. The correct term is crime. Even if the CIA miraculously topples the regimes that the White House disapproves of and sets up secret prisons, it is not by any measure more knowledgeable on anticipating political developments, and to a lesser extent still, military developments.
Michael T. Flynn was so disappointed with how the new CIA was working that he tried – in vain – to set up a service within the Defense Department to compensate for its shortcomings: the Clandestine Defense Service … //
… (full text).
- same in french: La réforme du Renseignement selon le général Flynn, dans, par Thierry Meyssan, le 27 nov 2016: selon Thierry Meyssan, le général Flynn s’apprête à bouleverser le monde du Renseignement états-unien et à abandonner toutes les réformes post-11-Septembre. Il s’agirait d’en finir avec l’obsession des prisons secrètes et des assassinats ciblés pour revenir à l’essence du renseignement : comprendre et anticiper les évolutions du monde;
- and in german: Die Reform des Geheimdienstes laut General Flynn, auf, von Thierry Meyssan, am 1. Dez 2016: laut Thierry Meyssan ist General Flynn dabei, die Welt des US-Geheimdienstes umzuwälzen und alle nach dem 11. September gemachten Reformen aufzugeben. Es gehe darum, die Obsession von geheimen Gefängnissen und gezielten Tötungen abzuschaffen, um zum Wesen des Nachrichtendienstes zurückzukehren: die Veränderungen der Welt verstehen und vorwegnehmen;
Introducing the Expeditions Pioneer Programme, on (no charge, no cost) – imagine visiting the bottom of the sea, Buckingham Palace or even the surface of Mars all in an afternoon. With Google Expeditions, teachers can take their classes on immersive virtual journeys to bring their lessons to life … SIGN UP (as teacher, administrator, current student, parent, educational organisation, other);
Citizen Four, the Film, on YouTube-search /with Filtre more than 20 min (and different subtitles) – chose your copy;
followed by a Discussion with Edward Snowden, 60.03 min, uploaded by Truth Channel News, Dec 1, 2016 … to be shared with everyone;
Böswilliger Journalismus: ein kleiner Lehrgang über große Lügen, 11.47 min, von klagemauerTV am 1. Dez 2016;
Russian navy on combat alert as Ukraine begins missile launch drills near Crimea – reports, on RT, Dec 1, 2016;
Jeremy Corbyn is hitting home on social care because the Tories know they’re failing [VIDEO], on Left Foot Forward, by Niamh Ní Mhaoileoin, Nov 30, 2016:
Tory investment in social care is woefully inadequate;
US: How the West was won HD, uploaded by Awesome History:
Episode 1, the early pioneers, the landscape, 58.33 min;
Episode 2, the wild buffalo herds, the Indian plaines, 58.32 min;
Episode 3, Indian genocide, Indian reserves, 58.57 min;
Book: An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873 (The Lamar Series in Western History), from Benjamin Madlay, May 24, 2016, on amazon: between 1846 and 1873, California’s Indian population plunged from perhaps 150,000 to 30,000. Benjamin Madley is the first historian to uncover the full extent of the slaughter, the involvement of state and federal officials, the taxpayer dollars that supported the violence, indigenous resistance, who did the killing, and why the killings ended. This deeply researched book is a comprehensive and chilling history of an American genocide;
7 GEHEIME TECHNOLOGIEN die uns VERHEIMLICHT WERDEN, 10.05 min, von Interessante Welt, Nov 2, 2016 … (healing Marihuana, Xa Zigaretten, Chronovisor, Cloudbuster, EV1, Antigravitation, Nicola Tesla);
Schöpfungsgeschichten, auf Mein privater Garten, 8. Juni 2005;
… and this:
- Atemlos durch die Nacht – Helene Fischer, 3.44 min, von SRF Musik … viel mehr in autoplay.