Julian Assange:
- on YouTube-search: without filtre; with filtre last month; with filtre last week;
- Anonymous – Wikileaks Update – Timeline of Events Julian Assange, 21.16 min, uploaded by LEAKED, Dec 2, 2016 … (full text);
- Julian ASSANGE – speech at the Ecuadorian Embassy, 82.57 min, uploaded by Shannon Bennett, Nov 30, 2016 … (full text);
- Anonymous – Is Julian Assange Alive? What We Know On Wikileaks So Far, 12.20 min, uploaded by History Repeats Itself, Nov 30, 2016 … (full text and links);
- Why is Julian Assange Still Missing? 26.04 min, uploaded by AMTV, Nov 30, 2016;
- Anonymous Who Took Over Wikileaks? Where Is Julian Assange? 10.08 min, uploaded by History Repeats Itself, Nov 29, 2016 … (full text);
Pizzagate / Child Abuse:
Pizzagate is:
- on en.wikileaks … it is called a fake: about child missuse said running in a real Pizza Restaurant;
- on Google Web-search;
- on YouTube-search;
- (my personal comment: I think it’s true … but seen bigger, for real it’s used also in the running mic-mac between 2 opposite power elites, opposite about how the world (we) has to be managed, one represented by Hilary Clinton, the other perhaps by Donald Trump, the power groups behind them fighting each-other to death for definitive world dominance. And do not forget: the final truth is written by the future winner of this fight – Heidi):
uploaded by Hillary for Prison 2016:
- #Pizzagate for Beginners, 15.29 min, Dec 2, 2016;
- Infowars: #PIZZAGATE child trafficking and paedophile rings connection, 15.29 min, Dec 2, 2016;
some more:
- BEFORE YOU DECIDE PIZZA GATE IS A FALSE FLAG, WATCH THIS, 13.38 min, uploaded by thetruthergirls, Dec 1, 2016;
- Pizza Gate Exposed in 14 Minutes (Code, Symbols, Death of Breitbart), 14.12 min, uploaded by American Intelligence Report, Nov 30, 2016 … (texts and links);
- 15 Years Old Girl Survive Pizzagate Satanic Rituals Abuse, 17.33 min, uploaded by † TheWorld WeLiveIn, Nov 25, 2015 … (full text); … SAME IN GERMAN: Ritueller Missbrauch (ritual sexual assault), auf diesem blog / already on this blog on Oct 25, 2016 … a video and my comments;
Other Links:
France and Turkey against the Kurds, on Voltairenet.org, by Thierry Meyssan, Nov 30, 2016: the Western medias are unable to explain the wars which are shattering the «complicated Orient» because they refuse to see them in the regional context. Rather than discussing whether the events in Syria are a revolution, a civil war or an aggression, or whether or not the repression in Turkey is justified, Thierry Meyssan proposes another reading of the facts by presenting the example of the Kurds;
Gnadenloser Wirtschaftskrieg mit Asylanten? doku, 8.00 min, von klagemauerTV am 26. Nov 2016
RCEP bloc best alternative to TPP now, says UOB Bank, on New Straits Times Online, by Rupa Damodaran, Nov 25, 2016;
on en.wikipedia: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership RCEP; United Overseas Bank UOB;
Why Grass Could be a Green Alternative to Fracking, on The London Economic TLE, Nov 24, 2016;
L’Organisation de coopération de Shanghai mène la grande transformation de l’Eurasie, dans Voltairenet.org, par Ariel Noyola Rodríguez, le 24 nov 2016: L’Organisation de coopération de Shanghai est en voie de passer de la coopération en matière de sécurité et de défense à un effort supplémentaire dans les domaines économiques et financiers. Durant son quinzième sommet, tenu début novembre, le Premier ministre chinois, Li Keqiang, a proposé à ses membres l’établissement d’une zone de libre échange commercial et la création une banque régionale de développement, qui augmentera l’influence de Beijing et de Moscou sur une région qui, de l’avis des principaux stratèges des États-Unis, définira finalement le futur de l’hégémonie globale.