Published on Global, by Prof. Tim Anderson, Feb 14, 2016.
… Yet the dangers are very real because the Saudis and Turkey might react unpredictably, faced with the failure of their five year project to carve up Syria. Both countries have threatened to invade Syria, to defend their ‘assets’ from inevitable defeat from the powerful alliance Syria has forged with Russia, Iran, Iraq and the better party of Lebanon.
It should be clear by now that every single anti-government armed group in Syria has been created by Washington and its allies. Several senior US officials have admitted the fact. Regime change has always been the goal. Nevertheless, the charade of a ‘War on ISIS’ goes on, with a compliant western media unwilling to point out that ‘the emperor has no clothes’ … //
… Finally the agreement on ‘cessation of hostilities’, due almost immediately, has a task force to oversee the details. This ceasefire does not apply to any group identified by the UN Security Council as a terrorist group. That immediately rules out ISIS or Jabhat al Nusra. The major obstacle here is that Russia wants Jaysh al Islam and Ahrar as Sham (which have both collaborated with al Nusra for many years) added to the UNSC list. If Washington agrees to this, they will virtually abandon their ‘moderate rebel’ option. There is no other force of substance on the ground. The Saudis and Erdogan would be furious.
How will the US manage these tensions? The Obama administration has always approached the Syrian conflict in an arms-length way, reminiscent of the CIA’s ‘plausible deniability’ over its death squads in Latin America. But credibility problems have grown and Washington does seem more concerned at finding a way out rather than risking a new desperate gambit. That would certainly lead to serious escalation, and without any guarantee of success.
Would Washington allow Erdogan and the Saudis to initiate a major escalation, without US approval? I think not. Obama resisted Saudi and Israeli provocations, when the Iran deal was imminent. Even Bush could not be provoked into a confrontation with Russia, when invited by Georgia’s Mikheil Saakashvili.
For its part, Russia is well prepared for a provocation across the Turkish border. Logic suggests that the losers must lose. But this is a dangerous time.
(full text).
(Prof. Tim Anderson’s Archive on Global
Syria Related Links:
- Obama in wonderland? US ‘schizophrenic’ on Syria as Kurds, govt forces advance [2 VIDEOS], on RT, Feb 17, 2016;
- Russia’s campaign in Syria shifted balance of power in the region – Iran’s defense chief, on RT, Feb 17, 2016;
- Finding the Islamic State a Safe House, Courtesy of US-NATO. “A Salafist Principality in Eastern Syria”, on Global, by Ulson Gunnar, Feb 16, 2016 (first on New Eastern Outlook NEO: … If the war is going bad for IS, it is going even worse for the supporting powers that have armed and funded them. To understand where IS might go next, one must first fully understand those supporting powers behind them. The premeditated creation of IS and revelations of the identity of their supporters were divulged in a Department of Intelligence Agency (DIA) memo first published in 2012 …);
- UNSC urges Turkey to ‘comply with intl law’ in Syria after Russia requests meeting [VIDEO], on RT, Feb 16, 2016;
- The Syrian Opposition’s NATO Sponsored Apocalyptic Vision For Syria, text, videos and photos on MintPressNews; by Mnar Muhawesh, Feb 15, 2016;
- also as Video on YouTube, 6.26 min, uploaded by MintPressNews;
- Syrian Opposition Are No Moderates, TPP As US Pivot To Asia & Jailing Banksters, 28.05 min, uploaded by MintPressNews, Feb 11, 2016;
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- Die USA leben in der Illusion eine Neue Weltordnung etablieren zu können – Putin, 11.59 min, am 20. Juni 2016;
… and this – Lisa Stansfield:
- Can’t Dance LIVE, 2.37 min, uploaded by 1971SZABI, Feb 6, 2014;
- Greatest Hits Megamix, the first 15 years, 59.04 min, uploaded by Mega LisaForever, Jan 21, 2013;
- Live at Ronnie Scott’s 2002, 88.18 min, uploaded by 1971SZABI, March 13, 2012;
- Lisa Stansfield (1/17) – 8-3-1, 4.11 min, uploaded by Lisa Stansfield and Sade, May 11, 2008.