- Violence conjugale en publique (Prank), 5.32 min, mise en ligne par Webzer … Les membres de OckTV ont réalisé une expérience sociale dans la rue en public pour filmer la réaction des gens face à de la violence conjugale. Un homme va faire semblant de frapper sa copine. Les passants vont intervenir rapidement. Puis ils vont inverser les rôles, la femme va frapper son copain. Et là, c’est complètement différent, les passants ont tendance à se moquer – short translation: violence against women, the public reacts against the man – violence against a man, the public is rather mocking the man;
- Social Experiment #1 – La violence conjugale, 6.34 min, uploaded by Would You React;
- Der zerplatzte Traum – Im Einsatz bei häuslicher Gewalt, 6.55 min, von Kanton Solothurn;
- Jede dritte Europäerin Opfer häuslicher Gewalt? 7.35 min, von taff;
- Syrian refugees: the women fleeing domestic violence, 7.04 min, uploaded by Channel 4 News: as the Syrian war enters its fifth year, the pressured on displaced families have caused a dramatic rise in violence against women. But domestic abuse is a taboo subject in Syrian society, and , the true scale of the problem is unknown;
- Flüchtling belästigt alte Dame, 10.26 min, von TV 01;
- Sexuelle Belästigung weiblicher Flüchtlinge, 5.14 min, von M.Molli;
- Sans tabou le talk Violences conjugales plus jamais, 54.52 min, mise en ligne par David Clerc;
- … a short film on domestic violence, 9.31 min, uploaded by Aidan Rice … Violence against women is a world wide issue that needs to be spoken about in order to be corrected;
- Meine Frau schlägt mich – Häusliche Gewalt gegen Männer (1), 9.26 min, von Genderforschung;
- The Weakest Home, Domestic Violence, Muslim Spoken Word – Kamal Saleh, 4.27 min, uploaded by The Daily Reminder TDR;
- in Arabic: Counseling Centre in Damascus, 17.17 min, uploaded by The Vrinda Project … Interview to a victim of domestic violence;
- We are the Universe – Trailer of the The Vrinda Project, 2.29 min, its YouTube channel;
some Helplines, Guides, Infos:
- Domestic Violence and Abuse – Signs of Abuse and Abusive Relationships, on HelpGuide.org;
- UK: Welcome to National Centre for Domestic Violence.org.uk NCDV;
- US: National Domestic Violence Hotline;
- US: Domestic Shelters.org;
- Special page: Domestic violence, on The Guardian;
- France: Violences contre les femmes La loi vous protège;
- Belgique: Ecoute violences conjugales;
- Canada/Québec: Violence Conjugale;
- Psychological manipulation on en.wikipedia; /See also; /External Links;
- Domestic violence on en.wikipedia; /See also; /External Links;
- Domestic violence in the United States, on en.wikipedia; /See also; /External Links;
- Violence Conjugale, dans fr.wikipedia; /Étude multi-pays de l’OMS; /Liens Externes;
- Häusliche Gewalt, auf de.wikipedia; /Siehe auch; /Weblinks;
… and just for fun:
- NCIS Sexual Harassment Meeting, 2.24 min, uploaded by kksuig;
- NCIS, séminaire sur le harcèlement sexuel, 2.04 min, mise en ligne par Enerhpozyks;
- Sexuelle Belästigung beim N.C.I.S., 2.01 min, von Genderforschung.