Some latest articles:
- WikiLeaks Reveals EU Planned Military Action Against Libyan Refugees, on AlterNet, by Branko Marcetic, March 3, 2016: Operation Sophia aims to reduce flow of migrants, with force;
- Newly Translated WikiLeaks Saudi Cable – Overthrow the Syrian Regime, but Play Nice with Russia, on Global (first on Levant Report), by Brad Hoff, Feb 27, 2016;
- WikiLeaks Just Published ‘Mostly Highly Classified Documents’ About NSA Bugs, on Fortune, by David Meyer, Feb 23, 2016: NSA spied on top world leaders, documents show;
- Swedish prosecutors drawing up new plan to interview WikiLeaks founder – Julian Assange, on The, by David Barrett, Feb 9, 2016: in a move which could end the deadlock over the Julian Assange case, Sweden will request a new opportunity to question him in Ecuadorian embassy;
uploaded by RT America:
- The torture of Bradley Manning on trial, 7.28 min, Nov. 28, 2012: The whistleblower website WikiLeaks has gained the respect of truth seekers across the globe for exposing governmental secrets, but of course not without a few repercussions. Two years ago the site released sensitive information known as « Cablegate » which shed light on organizational corruption and some say this wouldn’t have been possible without the alleged involvement of Private First Class Bradley (Chelsea) Manning. Now, Manning is facing the harsh consequence of being a whistleblower and is just now getting his pre-trial hearings for his case. RT Web Producer Andrew Blake brings us the latest from the courtroom …;
- Bradley Manning describes being tortured, 1.35 min, Nov 29, 2012: A military judge has approved the verbiage of Private First Class Bradley Manning’s appeal where he would plead guilty to some charges of sharing sensitive information to the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks. The judge has yet to approve the deal, but if agreed upon it could land Manning 16 years behind bars. On Thursday, Manning recalled his treatment while being detained in both Kuwait and Quantico, Virginia. Liz Wahl has more …;
- Bradley Manning – Truth on Trial, 2.32 min, Oct. 1, 2012: … dozens of supporters gathered for an event to raise awareness about the crisis for WhistleBlowers in America and to raise money for Bradley Manning’s Defense Fund;
- Government lies to judge in Bradley Manning case, 8.52 min, June 7, 2012: After being incarcerated for nearly two years, Army Private Bradley Manning’s pre-trial hearings went underway on Wednesday. Manning is seen as a hero by some, but a traitor by others because of the 22 charges he is facing. Aiding the enemy is the most severe charge and if found guilty could have Manning thrown in jail for life. According to reports, the US government is withholding thousands of documents involving the Manning case which is believed to hurt the US government’s argument. Zack Pesavento, press liaison for the Bradley Manning Support Network, brings us the latest from the courtroom;
- Sweden proves it stalled Assange case on false pretenses, 0.52 min, uploaded by RT, March 13, 2015;
- Wikileaks, die ganze Geschichte, 91.16 min, von Maske vom 1. Jan 2013;
- Wikileaks, Docs – Full, 50.54 min, uploaded by seattle-4truth;
- Wikileaks, Secrets and Lies – Full, 57.28 min, uploaded by J;
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