Kurds should have a say on Syria’s future at Geneva talks – UN envoy

Published on RT, March 13, 2016.

… “The Syrian Kurds are an important component of the country, so we need to find a formula in which they are able to express an opinion on the constitution and the governance of the country,” de Mistura told Swiss Le Temps newspaper on Saturday.

He added that he has “a mandate to find the formulas … that are as inclusive as possible.”  

In another interview published on Saturday, de Mistura said there is no ‘plan B’ if the peace negotiations fail in Geneva.

« The plan B, as far as we can see, is just a continuation of a horrible conflict which will go on and on and on,” de Mistura told Al Jazeera.

“And you know who will be the only victims? The Syrian people. And I don’t think there is a real plan B except for pushing hard for this to go on into a successful outcome of a political solution according to the Geneva Communique … //

… “Starting the talks without the participation of this group … is a manifestation of weakness on the part of the international community, as only the Turks are blocking the invitation for the Kurds, specifically the Democratic Union Party.”

Syrian Kurds have been an active force fighting Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) extremists on the ground … //

… (full text).


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