Published on, by Thierry Meyssan, March 17, 2016.
The announcement of the partial withdrawal of the Russian Army from Syria has spawned a great number of commentaries which illustrate the preconceived bias of their authors rather than reality. Thierry Meyssan points out that the facts demonstrate not only that the differences between Moscow and Damascus have been resolved, but that Russia – which managed to topple the Western powers into the anti-terrorist camp – intends to allow Syrians to liberate their territory by themselves.
The announcement by the Russian President of the «withdrawal of the main group of its contingent» [1] has provoked a new campaign of disinformation. According to the Western and Gulf Press, Vladimir Putin had been «irritated» by the uncompromising attitude of President Bachar el-Assad, and decided to leave Syria in order to make him face up to his own responsibilities. The same commentators add that since he has no allies left, al-Assad will have to make concessions in Geneva, and abandon his country. Moscow would therefore have offered a wonderful gift to Washington for its five years of «civil war».
However, all this is absurd.
1- The Russian military intervention was first negotiated in 2012 by General Hassan Tourekmani, but was only implemented three years later, since Moscow wanted to make the final adjustments to its new weaponry before deployment. Russian troops began to set up in July 2015, and we were the first to announce it. Our information was immediately picked up by the Israëli Press, then by the international media [2]. It was agreed that the bombing campaign would begin after the meeting of the Security Council, which was to take place alongside the UN General Assembly, and last until the Orthodox Christmas, on the 6th January 2016.
It was also planned that once peace had been re-established, a force from the CSTO would be deployed in order to maintain it – however, this has so far been impossible … //
… 4- From the military point of view, the Russian Army is withdrawing from the battlefield, but not from military headquarters. There is no longer much point in accumulating planes, because there are few targets left to hit – the fortifications built by the jihadists and their networks for the transport of stolen oil have been destroyed. On the other hand, the anti-aircraft systems – S-400 and Pantsir-S2 missiles – are staying where they are. The supply of weapons and munitions continues, as does the access to Russian satellite intelligence. Russia has renewed the equipment and trained soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army, which had been under embargo for the last 10 years [4]. From now on, the Army is not only capable of defending its population from the jihadists, but also of liberating the occupied territory, which it has begun to do. In this case, Russian aid consists not of simple bombing raids, but air support for the ground troops, as we saw yesterday in Palmyra.
After having invested hundreds of billions of roubles in Syria, Russia is not leaving the Near East at a time when Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon are on the brink of civil war. It is leaving the Syrians to the glory of their Victory.
(full text).
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- Who Better Than Star Trek’s Q to Star in Quantum Conundrum? on Kotaku, b Mike Fahey, April 4, 2010.