Thom Hartmann

The TOM HARTMNN SHOW on radio; on TV/stations; on YouTube;

uploaded on YouTube by thomhartmann, May 2016:

uploaded on YouTube by The Big Picture RT, March 2016:


On US Military Presence in Europe & the Case of Edward Snowden, on, by Zain Raza, May 9, 2016;

Nuit Debout est un mouvement de réarmement du camp progressiste … par rapport au pôle sécuritaire-identitaire de la vie politique – Gaël Brustier, dans atlantico,fr, le 7 mai 2016;

Impôts – le prélèvement à la source en 5 questions, dans, le 6 mai, 2016;

The enduring appeal of a good idea, on Financial Times, by Martin Sandbu, May 6, 2016;

You Can Only Really Redistribute Non-Rivalrous Goods, Not Money Or Wealth – Thomas Sowell, on Forbes, by Tim Worstall, May 6, 2016;

UNICEF: 1 in 3 Argentine kids live in poverty, on Buenos Aires Herald, May 6, 2016;

Trois façons de démontrer aux clients comment obtenir un revenu garanti à vie, dans, le 6 mai 2016;

How Facebook, Instagram, Google, and Twitter Use Censorship to Kill Free Speech, on, by Michaela Whitton, May 3, 2016;

… and this – uploaded on YouTube by  Bushcrafting – Learning How:


exemples of uploads:

  • Bushcrafting Learning How, 1.55 min, 2016 … sharing with you, simplified learning about our natural environment. Ross teaches a different perspective on Predator Control, Trapping Lifestyle and wildlife/human conflicts
  • 30 Yr Old Log Cabin Off Grid – 5 Years Before Solar Panels were Added, 8.33 min, 2013 … 30 year old log cabin goes through changes before Solar System is added. Inside and outside the cabin, see the off grid appliances, how we do laundry, have lighting, heating, cooking, water and more;
  • … and many more;

WEBSITE: Bushcrafting.