Published on Global (first on Eco-Watch), by Global Research News, April 4, 2014.
Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) will introduce legislation this month backed by the Grocery Manufactures Association—including biotech giant Monsanto and Koch Industries—that would establish a voluntary labeling system for food made withgenetically modified organisms (GMO), according to an industry insider.
The bill includes a “prohibition against mandatory labeling,” according to The Hill, and is designed to head off the many state bills and ballot initiatives that would impose more stringent labeling regulations on GMOs … //
… “American consumers want the right to know what is in the food they eat, plain and simple,” said Rebecca Spector, who spearheads Maine’s GE labeling legislative efforts at Center for Food Safety.
Other states with pending legislation on GMO labeling include California, Missouri, Minnesota and Rhode Island. In Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii and Oregon efforts are in motion to put the question on the ballot.
Rep. Pompeo’s plan to introduce voluntary GMO food labeling legislation follows on the heels of last week’s comments by FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg that the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) plans to finalize guidance on the voluntary labeling of GMOs, despite the growing body of scientific evidence that GMOs, and the chemicals required to grow GMO crops, are potentially damaging to human health.
“More evidence surfaces every day implicating GMO-contaminated food in a long list of chronic illnesses,” said Cummins. “Until further, comprehensive, independent safety testing is done on the impact of GMOs on human health, consumers should at the very least be able to avoid those foods by reading a label. This proposed bill would not only keep labels off of our food, but it is a direct attack on states’ constitutional right to pass laws to protect public health.”
(full text).
US operates global drone war from German base – ex-pilot, on Russia Today RT, April 6, 2014;
The Kamikaze Economics and Politics of Forcing Austerity on the Ukraine, on New Economic Perspectives, by William K. Black, April 5, 2014;
Comment la pédophilie des « élites » sert à faire chanter des états souverains, dans GLOBAL RELAY NETWORK / Info Alternative, par Will Summer et Donde Vamos, le 4 avril 2014 – (mon commentaire: en fait ce qu’on n’a pas envie de voir ni ose d’avouer, c’est que ces pratiques sont une partie intégrante de certains anciens rituels initiatiques pour une certaine élite, avec le but d’apprendre la domination sans merci sur une population appellée inférieure. Les nazi l’avaient poussé encore plus loin en faisant tuer ces enfants);
Egypt-Sudan water relations, on Al-Ahram weekly online, by Maghawry Shehata, April 3, 2014: The issue of Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam also brings up Egypt’s historic relations with Sudan, which Khartoum turned its back on in December last year, largely for selfish reasons …;
Vouloir réformer un système qui s’effondre, une dangereuse utopie, dans GLOBAL RELAY NETWORK / Info Alternative, par MOUTON NOIR, le 3 AVRIL 2014;
Controlling the Lens: The Media War Being Fought Over Ukraine Between the Western Bloc and Russia – The BBC and CNN versus RT, on Global, by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 27, 2014;
The break-up of Yugoslavia, on Socialist Unity, by John Wight, March 25, 2014;
The West, Russia, China and the Ukraine: Take the burning fuse out of the barrel, as long as there is time, on Current Concerns, by Willy Wimmer, retired state secretary in the Ministry of Defense, member of the German Bundestag 1976–2009, March 21, 2014;
L’enfer n’existe pas et Adam et Eve ne sont pas réels, revendique le Pape François, dans GLOBAL RELAY NETWORK / Info Alternative, par Will Summer, le 1er janvier 2014;
Experimentiergruppen + Jugend- und Menschheitsentwicklung, Mein Schreibstuben-Blog, 18. Sept. 2008.