Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1120, by Mike Treen, May 22, 2015.
Workers in the fast food industry in New Zealand scored a spectacular victory over what has been dubbed “zero hour contracts” during a collective agreement bargaining round over the course of March and April this year. The campaign played out over the national media as well as on picket lines. The victory was seen by many observers as the product of a determined fight by a valiant group of workers and their union, Unite. It was a morale boost for all working people after what has seemed like a period of retreat for working-class struggle in recent years.
Workers in the fast food industry have long identified “zero hour contracts” as the central problem they face. These are contracts that don’t guarantee any hours per week, meanwhile workers are expected to work any shifts rostered within the workers’ ‘availability’. Managers have power to use and abuse the rostering system to reward and punish, without any real means of holding them to account.
This year, all the collective agreements with the major fast food companies (McDonald’s, Burger King, Restaurant Brands) expired on March 31. We were already in dispute with Wendy’s, as their agreement remains unresolved from last year. Unite Union was determined to end the system of zero hours and get guaranteed hours included in the new collective agreements. We had no illusions that this was going to be easy. We knew this would be a tough battle and we needed to prepare for that reality if we were to have a chance of success. At organizing meetings I would sometimes use a phrase that appealed: “If you want peace, prepare for war.” I was told later it is taken from a Latin adage: “Si vis pacem, para bellum.” Whoever coined the phrase, it is a wise strategy.
Not a New Phenomenon: … //
… End Zero Hour Contracts Campaign: … //
… Preparing a Campaign : … //
… Bargaining: … //
… Mc Donnald’s Counter-Attack: … //
… May Day Action Called: … //
… Government Under Pressure: … //
… (full long text).
(Mike Treen is a Unite National Director. This article first appeared on the website … and also on The Daily Blog).
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(see also: PIT-CNT’s worker union: Plenario Intersindical de Trabajadores – Convención Nacional de Trabajadores: on en.wikipedia is a national trade union center in Uruguay; on es.wikipedia es la central sindical única de Uruguay);
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(see also on Pew Research Center: Declining Number of Catholics, May 11, 2015; Unauthorized Immigrant Population Trends for States, Birth Countries and Regions, Dec 11, 2014);
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(see also: Rohingya people on en.wikipedia … are an Indo-Aryan ethnic group that live in northern Rakhine (Arakan), Burma …);
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World Economics Association WEA/Books;
Die Jahrhundertlüge, die nur Insider kennen – Heiko Schrang, 53.23 min, von Quer-Denken.TV am 21. Mai 2014 hochgeladen; Heiko Schrangs Buch auf, oder:, /Startseite; /Sitemap; /Kontakt (verkauft DVDs von Quer-DenkenTV und AlpenparlamentTV);
(siehe auch: Macht steuert Wissen MSW: /Startseite; /SchrangTVs YouTube Kanal; /Kontakt/Impressum).