Published on Global Handelsblatt (first on Die Zeit), by KOLJA RUDZIO, March 3, 2016.
For many Germans, their job is more important than ever. But what would the proposed universal basic wage do to Germany’s famed work ethic?
Despite ongoing complaints about the daily grind, Germany’s famous work ethic is thriving. A record number of people are currently employed and studies show that work tops the list of priorities for many.
According to a recent survey, 85 percent of respondents said that being “employed” is very important to them, slightly above the 82 percent who saw “enjoying life” as very important.
In contrast, a total of 78 percent checked the “having children” box, and only around half of respondents ticked “good sex” as a priority, according to the study, by Die Zeit, the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), and the German social research institute infas.
The survey also found that most people like their jobs. Three out of four respondents said they are doing the job they always wanted. And a majority said they would work even if they didn’t need the money – only one in 10 said they would not.
But what people expect from work is changing: “Nowadays, people aren’t just working to earn money and build a career,” said Jutta Allmendinger, president of the WZB. “They are looking for strong relationships with colleagues, meaningful projects, and cooperation … //
… (full text).
Interview with Joaquin Flores: Why Russia’s Syrian op is more efficient that NATO’s, on RT, March 6, 2016: the US hasn’t been invited by Syria to fight Islamic State and failed to work with their regional allies to curb support for it and other terrorists groups, says Joaquin Flores of the Independent Journalists Association for Peace …;
Efficient, accurate: Russian air warfare in Syria praised in classified NATO report, on RT, March 5, 2016;
Canada plans to experiment with giving people unconditional free money, on Tech, by Chris Weller, March 4, 2016;
BASICS: Giving people money gaining momentum as new anti-poverty solution, on Humanosphere, by Tom Murphy, March 4, 2016;
Senator David Norris hits out at ‘bloody thin’ salaries TDs are paid, on Irish Examiner, by Fiachra Ó Cionnaith, March 4, 2016;
Réinventer le travail, dans Les, par ROGER-POL DROIT, le 4 mars 2016;
Demain sera-t-il un monde uniforme? dans Journal du Cameroun, par Michel Lobé Etamé, le 4 mars 2016;
EGYPT: Protest at contempt rulings, on Al-Ahram weekly online, by Khaled Dawoud, March 3, 2016: … Nearly two years ago a teacher jokingly recorded a 30-second video of four Christian students mocking the practice of beheadings carried out by the terrorist Islamic State (IS) group. The last thing the teenagers, from the village of Nasserya near Bani Mazar in Minya, expected was that they would end up with five-year prison sentences after being convicted on charges of “contempt of religion” …;
Loi El Khomri: je suis contre les réformes qui aggravent la precarité, affirme Dephine Batho, dans Europe 1, le 3 mars 2016;
Botswana: No Loss of Income Due to Conversion, on Daily News, by Bopa, March 3, 2016;
Murry Salby finds CO2 rise is natural, on Skeptival Science, by Michael K., July 11, 2015;
Video: Denis Rancurt, 25.04 min, uploaded by The Agenda with Steve Paikin, April 14, 2009;
… and this:
- Earth’s 10 Most Mysterious Lost Worlds, 7.55 min, uploaded by Hybrid Librarian.