in english, german, french
specially ENOCH:
Book of Enoch, the Book for the Final Generation, 85.33 min, uploaded by Apocryphile 1970:
- the Entire Book of Enoch – R.H. Charles Version, 207.30 min;
- the Book of Revelation Unveiled, endless in autoplay (18 long audios);
- Why was the book of Enoch Really Removed from the bible? What they don’t want you to know, 22.00 min, uploaded by Watchman Reports, Dec 9, 2015;
- BLACK PEOPLE … the REAL Reason The Book Of Enoch Is Not In The Bible, 5.11 min, uploaded by Baptized A Scribe, July 10, 2015 … Allow me to ask you a question gentle strangers. Have you ever wondered why the early white Christian church didn’t include the Book of Enoch within the Bible? I mean, it is and was common knowledge the Israelites believed the Book of Enoch was basically a part of their collection of Holy writings. It was found within the Dead Sea Scrolls and was quoted from by those who ARE within the Bible, so why didn’t they allow it in?
on en.wikipedia:
- Enoch (ancestor of Noah) … is a figure in Biblical literature. In addition to an appearance in the Book of Genesis of the Hebrew Bible, Enoch is the subject of many Jewish and Christian writings …; /See also; /External Links; Enoch disambiguation;
- … but also on Google Web-search; Google Images-search (mainly paintings); YouTube-search;
- the website OSHO: in english; en français; auf deutsch; … and in many other languages – and topics – by internal link;
- Rajneesh (11 Dec 1931 – 19 Jan 1990) [before called Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh] was a mystic, guru, and spiritual teacher, born in India. The international Rajneesh movement has continued after his death. Osho continues to be published by over 200 publishers worldwide and in over 60 languages. His commune, now known as a meditation resort, is one of India’s main tourist attractions, and offers a wide range of meditations …; OSHO International on Google Web-search; OSHO on YouTube; Osho (disambiguation);
strong stuff:
- BREAKING UFO ALIEN DISCLOSURE by Canadian Minister of Defence, MAY 2013, 9.46 min, upladed by DisclosureTeam;
- OVNI: Révélations Ex Ministre Canadien Paul Hellyer, 8.51 min, mise en ligne par nexart35;
- Kanadischer Verteidigungsminister gibt öffentlich zu das Außerirdische unter uns leben, 28.21 min, uploaded by 7777Funki, Dec 18, 2015;
- Gespräch mit dem ehemaligen CIA Agenten Virgil Armstrong, 59.02 min, uploaded by Deutscher Informationsdienst, March 12, 2015 … Jo Conrad ( befragt Virgil Armstrong im Jahre 1996 zu seinen UFO-Erlebnissen während seiner Zeit beim Militär und zur Zukunft der Erde. Virgil Armstrong war Mitarbeiter der CIA. Über seinen Schreibtisch gingen hoch klassifizierte Berichte über UFO-Abstürze und Bergungen in den USA und er behauptet, selbst physischen Kontakt zu Außerirdischen gehabt zu haben. Seit vielen Jahren widmet Armstrong sein Leben der Aufklärung von UFO-Fällen und gehört zu den renommiertesten und geachtetsten UFO-Forschern der Welt …;
- USA Im Endstadium, 12.41 min, uploaded by 7777Funki, March 7, 2015;
more links:
- Diverse religiöse Schlüssel zur Vergangenheit – Geschichte, heute auf diesem Blog;
on Mein Schreibstuben Blog:
- searches on Nag Hammadi and The Gospel of Judas – material out of the internet, Oct 20, 2008;
- de nos illusions, by Heidi, May 23, 2015;
- über Ausserirdische (ETs & co.), by Heidi, June 7, 2015;
- Entführungen durch eine dunkle Macht, von Suzanne LEHAR, Nov 19, 2008.