Published on The Contrary Perspective, by blog owner, Feb 15, 2014.
In an age when many journalists are corporate-owned or are reduced by various pressures into stenographers for the powerful, it’s encouraging to hear of new journalistic ventures that promise to be critical of those in power. Glenn Greenwald, who’s established a reputation for outspoken journalism at and The Guardian, and Jeremy Scahill, an investigative reporter and bestselling author of Blackwater as well as Dirty Wars, have established a new online magazine known as The Intercept (it’s available here: The NSA’s Secret Role in the U.S. Assassination Program).
(Glenn) Greenwald and (Jeremy) Scahill, together with other skilled contributors such as the documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras, promise to do more than a little bit of rug lifting on the surveillance state in which we live. They are to be commended for true watchdog journalism. Greenwald and Poitras, of course, are associated with
Edward Snowden, whose revelations of NSA spying activities have infuriated much of the world (including close American allies such as Germany). Current and former members of the U.S. government have called for the imprisonment, even the execution, of Snowden as a traitor to America.
But who is the real traitor: the one who seeks to tell the American people what is being done in their name, or the ones who seek to deny the same knowledge to their fellow Americans? … //
… (full text).
US Press Freedom Threatened, on Steve Lendman Blog, by Stephen Lendman, Feb 16, 2014;
World War I Guilt: Culpability Question Divides Historians Today, on Spiegel Online International, by Dirk Kurbjuweit, February 14, 2014 (Photo Gallery): This year marks the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I and the 75th of the start of World War II. Questions over the degree of German guilt remain contentious among historians, who have been fighting over the issue for years …;
Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the End of History, on The Contrary Perspective, by wjastore, Feb 12, 2014.