… the World’s Most Evil Corporation – Published on Global Research.ca (first on Waking Times, 2 June 2014), by E Hanzai, May 20, 2015.
… 1920s: Monsanto expands into industrial chemicals and drugs, becoming the world’s largest maker of aspirin, acetylsalicyclic acid, (toxic of course). This is also the time when things began to go horribly wrong for the planet in a hurry with the introduction of their polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) … //
… Monsanto’s Disneyfied vision of the future:
1960s: Monsanto, along with chemical partner-in-crime DOW Chemical, produces dioxin-laced Agent Orange for use in the U.S.’s Vietnam invasion. The results? Over 3 million people contaminated, a half-million Vietnamese civilians dead, a half-million Vietnamese babies born with birth defects and thousands of U.S. military veterans suffering or dying from its effects to this day!
Monsanto is hauled into court again and internal memos show they knew the deadly effects of dioxin in Agent Orange when they sold it to the government. Outrageously though, Monsanto is allowed to present their own “research” that concluded dioxin was safe and posed no negative health concerns whatsoever. Satisfied, the bought and paid for courts side with Monsanto and throws the case out. Afterwards, it comes to light that Monsanto lied about the findings and their real research concluded that dioxin kills very effectively … //
… To add insult to world injury, Monsanto and their partners in crime Archer Daniels Midland, Sodexo and Tyson Foods write and sponsor The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009: HR 875. This criminal “act” gives the corporate factory farms a virtual monopoly to police and control all foods grown anywhere, including one’s own backyard, and provides harsh penalties and jail sentences for those who do not use chemicals and fertilizers. President Obama decided this sounded reasonable and gave his approval.
With this Act, Monsanto claims that only GM foods are safe and organic or homegrown foods potentially spread disease, therefore must be regulated out of existence for the safety of the world. If eating GM pesticide balls is their idea of safe food, I would like to think the rest of the world is smart enough to pass.
As further revelations have broken open regarding this evil giant’s true intentions, Monsanto crafted the ridiculous HR 933 Continuing Resolution, aka Monsanto Protection Act, which Obama robo-signed into law as well.This law states that no matter how harmful Monsanto’s GMO crops are and no matter how much devastation they wreak upon the country, U.S. federal courts cannot stop them from continuing to plant them anywhere they choose. Yes, Obama signed a provision that makes Monsanto above any laws and makes them more powerful than the government itself. We have to wonder who’s really in charge of the country because it’s certainly not him!
There comes a tipping point though when a corporation becomes too evil and the world pushes back…hard! Many countries continue to convict Monsanto of crimes against humanity and have banned them altogether, telling them to “get out and stay out!”
The world has begun to awaken to the fact that the corporate monster does not want control over the global production of food simply for profit’s sake. No, it’s become clear by over a century of death & destruction that the primary goal is to destroy human health and the environment, turning the world into a Mon-Satanic Hell on Earth!
Research into the name itself reveals it to be latin, meaning “my saint,” which may explain why critics often refer to it as “Mon-Satan.” Even more conspiratorially interesting is that free masons and other esoteric societies assigned numbers to each letter in our latin-based alphabet system in a six system. Under that number system, what might Monsanto add up to? Why, of course 6-6-6!
Know that all is not lost. Evil always loses in the end once it is widely exposed to the light of truth as is occurring now. The fact that the Monsanto-led government finds it necessary to enact desperate legislation to protect its true leader proves this point. Being evicted elsewhere, the United States is Monsanto’s last stand so to speak.
Yet, even here many have begun striking back by protesting against and rejecting GMO monstrosities, choosing to grow their own foods and shop at local farmers markets instead of the Monsanto-supported corporate grocery chains.
The awakening people are also beginning to see they have been misled by corporate tricksters and federal government criminals poisoned by too much power, control and greed, which has resulted in the creation of the monstrous, out-of-control corporate beast.
(full text with more related links).
Related Links:
- The Monsanto Pandora’s Box Nightmare of GMO Global Genocide:,Unleashed and Irreversible, on Studies in Reformed Theology, March 10, 2013;
- Chapter two: The Empire of I.G. Farben, on Reformed Theology.org;
Other Links:
For US-citizens: Sign Petition, STAND WITH DEMOCRATS – Tell Republicans in Congress to STOP blocking fair minimum wage legislation, on Action DCCC.org (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee);
find on Russia Today RT:
- Predate humans, Stone tools made 3.3mn years ago found in Kenya, May 21, 2015;
- Permission to die, California doctors no longer oppose assisted suicide, May 21, 2015;
- Trident whistleblower’s security allegations true – ex-Royal Navy sailor to RT, May 20, 2015;
find on Dissident Voice:
- Nuclear War Is Not Likely Over Ukraine, US Tries to Reassure World, by William Boardman, May 20, 2015: We don’t think the Ukrainian conflict is a nuclear crisis;
- John Kerry Admits Defeat, by Patrick L. Smith, May 20, 2015: The Ukraine story the media won’t tell, and why U.S. retreat is a good thing … (first published on Salon);
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Der große Treck – Von Südafrika in den Kongo, 44.14 min, von Reportagen007 am 28. Dez 2013 hochgeladen.