Watch this video, 16.37 min, on TEDtalk, with John Hodgman, filmed Feb 2008, posted on Oct 2008.
Humorist John Hodgman rambles through a new story about aliens, physics, time, space and the way all of these somehow contribute to a sweet, perfect memory of falling in love. John Hodgman is a writer, humorist, geek celebrity, former professional literary agent and expert on all world knowledge. He was the bumbling PC in Apple’s long-running « I’m a Mac; I’m a PC » ad campaign … (full bio).
Non-denying denial? RSA aims to distance itself from NSA scandal, on Russia Today RT, Dec 24, 2013: Security firm RSA denies accusations that it entered into a secret contract with the National Security Agency to promote the use of weak security algorithms. The denial comes after a media report detailed information of the alleged hush-hush deal …;
No conception of privacy: Snowden to deliver alternative TV Christmas message, on Russia Today RT, Dec 24, 2013;
Thousands’ killed in South Sudan violence, UN boosts peacekeepers to 12,500, on Russia Today RT, Dec 24, 2013;
TRNN REPLAY: The Making of Untold History of the United States, 10.24 min, on The Real News Network TRNN, by Paul Jay, Dec 17, 2012: a series of interviews with Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick about their book and documentary on American history that challenges the traditional Cold War narrative;
IEC thesis: The world situation and tasks for the CWI, on, Dec 16, 2013: Document discussed, amended and voted at the recent meeting of the International Executive Committee (IEC) of the CWI, which took place in Belgium during the first week of December …;
Committee for a Workers’ International CWI:
- on, Dec 16, 2013: CWI is a campaigning international socialist organisation based in over 45 countries. The CWI is part of the struggle to overthrow the rule of big business and global capitalism. We fight for a democratic socialist society internationally.
Join us today on: Committee for a Workers’ International, PO Box 3688, London, Britain, E11 1YE, Tel: ++ 44 20 8988 8760, Fax: ++ 44 20 8988 8793, e-mail, website:; - on en.wikipedia: CWI is an international association of Trotskyist political parties and organizations. In all the CWI has sections in over 50 countries worldwide and is represented on every continent. The international also includes smaller affiliate organisations, which are not regarded as full sections …;