Published on RT, April 6, 2016.
Polls have opened on Wednesday in the Netherlands to see if the public wants to back an agreement to bring Ukraine closer to the EU. While many Dutch people support ordinary Ukrainians, a great number believe the proposed deal will not help them … //
… Opposition to the association agreement in the Netherlands is not just directed at Ukraine in particular, but is also seen as a way of forcing the Dutch government to consult with the public when taking decisions.
There is also anger at EU policies concerning Ukraine, which often result in Brussels making promises to Kiev that it cannot keep in the long run … //
… “During Maidan, we had two European politicians who got involved and said ‘we are going to be helping Ukraine,’ but what happened? Actually things got worse in Ukraine. A war started because of their involvement. I think that’s very concerning,” said activist Daniel Klop, who spoke to RT.
Klop added that he believes that the EU is putting its own ambitions above the welfare of the Ukrainian people … //
… A poll carried out by Maurice de Hond on Sunday showed that 66 percent of Netherlanders say they will definitely vote “No,” with only 25 percent supporting the “Yes” campaign, according to Reuters … … //
… (full text).
The Powell Manifesto and the Revolution by and for the Rich, on Dissident Voice, by James Hoover, April 5, 2016;
Western states block Kurdish participation in Syria peace talks proposed by Russia, on RT, April 5, 2016;
Misusing Privacy: Mossack Fonseca and the Panama Papers Leak, on Dissident Voice, by Binoy Kampmark, April 5, 2016;
European Union Throws Greece and Refugees to the Sharks, , on Dissident Voice, by Felicity Arbuthnot, April 4, 2016;
Marxism and the pseudo-left: David North interviewed at Leipzig Book Fair, on WSWS, April 1, 2016;
The Gangrenous Monster Has Eaten Our Hearts, on Dissident Voice, by Paul Haeder, April 3, 2016: compliance, Rise of the Punishment Class, Poverty and Foreclosures and Fines Make “them” a lot of money! (Part 3 of 5);
Why Europeans Fight « Austerity » More Successfully than Americans – Professor Richard D Wolff, 6.26 min, uploaded by RichardDWolff;
Christian Ehring (extra 3): Erdoğan ist schlauer als wir denken, 6.01 min, uploaded by dbate: das ist eine Situation, die man als Satiriker nur einmal im Leben erlebt, sagt Christian Ehring von extra 3 über den türkischen Protest gegen die NDR-Satire;
China Century Project South–North Water Transfer Project HD 2400KM, 5.35 min, uploaed by This is china;
Nach der Flucht: Muslimische Frauen in Deutschland zwischen Tradition und Emanzipation – Das Erste, 7.06 min, uploaded by ARD: viele der in Deutschland ankommenden Flüchtlinge sind Frauen aus muslimischen Ländern mit ihren Familien. Unsere Reporterinnen haben sich gefragt, wie diese Frauen leben und wie viele Rechte sie haben. Ähnelt ihr bisheriger Lebensentwurf dem unsrigen oder müssen sie sich komplett umstellen? Sind sie voll emanzipiert, oder müssen sie sich ihrem Mann unterordnen?
#myescape – Selfies der Flucht (komplettes Videotagebuch), 89.59 min, uploaded by dbate: hunderttausende Menschen aus Syrien, Afghanistan oder Eritrea fliehen nach Deutschland – auf der Suche nach einer besseren, vor allem sicheren, Zukunft. Viele Flüchtlinge dokumentieren ihre Reise schonungslos mit dem Handy. Der Dokumentarfilm #myescape erzählt ebendiese Fluchtgeschichten …;
… und noch dies:
- Berlin, Hauptstadt der Hühner – rbb Reporter, 28.52 min, uploaded by ARD: sie gackern mitten in Berlin, im Marcus-Park in Steglitz, hinterm Einfamilienhaus in Lichtenrade, im Kleingarten in Schöneberg – weiße, braune, schwarze, graue Hühner, die in städtischer Erde scharren, über Zäune flattern, Straßen schadlos überqueren. Und es werden immer mehr. Die rbb Reporter haben Hühner und Besitzer mitten in Berlin besucht;
… and this:
uploaded by Starry Hilder:
Living Off The Grid, New Trailer, 4.25 min;