Arrests made as hundreds of elderly Americans protest at 2nd Democracy Spring sit-in

Published on RT, April 12, 2016;

Hundreds of Americans, many of whom are elderly, marched in support of political reform in Washington, DC, taking part in a sit-in and risking arrest as they pushed for fairer elections. RT’s ‘Redacted Tonight’ host Lee Camp was one of those detained.  

Already, multiple arrests have been made, according to reports from those on the ground near the demonstrations … //

… As part of its movement, Democracy Spring is pushing lawmakers to pass legislation that would boost the power of small campaign contributions, offer public funding for political candidates, and update the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in order to protect minority and lower-income voters at the polls.

The group is also calling for a constitutional amendment that would essentially overturn Supreme Court rulings giving corporations the ability to freely spend in elections. The amendment would end “the big money dominance of our elections and allows for Congress and the States to set overall limits on campaign spending, including prohibitions on corporate and union spending in the political process” … //

… (full text, Videos,Photos, related Links).

Democracy Spring related Links:

Other Links:

Europe’s Rule-Of-Law Crisis, on Social Europe, by Guy Verhofstadt, April 12, 2016;

Ruling Class Games and Qualifications, on and Beyond the Bernie-Hillary Spat, on counterpunch, by Paul Ytreet, April 12, 2016;

We’ve got a lot of work to do, Andrew Little puts brave face on Labour’s low poll numbers, on TV one, April 11, 2016;

Sovereign wealth funds like what they see in U.S. middle market, on PE HUB Network, by David M. Toll, April 11, 2016;

Zoltan Istvan: Half of Americans Will Probably Have a Robot in Their House within 5 Years, on Breitbart, by NATE CHURCH, April 10, 2016;

La révolution est-elle en marche? dans Le Podcast Journal, par Cécile Dupuy, le 11 avril 2016: il y a eu Podemos * en Espagne, Occupy Wall Street aux USA, les printemps arabes … et toutes ces tentatives n’ont pas eu l’effet escompté. Le mouvement Nuit Debout, qui prend une réelle ampleur partout en France et fait ses premiers pas ailleurs, est lui aussi fondé sur un ras le bol général, une colère aux multiples visages. Une nouvelle révolution française, voire européenne, se prépare-t-elle? Tout a commencé le 9 mars 2016, avec une très forte mobilisation contre la réforme du code du travail proposée par le gouvernement …; * (in disambiguation to the political party);

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