We’re Not under Threat. We Are the Threat

… Oliver Stone’s American History – Published on Middle East Eye MEE, by James Reinl, Sept 17, 2016;

… The Hollywood movie director has turned his cameras on the assassination of John F Kennedy, the Vietnam War and the 9/11 attacks … //

… He continued probing that war in Born on the Fourth of July (1989), starring Tom Cruise. JFK (1991) showed his conspiracy theories about the former president’s killing; movies such as Nixon (1995) and W (2008) tackled subsequent commanders-in-chief.

The release of his movie about NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has been delayed until 2016, he said.

He has also interviewed foreign statesmen who defy Washington – from the Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro to the ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Untold History of the United States, a 10-part documentary series and a 750-page book, offers Americans an alternate perspective on US history from the Second World War through the Cold War to the present day.

Stone says he wants to counter the “educational crime” of misleading American schoolchildren.

“American exceptionalism has to be driven out of our curriculums,” he said.

“We’re not under threat. We are the threat.”

(full text).

(The Untold History of the United States: on YouTube-search, from that 13 episodes in english; 9 épisodes sous titrées en français; and also Official Trailer;)


AUDIO – Economic Update: Higher Ed Class Struggles, 55.02 min, uploaded by Democracy At Work, Sept 22, 2016 … on top Corp leaders and top govt officials as tight partners, British wages and Brexit, Goldman Sachs. Interview Prof Michael Pelias on Long Island Univ lockout of faculty;

Wells Fargo’s Stumpf leads the Way, on Counterpunch, by DAVE LINDORFF, Sept 22, 2016: hey Americans! Let’s all start taking responsibility for what we do wrong. Let’s all start being accountable for our actions or our lack of action. John Stumpf, the CEO of Wells Fargo Bank, one of the nation’s biggest « too-big-to-fail » banks, is showing us the way in to this bright new stand-up world …;

Unser Schulsystem ist Mist – Harald Lesch, 10.37 min, von Terra X Lesch & Co am 21. Sept 2016 … Harald Lesch in seinem ersten richtigen Rant auf diesem Kanal: Warum das deutsche Schulsystem uns alle verblödet;

15 octobre = Journée d’actions stop Tafta/Ceta, dans ATTAC France.org, le 19 septembre 2016;

What’s the Alternative to Capitalism? on The London Economic, by Michael Smith, Sept 18, 2016;

Belabored Podcast #112: Striking India, 81.14 min, with Vamsi Vakulabharanam and Gautam Mody, on DISSENT/blog, by Sarah Jaffe and Michelle Chen, Sept 16, 2016;

Le CETA mis à nu: une étude universitaire dévoile les perspectives économiques catastrophiques du traité UE-Canada, par AITEC, Attac France, le 15 sept 2016;

Corbyn: I’d abandon failed economic model, on BBCnews, Sept 15, 2016;

Sind wir allein im Universum – Harald Leschs Sternen-Entstehungs-Doku aus offizieller Sicht, 43.05 min, von neuerdoku66 am 14. Sept 2016;

Whose Homes? on DISSENT, by Sarah Jaffe, August 24, 2016;

Richard Charles Horton (editor); FRCP, FMedSci, (born 29 December 1961) is the present editor-in-chief of The Lancet, a United Kingdom-based medical journal [1][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] …; /his recent statement:

  • original in english: Editor In Chief Of World’s Best Known Medical Journal: Half Of All The Literature Is False, on Global Research.ca (first on Collective Evolution), by Arjun Walia, May 23, 2015: What is medicine’s 5 sigma, Science has taken a turn towards Darkness;
  • expliqué en français: Déclaration choquante d’un initié du domaine médical, dans Réseau International.net, par Petrus Lombard, le 23 juin 2016: un aveu choquant de l’éditeur de The Lancet, la revue médicale la plus estimée au monde, a été pratiquement ignoré par la grande presse et les médias dominants. Le Dr Richard Horton, rédacteur en chef de The Lancet, a récemment fait une annonce disant qu’un nombre scandaleux de publications d’études sont au mieux, peu fiables, quand elles ne sont pas complètement mensongères, en plus de frauduleuses. Horton a déclaré: « Une grande partie de la littérature scientifique, sans doute la moitié, pourrait être tout simplement fausse. Affligée d’études avec des échantillons réduits, d’effets infimes, d’analyses préliminaires invalides, et de conflits d’intérêts flagrants, avec l’obsession de suivre les tendances d’importance douteuse à la mode, la science a pris le mauvais tournant vers les ténèbres …;

The Politics of Refugee Relief, on DISSENT, by Killian Clarke, Summer 2016;

… and this: