6 Innovative Ways We're Reinventing Birth Control

Published on Mashable, by Matt Petronzio, Sept 11, 2014.

Birth control pills and traditional latex condoms have been among the most popular and effective methods of contraception for decades. But innovators think it’s time for an upgrade — not only to increase protection, but also to establish safe sex as a basic human right.

Health organizations and forward-thinking companies are making breakthroughs in the field of contraception, working to develop new products such as hormone-releasing microchips, radically redesigned condoms and even low-cost male birth control injections that could last up to 15 years.  

« We need new contraceptive options that will fill gaps in the method mix, and increase choices for women, » says Dr. Laneta Dorflinger, distinguished scientist and director of contraceptive technology innovation at FHI 360 (formerly Family Health International). « A sizable percentage of women who have an unmet need for contraception do not use a method due to side effects — real or perceived. New innovations … could have a substantial impact. New innovations … could have a substantial impact. »

That especially includes the developing world. An estimated 222 million women in developing countries would like to prevent childbearing, but are not using any method of contraception, according to the World Health Organization. Accessible and affordable birth control methods can help prevent both unwanted pregnancy and, depending on the method, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases … //

… (full text with explaining pictures).

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