Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, March 1-31, 2016

related articles published during March 2016: (continuously updated … )

Standard & Poor’s Downgrades Chinese Sovereign Debt, on New American, by Bob Adelmann, March 31, 2016; h
Payment would cover bare basics, on New Zealand, by Steve Hart, March 31, 2016;
Finland Considers Universal Basic Income Under Social Reform Plans, March 31;
le revenu de base inconditionnel: légalisation de la société à deux vitesses, le 31 mars;
I love the idea of a Universal Basic Income. But here’s the problem, March 31;
Le revenu minimum garanti pourrait coûter 56 milliards $, le 31 mars;
Canada: Ontarians warming to guaranteed minimum income, poll suggests, March 30;
Finland considers universal basic income under social reform plans, March 30;
Spéculation sur les matières premières, revenu de base: l’attrait trompeur des slogans, le 30 mars;
Approval For Basic Income Jumps In Ontario, March 30;
Canada: Free Money for Everyone, March 30;
La magie du revenu universel, le 30 mars;
Futurist Gerd Leonhard on BIG, March 30;
Ce Castanéen milite pour le revenu de base, le 29 mars;
1001 raisons de refuser le Revenu de base inconditionnel, le 29 mars;
Why basic income can save the planet, March 29;
This guy gets a $1,100 per month ‘basic income’ for doing absolutely nothing, March 29;
New Zealand: Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy thinks that a universal basic income could appeal to conservatives and liberals alike, March 29;
UK: Free Lunch, Basic welfare policy, March 29: a centuries-old vision holds lessons for UK policy contradictions;
SCOTLAND: Scottish National Party Conference calls for universal income, March 29;
Editorial: Labour’s ‘universal basic income’ idea deserves consideration, March 29;
Universal Basic Income in New Zealand Would Require Tax Overhaul, March 29;
New Zealand: Taxpayers’ Union rubbishes Universal Basic Income idea, March 29;
Hedge Funds’ Crush on Treasuries, March 28;
US, Berkeley: Beyond Minimum Wage Hikes, with Universal Basic Income, “Everyone Gets a Check”, March 28;
Free Cash’: Experts Divided on Whether Universal Basic Income Could End Poverty, March 28;
Letters to the Editor – … on Basic income …, March 28;
Alternative Models Considered for Finland’s BI (Basic Income) Pilot, March 28;
réflexion personnel sur le revenu de base, le 27 mars;
Revenu de base, le 27 mars;
Canada: Peterborough councillors to discuss Basic Income Guarantee proposal, March 26;
New Zealand: Society not quite ready for universal basic income – Reich, March 26;
Automation and Basic Income, March 25;
SOUTH KOREA: Joint Press Conference to Call for Basic Income Scheme – Seoul, March 25;
Basic income introduction would help both our citizens and our economy, March 24;
Essayons le revenu de base, le 24 mars;
NEW ZEALAND: Keeping the basic income debate on track, March 24;
ARGENTINA: Social Security Administrator Emilio Basavilbaso talks about the universalization of a citizen’s income, March 24;
CANADA: Two takes on basic income, March 24;
Revenu universel, la raison du plus fou, le 23 mars;
CANADA – COUNCIL NOTEBOOK: Basic income guarantee talk supported, March 23;
Labour looks to ‘limited trial’ of universal basic income, March 23;
A Feasible Basic Income Scheme for Germany – Maximillian Sommer, March 23;
New Zealand: Labour forced to clarify universal basic income ‘not party policy, March 23;
FRANCE: Va-t-on vers un revenu universel? le 22 mars;
New Zealand: Labour considers universal basic income, March 22;
Robots will Take Your Job – Scott Santens, March 22;
Don’t fall for universal basic income – it’s a utopian fiction that wastes public money on the rich, March 22;
New Zealand: Labour considers ‘universal basic income’ policy, March 21;
Netherlands: International Congress on Basic Income Experiments, Maastricht, March 21;
Suisse: pour un revenu de base sans condition, le 21 mars;
A libertarian case for a guaranteed minimum income, March 20;
New Zealand: Debate on universal basic income is too radical, March 20;
Basic Income on BBC Newshour Extra, March 19;
The Finnish Model: Helsinki prepares to give every citizen €800 per month and shut down its welfare bureaucracy, March 18;
CANADA: Guaranteed income supported, but …, March 18;
SUISSE: Faut-il créer un revenu de base inconditionnel? le 18 mars;
The flaw(s) in opposition to a basic income, March 18;
CANADA: Winnipeg Harvest among groups pushing for basic income for Manitobans, March 18;
Basic income has its appeal, but it also has a very basic problem, March 18;
Wynne touts basic-income pilot project to help poor, March 17;
We need a practical approach in the basic-income debate, March 17;
CANADA: County set to approach province to pilot guaranteed basic income program, March 17;
Scholars urge Italy to adopt Guaranteed Minimum Income, March 17;
On why basic income has not yet been deployed, March 17;
Loi Travail: la jeunesse réunit 2300 à 6000 Bordelais, dans Rue89, par Xavier Ridon, le 16 mars 2016;
Ontario is about to put basic income to the test, March 16;
Guaranteed minimum income could be problematic, warns poverty advocate, March 16;
CANADA: Manitoba’s Green party pledges guaranteed income plan on 1st day of campaign, March 16;
CANADA: Greens promise Basic Income, March 16;
Universal Basic Income will encourage unemployment in Britain – but that’s not a bad thing, March 16;
Quebec: Les avantages du revenu de base garanti, le 16 mars;
Et pourquoi pas un revenu de base? le 16 mars;
Michel Sapin dit non au revenu de base universel, le 15 mars;
Test guaranteed income in Windsor, says anti-poverty group, March 15;
New Zealand: Kiwis consider paying people for doing nothing, March 15;
Switzerland: Free-money stunt highlights basic income initiative, March 15;
Windsor Good Candidate For Basic Income Pilot, March 15;
Revenu de base pour tous, une fausse bonne idée, le 15 mars;
Allocation universelle, où en est la Belgique? le 15 mars;
4 questions you probably have about basic income, March 15;
UK: SNP conference backs universal basic income for independent Scotland, March 15;
CANADA: Should we test basic income in Niagara? March 15;
Europe Écologie Les Verts: EELV appelle (avait appelé) à manifester le 17 mars pour le retrait de la loi El Khomri, on vaut mieux que ça, dans zonebourse, le 17 mars 2016;
Les faux amis du revenu inconditionnel, le 15 mars;
Démagogie : distributions gratuites de billets pour le revenu de base, le 15 mars;
Suisse: grande campagne pour un revenu de base inconditionnel à 2280 euros, 14 mars;
Les partisans du revenu de base distribuent de l’argent, le 14 mars;
An universal basic income is an old idea with modern appeal, March 14;
New Zealand is debating a plan to give people unconditional free money, March 14;
Free-money stunt highlights basic income initiative, March 14;
Basic Income, a radical idea for eliminating poverty, March 14;
Hamilton could be test site for basic income guarantee, March 14;
UK: Labour leader Andrew Little promises debate on universal basic income, March 14;
Conference members for the creation of ‘flagship’ universal income policy, March 14;
Ontario will test idea of a guaranteed minimum income to ease poverty, March 13;
Suisse: Nouvelle taxe pour financer le revenu universel? le 13 mars;
Le revenu universel, une vraie chance, une véritable évolution humaine, le 12 mars;
CANADA: Liberal-dominated committee calls on Ottawa to study guaranteed income, March 12; 000 for all, the BIG socialist idea Jeremy Corbyn should think about embracing, March 12;
Le revenu de base une invention de l’économie libérale? le 12 mars;
UK: Nicola Sturgeon rules out raising basic income tax rate if SNP is re-elected, March 12;
Revenu de base: après les Pays-Bas, l’Ontario, le 11 mars;
The Danger of the Universal Basic Income, March 11;
Le revenu universel, piège ou opportunité? le 11 mars;
CANADA: Health unit supports basic income guarantee plan, March 11;
Basic Income Should Be Studied By Trudeau Government – Commons Committee, March 11;
Top Dollar: why Canada is ripe for universal basic income, March 10;
Revenu de base, le débat est reporté sine die, le 10 mars;
Canada’s bid at basic income, Britain has lessons – Hannah Fearn, March 10;
UK: Guaranteed income is the kind of radical idea we urgently need – Amol Rajan, March 10;
Libérons-nous du sacro-saint CDI, passons au revenu de base, le 10 mars;
SUISSE: Bataille autour du revenu de base universelle: 986 ou 2500 francs? le 9 mars;
VOTATION: La Suisse votera sur le revenu pour tous sans contrepartie, le 9 mars;
UK public service union UNISON starts to look into Basic Income, March 9;
Ontario Considering Guaranteed Basic Income, March 9;
Basic income: New life for an old idea, March 9;
Thinking about Basic Income on International Women’s Day, March 8;
Basic income tightens the belts of the most vulnerable, March 8;
Ontario, Canada announced a plan to test Universal Basic Income for all citizens, March 8;
En 2016, l’Ontario va tester le revenu universel de base, le 8 mars;
GP crisis: Practices need workload cap and basic income guarantee, March 7;
Thinking BIG about employment – Konrad Yakabuski, March 7;
Canadian province Ontario plans to trial universal basic income, March 7;
Canadian Province to Give Residents Free Money in ‘Basic Income’ Experiment, March 5;
Canada plans to try a Basic Income Program to combat Poverty, March 5;
Ontario basic income pilot: What can we learn from it? March 4;
What If You Were Guaranteed a Minimum Income? March 3;
La Silicon Valley se veut le chantre du revenu de base anti-pauvreté, le 3 mars;
Ontario Is The Latest Place To Test A Basic-Income Guarantee, March 3;
Basic income has more upside, March 3;
Thursday’s papers: Thatcher’s lessons for Finland, NCP and the basic income, and a new billionaire in Finland, March 3;
A Plan in Case Robots Take the Jobs: Give Everyone a Paycheck, March 2;
FRANCE: Le financement du revenu de base par la location des robots. le 2 mars;
Basic Income Guarantee — my three hesitations, March 2;
Income project win-win – advocate, March 1;
Let’s get the basic income experiment right – Laura Anderson and Danielle Martin, March 1.