Chemical weapons watchdog approves Syria action

Published on Russia Today RT, Sept 27, 2013.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPCW has approved the details of an international plan to take under control and ultimately destroy Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal.

Immediate and unfettered’ inspections:  

In line with the decision by the chemical weapons watchdog, Syria has until November 1 to “complete… the destruction of chemical weapons production and mixing/filling equipment” and must finish “the elimination of all chemical weapons material and equipment in the first half of 2014.”

Syria will be required to “cooperate fully… including by providing the OPCW personnel with the immediate and unfettered right to inspect any and all sites in the Syrian Arab Republic.”

The OPCW in its turn would « initiate inspections » no later than October 1 and will have 30 days to inspect all chemical facilities listed by Syria as well as “any other site identified by a State Party [any Chemical Weapons Convention member state] as having been involved in the Syrian chemical weapons programme.”

The watchdog would gather again within 24 hours in case a “delay by the Syrian Arab Republic in meeting the requirements” is reported or “a lack of cooperation in the Syrian Arab Republic or another problem” arises in implementation of the plan.

The decision paved the way for the UN Security Council’s vote on the resolution.

No ‘military measures’ in Syria: … //

… (full text).


UN Security Council unanimously adopts Syria resolution, on Russia Today RT, Sept 28, 2013;

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