- Who Really Rules The United States – Edward Snowden, 10.13 min, uploaded by Blow Your Mind, Sept 1, 2016;
- About Hillary Clinton Emails, Trump And Freedom – Edward Snowden, 16.54 min, uploaded by Insomnia Team2, Aug 27, 2016;
- CITIZENFOUR (Edward Snowden Documentary Film – 2014), 113.37 min, uploaded by KC Goldshine, Aug 26, 2016 … CITIZENFOUR is a real life thriller, unfolding by the minute, giving unprecedented access to Edward Snowden as he hands over classified documents providing evidence of mass indiscriminate and illegal invasions of privacy by the NSA …;
- Citizenfour on YouTube-search;
Obligation vaccinale, dans over blog Kiwi/Santé, par Anne Gourvès, sept-oct 2016;
(mon commentaire: si vous voulez abimer vos enfants, faites-les vacciner, c’est le chemin le plus rapide vers la déchéance de cet’ensemble merveilleux qu’est un corps humain. Ne croyez pas les mantrams de cet’élite avec leurs croyances imbibées du sommet de la chaine autoritaire – là où vivent big pharma et les banksters – Heidi);
How we build trust’, Chicago police to undergo de-escalation training, expand bodycam use, on RT, Sept 20, 2016;
Turkey blocks Syrian refugees from resettlement in the US – for having degrees, on The Guardian, by Patrick Kingsley, Sept 19, 2016: Turkish officials argue the most vulnerable deserve priority resettlement. Some question whether a degree makes refugees less vulnerable. More than 1,000 Syrian refugees in Turkey have been blocked from resettlement in the US and other countries because they have university qualifications. The refugees were approved for resettlement by American officials, before being blocked – sometimes just days before their departure date – by the Turkish authorities …;
Assange, Manning and Snowden: Standing up for the Conscience of Truthtellers, on Dissident Voice, by Nozomi Hayase, Sept 19, 2016;
US-made bombs used in Saudi strikes on Yemen – Amnesty, on RT, Sept 19, 2016;
There is Never a 12th Step in the Program Called Consumerism, on Dissident Voice, by Paul Haeder, Sept 19th, 2016: exiting Society Before They Slap You Hard with Retribution for Being Flawed, Human – Sixty days. A year. Five years. A week. A day. An hour. Right now;
DNA from the deep? Antikythera shipwreck yields ancient human bones, on The Guardian, by Ian Sample, Sept 19, 2016: Site has already revealed most spectacular cargo ever found from antiquity, but bones are first hope of sequencing DNA from 1st century BC shipwreck victim;
Why won’t the world tackle the refugee crisis? on The Guardian, by Tracy McVeigh and Mark Townsend, Sept 17, 2016: Two summits this week will try to address the 65 million displaced and 20 million in danger. But they are under fire before talks have even begun;
Responsibility for the whole: Isenthal wild haymaking and landscape of wild hay harvesting / Isenthaler Wildheuer und Wildheulandschaft awarded the Landscape of the Year 2016 by the Swiss Foundation for Landscape Conservation (SL-FP), on Current Concerns, by Urs Knoblauch, Sept 14, 2016: the species-rich dry grassland and wild hay are part of our impressive natural and cultural heritage. Anyone who has admired the splendour of alpine flowers, will also have given thought to the preservation and maintenance of these natural wonders. Switzerland is worldwide on top with its diverse wild hay grasslands and its care and therefore beares international responsibility. Here, the canton of Uri is particularly committed to responsibility. These species-rich Alpine grasslands are one of 39 endangered cultural landscapes of Switzerland. The contribution of wild haymakers to nature, cultural property and to the common good;
En CE2-CM1, la cartographie pour raconter un quartier en démolition, dans Libération, par Marie Piquemal , le 5 sept 2016 à partir de cette rentrée, «Libération» met en avant des initiatives concrètes d’enseignants motivés. Aujourd’hui Céline Souleille, et son école au milieu des tractopelles et d’un quartier en métamorphose en Gironde;
UN members reject concrete refugee resettlement target, on The Guardian, by Patrick Kingsley, Aug 3, 2016: negotiators’ statement omits promise to move 10% of refugees to developed world but praises shared responsibility principle;
Comme une grande prison dont les détenus auraient la clé – Islam et relégation urbaine à Montpellier, dans Le Monde diplomatique, par Pierre Daum, Août 2015: décrit tantôt comme une menace pour l’identité nationale, tantôt comme une idéologie guerrière, l’islam fait l’objet d’attaques incessantes dans les médias ou de la part de dirigeants politiques. Mais on aborde rarement cette religion dans sa pratique quotidienne : qu’est-ce qu’être musulman dans une société qui condamne les immigrés et leurs descendants à la ségrégation ? Exemple à Montpellier;
… and this:
- Bliss – Bliss – Mathias Grassow, 36.49 min, uploaded by Ra Mu.