Kashmir’s epic floods link India and Pakistan in disaster

Published on The Washington Post, by Ishaan Tharoor, Sept 9, 2014 (beginning with 37 photos).

… In Indian-administered Kashmir, heavy monsoon rains led to surging floodwaters and the deaths of at least 175 people. Across the disputed border in Pakistani-administered Kashmir, the floods have claimed more than 60 lives, in addition to 131 in Punjab province. It is the mountainous region’s worst flooding in six decades, submerging hundreds of villages and prompting a crisis that has led to a brief thaw in ties between two bickering foes. //

  • « It is a matter of great distress that the retreating monsoon rains have played havoc in many parts of our two countries, » Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a letter to his Pakistani counterpart, Nawaz Sharif. « In this hour of need, I offer any assistance that you may need in the relief efforts that will be undertaken by the government of Pakistan. Our resources are at your disposal. »
  • Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry responded in kind: « We also feel the pain of the people of Indian Kashmir and are ready to help in whatever way possible to mitigate the suffering of the people affected by the floods. »

… On social media, the hashtag #KashmirFloods trended in both countries. Many issued distress calls on Twitter, either seeking relatives and loved ones who were missing or alerting others to their plight. Netizens even attempted to map those in need of aid in Srinagar, the picturesque capital of Indian Kashmir, whose streets turned into canals over the weekend … //

… (full text with many photos and a video included).

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